Table of Contents

1  Demonstrations of Single-Player Simulations for Non-Stationary-Bandits

1.1  Creating the problem

1.1.1  Parameters for the simulation

1.1.2  Two MAB problems with Bernoulli arms and piecewise stationary means

1.1.3  Some MAB algorithms  Parameters of the algorithms  Algorithms

1.2  Checking if the problems are too hard or not

1.3  Creating the Evaluator object

1.4  Solving the problem

1.4.1  First problem

1.4.2  Second problem

1.5  Plotting the results

1.5.1  First problem with change on only one arm (Local Restart should be better)

1.5.2  Second problem with changes on all arms (Global restart should be better)

Demonstrations of Single-Player Simulations for Non-Stationary-Bandits

This notebook shows how to 1) define, 2) launch, and 3) plot the results of numerical simulations of piecewise stationary (multi-armed) bandits problems using my framework SMPyBandits. For more details on the maths behind this problem, see this page in the documentation:

First, be sure to be in the main folder, or to have SMPyBandits installed, and import Evaluator from Environment package.

WARNING If you are running this notebook locally, in the `notebooks <>`__ folder in the `SMPyBandits <>`__ source, you need to do:

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '..')

If you are running this notebook elsewhere, SMPyBandits can be pip installed easily: (this is especially true if you run this notebook from Google Colab or MyBinder).

    import SMPyBandits
except ImportError:
    !pip3 install SMPyBandits
Info: Using the Jupyter notebook version of the tqdm() decorator, tqdm_notebook() ...

Let’s just check the versions of the installed modules:

!pip3 install watermark > /dev/null
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -v -m -p SMPyBandits,numpy,matplotlib -a "Lilian Besson"
Lilian Besson

CPython 3.6.7
IPython 7.2.0

SMPyBandits 0.9.4
numpy 1.15.4
matplotlib 3.0.2

compiler   : GCC 8.2.0
system     : Linux
release    : 4.15.0-42-generic
machine    : x86_64
processor  : x86_64
CPU cores  : 4
interpreter: 64bit

We can now import all the modules we need for this demonstration.

import numpy as np
FIGSIZE = (19.80, 10.80)
DPI = 160
# Large figures for pretty notebooks
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = FIGSIZE
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = DPI
# Local imports
from SMPyBandits.Environment import Evaluator, tqdm
# Large figures for pretty notebooks
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = FIGSIZE
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = DPI
# Large figures for pretty notebooks
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = FIGSIZE
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = DPI

We also need arms, for instance Bernoulli-distributed arm:

# Import arms
from SMPyBandits.Arms import Bernoulli

And finally we need some single-player Reinforcement Learning algorithms:

# Import algorithms
from SMPyBandits.Policies import *

Creating the problem

Parameters for the simulation

  • \(T = 2000\) is the time horizon,

  • \(N = 100\) is the number of repetitions, or 1 to debug the simulations,

  • N_JOBS = 4 is the number of cores used to parallelize the code,

  • \(5\) piecewise stationary sequences will have length 400

from multiprocessing import cpu_count
CPU_COUNT = cpu_count()

print("Using {} jobs in parallel...".format(N_JOBS))
Using 4 jobs in parallel...
HORIZON = 2000

print("Using T = {}, and N = {} repetitions".format(HORIZON, REPETITIONS))
Using T = 2000, and N = 50 repetitions

Two MAB problems with Bernoulli arms and piecewise stationary means

We consider in this example \(2\) problems, with Bernoulli arms, of different piecewise stationary means.

