Research Internships
- Maximum Independent Set of Rectangles, under the supervision of William
Lochet and Christophe
Paul, LIRMM.
- Exploring the class XNLP, under the supervision of Carla
Groenland and Hans
Bodlaender, Algorithms and Complexity group, Utrecht University.
- Tight complexity bounds for transversal problems parameterized by the width of a given
decomposition, under the supervision of Marcin Pilipczuk,
MIMUW, University of Warsaw.
- Longest greedy orthogonal hamiltonian path in a grid, under the supervision of Cyril Gavoille,
LaBRI. report(French)
Software Projects
- M1 Networks project: MIRCi-beaucoup, a simple
messaging application using a distributed protocol developed with Nicolas Margulies.
- M1 Software Engineering project: Minisoap, a simple and modular signal processing application.
- botus: an IRC bot to play a word guessing game.