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The way to integrate the matrix equations

Given our domain divided into elements, we begin by subdividing the elements which are cut by the interface in subelements. In this case, it is not necessary to divide the elements in subtriangles respecting the geometry of the interface like in the case of crack growth. Indeed the move of the cracks and the move of the solid-liquid interface is different (see Fig. 28 and Fig. 29).

Figure 28: The move of the crack.
Figure 29: The move of the interface.

The enriched degrees of freedom are the dofs of each subelements cut by the interface.

Figure 30: The mesh used in the X-FEM.

Each element or subelement is composed by 4 Gauss points located regularly in the element.

Figure 31: The move of the enriched nodes.

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Renaud Merle 2000-08-26