  1. The first problem has changes on only one arm at every breakpoint times,

  2. The second problem has changes on all arms at every breakpoint times.

ENVIRONMENT_0 = {   # A simple piece-wise stationary problem
    "arm_type": Bernoulli,
    "params": {
        "listOfMeans": [
            [0.2, 0.5, 0.9],  # 0    to 399
            [0.2, 0.2, 0.9],  # 400  to 799
            [0.2, 0.2, 0.1],  # 800  to 1199
            [0.7, 0.2, 0.1],  # 1200 to 1599
            [0.7, 0.5, 0.1],  # 1600 to end
        "changePoints": [
            int(0    * HORIZON / 2000.0),
            int(400  * HORIZON / 2000.0),
            int(800  * HORIZON / 2000.0),
            int(1200 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
            int(1600 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
# Pb 2 changes are on all or almost arms at a time
ENVIRONMENT_1 =  {   # A simple piece-wise stationary problem
    "arm_type": Bernoulli,
    "params": {
        "listOfMeans": [
            [0.4, 0.5, 0.9],  # 0    to 399
            [0.5, 0.4, 0.7],  # 400  to 799
            [0.6, 0.3, 0.5],  # 800  to 1199
            [0.7, 0.2, 0.3],  # 1200 to 1599
            [0.8, 0.1, 0.1],  # 1600 to end
        "changePoints": [
            int(0    * HORIZON / 2000.0),
            int(400  * HORIZON / 2000.0),
            int(800  * HORIZON / 2000.0),
            int(1200 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
            int(1600 * HORIZON / 2000.0),

list_nb_arms = [len(env["params"]["listOfMeans"][0]) for env in ENVIRONMENTS]
NB_ARMS = max(list_nb_arms)
assert all(n == NB_ARMS for n in list_nb_arms), "Error: it is NOT supported to have successive problems with a different number of arms!"
print("==> Using K = {} arms".format(NB_ARMS))

NB_BREAK_POINTS = max(len(env["params"]["changePoints"]) for env in ENVIRONMENTS)
print("==> Using Upsilon_T = {} change points".format(NB_BREAK_POINTS))

CHANGE_POINTS = np.unique(np.array(list(set.union(*(set(env["params"]["changePoints"]) for env in ENVIRONMENTS)))))
print("==> Using the following {} change points".format(list(CHANGE_POINTS)))
==> Using K = 3 arms
==> Using Upsilon_T = 5 change points
==> Using the following [0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600] change points

Some MAB algorithms

We want compare some classical MAB algorithms (\(\mathrm{UCB}_1\), Thompson Sampling and \(\mathrm{kl}\)-\(\mathrm{UCB}\)) that are designed to solve stationary problems against other algorithms designed to solve piecewise-stationary problems.

Parameters of the algorithms

klucb = klucb_mapping.get(str(ENVIRONMENTS[0]['arm_type']), klucbBern)
<function SMPyBandits.Policies.kullback.klucbBern>
WINDOW_SIZE = int(80 * np.ceil(HORIZON / 10000))
print("M-UCB will use a window of size {}".format(WINDOW_SIZE))
M-UCB will use a window of size 80


