Up: Training Report Modeling Phase
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- The considered domain.
- The exact solution.
- The classical shape function.
- The enrichment function g.
- The enriched nodes.
- The results of the code.
- The influence of on the norm.
- The influence of on the norm.
- The unmoving mesh.
- The moving mesh at an initial time step.
- The moving mesh at a subsequent time step.
- The finite element (10 elements) and exact solution.
- The finite element (400 elements) and exact solution.
- The X-FEM (10 elements) and exact solution.
- The results for the classical FEM.
- The results for the XFEM, first shot.
- The X-FEM gives the exact solution.
- Domain split into and
by the surface
- Zoom of the interface
- The iterative procedure in the LATIN algorithm.
- The exact field to solve.
- The Heavyside function.
- The hyperbolic enrichment.
- The enrichment shape.
- The enrichment shape.
- The different enrichment compared with norm.
- The different enrichment compared with norm.
- The move of the crack.
- The move of the interface.
- The mesh used in the X-FEM.
- The move of the enriched nodes.
- The initial distribution.
- The evolution of the interface.
- The evolution of the profile for A)t = 180, B) t = 626 and C) steady-state.
- The initial temperature.
- The Temperature after 5 s.
- The Temperature after 10 s.
- The Temperature after 15 s.
- The Temperature after 20 s.
Renaud Merle