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Square of liquid Alluminium

The next example is a square of aluminum. The boundary conditions are:

   on the square boundary (63)

The figure  35 shows the initial distribution of the temperature. The temperature at the top is . The material coefficients are :

The computation was made with using the adaptation of the generalized Trapezoidal rule with and a time step .

Figure 35: The initial temperature.

The appearance of several next time steps are given on Fig.36, 37,38 and 39. We can note that the liquid region leads the melting temperature very quicly, even if the interface liquid-solid moves slowly. See the movie.

Figure 36: The Temperature after 5 s.
Figure 37: The Temperature after 10 s.
Figure 38: The Temperature after 15 s.
Figure 39: The Temperature after 20 s.

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Renaud Merle 2000-08-26