POLICIES = [  # XXX Regular adversarial bandits algorithms!
        { "archtype": Exp3PlusPlus, "params": {} },
    ] + [  # XXX Regular stochastic bandits algorithms!
        { "archtype": UCBalpha, "params": { "alpha": 1, } },
        { "archtype": klUCB, "params": { "klucb": klucb, } },
        { "archtype": Thompson, "params": { "posterior": Beta, } },
    ] + [  # XXX This is still highly experimental!
        { "archtype": DiscountedThompson, "params": {
            "posterior": DiscountedBeta, "gamma": gamma
        } }
        for gamma in [0.99, 0.9, 0.7]
    ] + [  # --- The Exp3R algorithm works reasonably well
        { "archtype": Exp3R, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
    ] + [  # --- XXX The Exp3RPlusPlus variant of Exp3R algorithm works also reasonably well
        { "archtype": Exp3RPlusPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }
    ] + [  # --- XXX Test a few CD-MAB algorithms that need to know NB_BREAK_POINTS
        { "archtype": archtype, "params": {
            "horizon": HORIZON,
            "max_nb_random_events": NB_BREAK_POINTS,
            "policy": policy,
            "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart,
        } }
        for archtype in [
            PHT_IndexPolicy,  # OK PHT_IndexPolicy is very much like CUSUM
        for policy in [
            # UCB,  # XXX comment to only test klUCB
        for per_arm_restart in [
            True,  # Per-arm restart XXX comment to only test global arm
            False, # Global restart XXX seems more efficient? (at least more memory efficient!)
    ] + [  # --- XXX Test a few CD-MAB algorithms
        { "archtype": archtype, "params": {
            "horizon": HORIZON,
            "policy": policy,
            "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart,
        } }
        for archtype in [
            BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy,  # OK BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy is very much like CUSUM
            GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy,  # OK GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy is very much like Bernoulli GLR
            SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy, # OK SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy is very much like Gaussian GLR
        for policy in [
            # UCB,  # XXX comment to only test klUCB
        for per_arm_restart in [
            True,  # Per-arm restart XXX comment to only test global arm
            False, # Global restart XXX seems more efficient? (at least more memory efficient!)
    ] + [  # --- XXX The Monitored_IndexPolicy with specific tuning of the input parameters
        { "archtype": Monitored_IndexPolicy, "params": {
            "horizon": HORIZON,
            "w": WINDOW_SIZE,
            "b": np.sqrt(WINDOW_SIZE/2 * np.log(2 * NB_ARMS * HORIZON**2)),
            "policy": policy,
            "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart,
        } }
        for policy in [
            # UCB,
            klUCB,  # XXX comment to only test UCB
        for per_arm_restart in [
            True,  # Per-arm restart XXX comment to only test global arm
            False, # Global restart XXX seems more efficient? (at least more memory efficient!)
    ] + [  # --- DONE The SW_UCB_Hash algorithm works fine!
        { "archtype": SWHash_IndexPolicy, "params": {
            "alpha": alpha, "lmbda": lmbda, "policy": UCB,
        } }
        for alpha in [1.0]
        for lmbda in [1]
    ] + [ # --- # XXX experimental other version of the sliding window algorithm, knowing the horizon
        { "archtype": SWUCBPlus, "params": {
            "horizon": HORIZON, "alpha": alpha,
        } }
        for alpha in [1.0]
    ] + [ # --- # XXX experimental discounted UCB algorithm, knowing the horizon
        { "archtype": DiscountedUCBPlus, "params": {
            "max_nb_random_events": max_nb_random_events, "alpha": alpha, "horizon": HORIZON,
        } }
        for alpha in [1.0]
        for max_nb_random_events in [NB_BREAK_POINTS]
    ] + [  # --- DONE the OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy with klUCB/UCB policy works quite well, but NOT optimally!
        { "archtype": OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy, "params": {
            "changePoints": CHANGE_POINTS, "policy": policy,
            "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart,
            # "full_restart_when_refresh": full_restart_when_refresh,
        } }
        for policy in [
            klUCB,  # XXX comment to only test UCB
            Exp3PlusPlus,  # XXX comment to only test UCB
        for per_arm_restart in [True]  #, False]
        # for full_restart_when_refresh in [True, False]

The complete configuration for the problems and these algorithms is then a simple dictionary:

configuration = {
    # --- Duration of the experiment
    "horizon": HORIZON,
    # --- Number of repetition of the experiment (to have an average)
    "repetitions": REPETITIONS,
    # --- Parameters for the use of joblib.Parallel
    "n_jobs": N_JOBS,    # = nb of CPU cores
    "verbosity": 0,      # Max joblib verbosity
    # --- Arms
    "environment": ENVIRONMENTS,
    # --- Algorithms
    "policies": POLICIES,
    # --- Random events
    "nb_break_points": NB_BREAK_POINTS,
    # --- Should we plot the lower-bounds or not?
    "plot_lowerbound": False,  # XXX Default

