Embedding graphs in trees, AlGCo seminar (LIRMM), on the board, on topics related to this pre-print.
On the parameterized complexity of computing tree-partitions, LISN seminar (GALaC) (Slides).
Twin-width One, JGA 2024 (Slides) and IRIF seminar (Slides).
Characterizing twin-width 1 graphs, Aurora meeting Bergen-Montpellier 2024.
FO Model-checking for sparse classes, JCALM 2023. Slides
On the parameterized complexity of computing tree-partitions, IPEC22, joint work with Hans Bodlaender and Carla Groenland. Slides
Looking for an improved upper bound to the twin-width of planar graphs, given in the Algorithms seminar at Utrecht University and in Graph@Lyon, based on this pre-print accepted at WG2022, joint work with Marcin Pilipczuk. Slides(v1) Slides(WG)
Close relatives (of Feedback Vertex Set), revisited, IPEC 2021, joint work with Thomas Bellitto, Oscar Defrain, and Marcin Pilipczuk. Extended abstract Slides