How to stay in touch with me ?¶
Instantaneous video-conference ?¶
First, reach me by e-mail, so we agree on a date and time to call (asynchronous),
Then we use the awesome and brand new website FramaTalk: or Jitsi on jitsi/ (see this page on Jitsi) !
Why ? It does not require any installation or plugin, no need to create any account, no need for a specific software - just your regular web browser (a fairly recent one is needed). And it’s awesomely secured, as the conversation and messages are not spied nor registered (the communication uses peer-to-peer trafic with WebRTC, that’s safe).
Other web services that I like : (by RENATER, for French researchers and teachers), (by INRIA),,, (it was before).
Traditional ways¶
Postal addresses¶
You can write a letter or some postal cards to me (I love them), at the following addresses (listed by decreasing preference):
My Office¶
I don’t have an office but I can receive mail at my new institution, Lycée Kléber, in Strasbourg, in France (see on an OpenStreetMap map)
Dr Lilian Besson
Classe de MP2I
Lycée Kléber
Place de Bordeaux
67000 Strasbourg
My Home¶
To my own place (in France), I would have given my address before, but not anymore! If you are a friend, just ask me :)
If you are a spammer, go on:! Oh, and, go kîll yoùrself also if you are a spammer!! (Well… spammers are usually bots, ie spambots, but it feels good to yell at them anyway!)

If you are not a spammer, go on, you can use one of these email addresses:
You can use this awesome website (
if you don’t have access to an email client right now.
Regular phone¶

To speak directly, e.g. if it is important, you can (try to) call me, you could use my French cellphone number:
You could also try to send me text messages (SMS), with the same number (obviously).
Other methods¶
The next solutions are way more geeky, and you will need a relatively recent computer to try them (or a smartphone).
« Ask me anything! »¶
These two pages can be used to ask my a question publically (everyone can see what you ask and my answer): on GitHub : (in English), (in French), both requires a GitHub account; and on Bitbucket : (in English), (in French), no need for an account.
HTML5 Services¶
These web services, strongly based on the great functions offered by the HTML 5, offer the possibility to talk, to write or even to share files, dynamically. for vocal or videos calls. It seems to be secured and reliable, for video-chat (up to 8 persons at a time), hosted by the FramaSoft non-profit association, for video-chat (up to 8 persons at a time),
RTC Copy to securely send files over the Internet (no matter the type, no matter the size).
Voir aussi
- This page vieprivee.html (in French)
Some others tools are presented there, and they surely can be used to (try to) preserve your on-line private life.