{'horizon': 2000,
 'repetitions': 50,
 'n_jobs': 4,
 'verbosity': 0,
 'environment': [{'arm_type': SMPyBandits.Arms.Bernoulli.Bernoulli,
   'params': {'listOfMeans': [[0.2, 0.5, 0.9],
     [0.2, 0.2, 0.9],
     [0.2, 0.2, 0.1],
     [0.7, 0.2, 0.1],
     [0.7, 0.5, 0.1]],
    'changePoints': [0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600]}},
  {'arm_type': SMPyBandits.Arms.Bernoulli.Bernoulli,
   'params': {'listOfMeans': [[0.4, 0.5, 0.9],
     [0.5, 0.4, 0.7],
     [0.6, 0.3, 0.5],
     [0.7, 0.2, 0.3],
     [0.8, 0.1, 0.1]],
    'changePoints': [0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600]}}],
 'policies': [{'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.Exp3PlusPlus.Exp3PlusPlus,
   'params': {}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.UCBalpha.UCBalpha, 'params': {'alpha': 1}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
   'params': {'klucb': <function SMPyBandits.Policies.kullback.klucbBern>}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.Thompson.Thompson,
   'params': {'posterior': SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.Beta.Beta}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson,
   'params': {'posterior': SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta,
    'gamma': 0.99}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson,
   'params': {'posterior': SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta,
    'gamma': 0.9}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson,
   'params': {'posterior': SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta,
    'gamma': 0.7}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.Exp3R, 'params': {'horizon': 2000}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.Exp3RPlusPlus,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.CUSUM_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'max_nb_random_events': 5,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': True}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.CUSUM_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'max_nb_random_events': 5,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': False}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.PHT_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'max_nb_random_events': 5,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': True}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.PHT_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'max_nb_random_events': 5,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': False}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': True}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': False}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': True}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': False}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': True}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': False}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.Monitored_UCB.Monitored_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'w': 80,
    'b': 26.07187326473663,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': True}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.Monitored_UCB.Monitored_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000,
    'w': 80,
    'b': 26.07187326473663,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': False}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.SWHash_UCB.SWHash_IndexPolicy,
   'params': {'alpha': 1.0,
    'lmbda': 1,
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.UCB.UCB}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.SlidingWindowUCB.SWUCBPlus,
   'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'alpha': 1.0}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedUCB.DiscountedUCBPlus,
   'params': {'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'alpha': 1.0, 'horizon': 2000}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy,
   'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]),
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.UCB.UCB,
    'per_arm_restart': True}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy,
   'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]),
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB,
    'per_arm_restart': True}},
  {'archtype': SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy,
   'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]),
    'policy': SMPyBandits.Policies.Exp3PlusPlus.Exp3PlusPlus,
    'per_arm_restart': True}}],
 'nb_break_points': 5,
 'plot_lowerbound': False}
# (almost) unique hash from the configuration
hashvalue = abs(hash((tuple(configuration.keys()), tuple([(len(k) if isinstance(k, (dict, tuple, list)) else k) for k in configuration.values()]))))
print("This configuration has a hash value = {}".format(hashvalue))
This configuration has a hash value = 427944937445357777
import os, os.path
subfolder = "SP__K{}_T{}_N{}__{}_algos".format(NB_ARMS, HORIZON, REPETITIONS, len(POLICIES))
PLOT_DIR = "plots"
plot_dir = os.path.join(PLOT_DIR, subfolder)

# Create the sub folder
if os.path.isdir(plot_dir):
    print("{} is already a directory here...".format(plot_dir))
elif os.path.isfile(plot_dir):
    raise ValueError("[ERROR] {} is a file, cannot use it as a directory !".format(plot_dir))

print("Using sub folder = '{}' and plotting in '{}'...".format(subfolder, plot_dir))
Using sub folder = 'SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos' and plotting in 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos'...
mainfig = os.path.join(plot_dir, "main")
print("Using main figure name as '{}_{}'...".format(mainfig, hashvalue))
Using main figure name as 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main_427944937445357777'...

Checking if the problems are too hard or not

If we assume we have a result that bounds the delay of the Change-Detection algorithm by a certain quantity \(D\), we can check that the sequence lengths (ie, \(\tau_{m+1}-\tau_m\)) are large enough for the CD-klUCB algorithm (our proposal) to be efficient.

def lowerbound_on_sequence_length(horizon, gap):
    r""" A function that computes the lower-bound (we will find) on the sequence length to have a reasonable bound on the delay of our change-detection algorithm.

    - It returns the smallest possible sequence length :math:`L = \tau_{m+1} - \tau_m` satisfying:

    .. math:: L \geq \frac{8}{\Delta^2} \log(T).
    if np.isclose(gap, 0): return 0
    condition = lambda length: length >= (8/gap**2) * np.log(horizon)
    length = 1
    while not condition(length):
        length += 1
    return length
def check_condition_on_piecewise_stationary_problems(horizon, listOfMeans, changePoints):
    """ Check some conditions on the piecewise stationary problem."""
    M = len(listOfMeans)
    print("For a piecewise stationary problem with M = {} sequences...".format(M))  # DEBUG
    for m in range(M - 1):
        mus_m = listOfMeans[m]
        tau_m = changePoints[m]
        mus_mp1 = listOfMeans[m+1]
        tau_mp1 = changePoints[m+1]
        print("\nChecking m-th (m = {}) sequence, µ_m = {}, µ_m+1 = {} and tau_m = {} and tau_m+1 = {}".format(m, mus_m, mus_mp1, tau_m, tau_mp1))  # DEBUG
        for i, (mu_i_m, mu_i_mp1) in enumerate(zip(mus_m, mus_mp1)):
            gap = abs(mu_i_m - mu_i_mp1)
            length = tau_mp1 - tau_m
            lowerbound = lowerbound_on_sequence_length(horizon, gap)
            print("   - For arm i = {}, gap = {:.3g} and length = {} with lowerbound on length = {}...".format(i, gap, length, lowerbound))  # DEBUG
            if length < lowerbound:
                print("WARNING For arm i = {}, gap = {:.3g} and length = {} < lowerbound on length = {} !!".format(i, gap, length, lowerbound))  # DEBUG
for envId, env in enumerate(configuration["environment"]):
    print("\n\n\nChecking environment number {}".format(envId))  # DEBUG
    listOfMeans = env["params"]["listOfMeans"]
    changePoints = env["params"]["changePoints"]
    check_condition_on_piecewise_stationary_problems(HORIZON, listOfMeans, changePoints)

Checking environment number 0
For a piecewise stationary problem with M = 5 sequences...

Checking m-th (m = 0) sequence, µ_m = [0.2, 0.5, 0.9], µ_m+1 = [0.2, 0.2, 0.9] and tau_m = 0 and tau_m+1 = 400
   - For arm i = 0, gap = 0 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 0...
   - For arm i = 1, gap = 0.3 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 676...
WARNING For arm i = 1, gap = 0.3 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 676 !!
   - For arm i = 2, gap = 0 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 0...

Checking m-th (m = 1) sequence, µ_m = [0.2, 0.2, 0.9], µ_m+1 = [0.2, 0.2, 0.1] and tau_m = 400 and tau_m+1 = 800
   - For arm i = 0, gap = 0 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 0...
   - For arm i = 1, gap = 0 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 0...
   - For arm i = 2, gap = 0.8 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 96...

Checking m-th (m = 2) sequence, µ_m = [0.2, 0.2, 0.1], µ_m+1 = [0.7, 0.2, 0.1] and tau_m = 800 and tau_m+1 = 1200
   - For arm i = 0, gap = 0.5 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 244...
   - For arm i = 1, gap = 0 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 0...
   - For arm i = 2, gap = 0 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 0...

Checking m-th (m = 3) sequence, µ_m = [0.7, 0.2, 0.1], µ_m+1 = [0.7, 0.5, 0.1] and tau_m = 1200 and tau_m+1 = 1600
   - For arm i = 0, gap = 0 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 0...
   - For arm i = 1, gap = 0.3 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 676...
WARNING For arm i = 1, gap = 0.3 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 676 !!
   - For arm i = 2, gap = 0 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 0...

Checking environment number 1
For a piecewise stationary problem with M = 5 sequences...

Checking m-th (m = 0) sequence, µ_m = [0.4, 0.5, 0.9], µ_m+1 = [0.5, 0.4, 0.7] and tau_m = 0 and tau_m+1 = 400
   - For arm i = 0, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 6081...
WARNING For arm i = 0, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 6081 !!
   - For arm i = 1, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 6081...
WARNING For arm i = 1, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 6081 !!
   - For arm i = 2, gap = 0.2 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 1521...
WARNING For arm i = 2, gap = 0.2 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 1521 !!

Checking m-th (m = 1) sequence, µ_m = [0.5, 0.4, 0.7], µ_m+1 = [0.6, 0.3, 0.5] and tau_m = 400 and tau_m+1 = 800
   - For arm i = 0, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 6081...
WARNING For arm i = 0, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 6081 !!
   - For arm i = 1, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 6081...
WARNING For arm i = 1, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 6081 !!
   - For arm i = 2, gap = 0.2 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 1521...
WARNING For arm i = 2, gap = 0.2 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 1521 !!

Checking m-th (m = 2) sequence, µ_m = [0.6, 0.3, 0.5], µ_m+1 = [0.7, 0.2, 0.3] and tau_m = 800 and tau_m+1 = 1200
   - For arm i = 0, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 6081...
WARNING For arm i = 0, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 6081 !!
   - For arm i = 1, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 6081...
WARNING For arm i = 1, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 6081 !!
   - For arm i = 2, gap = 0.2 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 1521...
WARNING For arm i = 2, gap = 0.2 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 1521 !!

Checking m-th (m = 3) sequence, µ_m = [0.7, 0.2, 0.3], µ_m+1 = [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] and tau_m = 1200 and tau_m+1 = 1600
   - For arm i = 0, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 6081...
WARNING For arm i = 0, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 6081 !!
   - For arm i = 1, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 6081...
WARNING For arm i = 1, gap = 0.1 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 6081 !!
   - For arm i = 2, gap = 0.2 and length = 400 with lowerbound on length = 1521...
WARNING For arm i = 2, gap = 0.2 and length = 400 < lowerbound on length = 1521 !!

We checked that the two problems are not “easy enough” for our approach to be provably efficient.

Creating the Evaluator object

evaluation = Evaluator(configuration)
Number of policies in this comparison: 27
Time horizon: 2000
Number of repetitions: 50
Sampling rate for plotting, delta_t_plot: 1
Number of jobs for parallelization: 4
Using this dictionary to create a new environment:
 {'arm_type': <class 'SMPyBandits.Arms.Bernoulli.Bernoulli'>, 'params': {'listOfMeans': [[0.2, 0.5, 0.9], [0.2, 0.2, 0.9], [0.2, 0.2, 0.1], [0.7, 0.2, 0.1], [0.7, 0.5, 0.1]], 'changePoints': [0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600]}}
  Special MAB problem, with arm (possibly) changing at every time step, read from a dictionnary 'configuration' = {'arm_type': <class 'SMPyBandits.Arms.Bernoulli.Bernoulli'>, 'params': {'listOfMeans': [[0.2, 0.5, 0.9], [0.2, 0.2, 0.9], [0.2, 0.2, 0.1], [0.7, 0.2, 0.1], [0.7, 0.5, 0.1]], 'changePoints': [0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600]}} ...
 - with 'arm_type' = <class 'SMPyBandits.Arms.Bernoulli.Bernoulli'>
 - with 'params' = {'listOfMeans': [[0.2, 0.5, 0.9], [0.2, 0.2, 0.9], [0.2, 0.2, 0.1], [0.7, 0.2, 0.1], [0.7, 0.5, 0.1]], 'changePoints': [0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600]}
 - with 'listOfMeans' = [[0.2 0.5 0.9]
 [0.2 0.2 0.9]
 [0.2 0.2 0.1]
 [0.7 0.2 0.1]
 [0.7 0.5 0.1]]
 - with 'changePoints' = [0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600]

 ==> Creating the dynamic arms ...
   - with 'nbArms' = 3
   - with 'arms' = [B(0.2), B(0.5), B(0.9)]
 - Initial draw of 'means' = [0.2 0.5 0.9]
Using this dictionary to create a new environment:
 {'arm_type': <class 'SMPyBandits.Arms.Bernoulli.Bernoulli'>, 'params': {'listOfMeans': [[0.4, 0.5, 0.9], [0.5, 0.4, 0.7], [0.6, 0.3, 0.5], [0.7, 0.2, 0.3], [0.8, 0.1, 0.1]], 'changePoints': [0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600]}}
  Special MAB problem, with arm (possibly) changing at every time step, read from a dictionnary 'configuration' = {'arm_type': <class 'SMPyBandits.Arms.Bernoulli.Bernoulli'>, 'params': {'listOfMeans': [[0.4, 0.5, 0.9], [0.5, 0.4, 0.7], [0.6, 0.3, 0.5], [0.7, 0.2, 0.3], [0.8, 0.1, 0.1]], 'changePoints': [0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600]}} ...
 - with 'arm_type' = <class 'SMPyBandits.Arms.Bernoulli.Bernoulli'>
 - with 'params' = {'listOfMeans': [[0.4, 0.5, 0.9], [0.5, 0.4, 0.7], [0.6, 0.3, 0.5], [0.7, 0.2, 0.3], [0.8, 0.1, 0.1]], 'changePoints': [0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600]}
 - with 'listOfMeans' = [[0.4 0.5 0.9]
 [0.5 0.4 0.7]
 [0.6 0.3 0.5]
 [0.7 0.2 0.3]
 [0.8 0.1 0.1]]
 - with 'changePoints' = [0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600]

 ==> Creating the dynamic arms ...
   - with 'nbArms' = 3
   - with 'arms' = [B(0.4), B(0.5), B(0.9)]
 - Initial draw of 'means' = [0.4 0.5 0.9]
Number of environments to try: 2
def printAll(evaluation, envId):
    print("\nGiving the vector of final regrets ...")
    print("\nGiving the final ranks ...")
    print("\nGiving the mean and std running times ...")
    print("\nGiving the mean and std memory consumption ...")

Solving the problem

Now we can simulate all the environments.

WARNING That part takes some time, most stationary algorithms run with a time complexity linear in the horizon (ie., time takes \(\mathcal{O}(T)\)) and most piecewise stationary algorithms run with a time complexity square in the horizon (ie., time takes \(\mathcal{O}(T^2)\)).

First problem

envId = 0
env = evaluation.envs[envId]
# Show the problem
Warning: forcing to use putatright = False because there is 3 items in the legend.
CPU times: user 1.55 s, sys: 301 ms, total: 1.85 s
Wall time: 1.43 s
# Evaluate just that env
evaluation.startOneEnv(envId, env)

Evaluating environment: PieceWiseStationaryMAB(nbArms: 3, arms: [B(0.2), B(0.5), B(0.9)])
- Adding policy #1 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Exp3PlusPlus.Exp3PlusPlus'>, 'params': {}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][0]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Exp3PlusPlus.Exp3PlusPlus'>, 'params': {}} ...
- Adding policy #2 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCBalpha.UCBalpha'>, 'params': {'alpha': 1}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][1]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCBalpha.UCBalpha'>, 'params': {'alpha': 1}} ...
- Adding policy #3 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'params': {'klucb': <built-in function klucbBern>}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][2]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'params': {'klucb': <built-in function klucbBern>}} ...
- Adding policy #4 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Thompson.Thompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.Beta.Beta'>}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][3]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Thompson.Thompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.Beta.Beta'>}} ...
- Adding policy #5 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.99}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][4]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.99}} ...
- Adding policy #6 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.9}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][5]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.9}} ...
- Adding policy #7 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.7}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][6]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.7}} ...
- Adding policy #8 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.Exp3R'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][7]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.Exp3R'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000}} ...
Warning: the policy Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$) tried to use default value of gamma = 0.11191812753316992 but could not set attribute self.policy.gamma to gamma (maybe it's using an Exp3 with a non-constant value of gamma).
- Adding policy #9 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.Exp3RPlusPlus'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][8]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.Exp3RPlusPlus'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000}} ...
Warning: the policy Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$) tried to use default value of gamma = 0.11191812753316992 but could not set attribute self.policy.gamma to gamma (maybe it's using an Exp3 with a non-constant value of gamma).
- Adding policy #10 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.CUSUM_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][9]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.CUSUM_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
compute_h_alpha_from_input_parameters__CUSUM() with:
T = 2000, UpsilonT = 5, K = 3, epsilon = 0.5, lmbda = 1, M = 100
Gave C2 = 1.0986122886681098, C1- = 2.1972245773362196 and C1+ = 0.6359887667199967 so C1 = 0.6359887667199967, and h = 9.420708132956397 and alpha = 0.0048256437784349945
- Adding policy #11 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.CUSUM_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][10]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.CUSUM_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
compute_h_alpha_from_input_parameters__CUSUM() with:
T = 2000, UpsilonT = 5, K = 3, epsilon = 0.5, lmbda = 1, M = 100
Gave C2 = 1.0986122886681098, C1- = 2.1972245773362196 and C1+ = 0.6359887667199967 so C1 = 0.6359887667199967, and h = 9.420708132956397 and alpha = 0.0048256437784349945
- Adding policy #12 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.PHT_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][11]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.PHT_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
compute_h_alpha_from_input_parameters__CUSUM() with:
T = 2000, UpsilonT = 5, K = 3, epsilon = 0.5, lmbda = 1, M = 100
Gave C2 = 1.0986122886681098, C1- = 2.1972245773362196 and C1+ = 0.6359887667199967 so C1 = 0.6359887667199967, and h = 9.420708132956397 and alpha = 0.0048256437784349945
- Adding policy #13 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.PHT_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][12]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.PHT_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
compute_h_alpha_from_input_parameters__CUSUM() with:
T = 2000, UpsilonT = 5, K = 3, epsilon = 0.5, lmbda = 1, M = 100
Gave C2 = 1.0986122886681098, C1- = 2.1972245773362196 and C1+ = 0.6359887667199967 so C1 = 0.6359887667199967, and h = 9.420708132956397 and alpha = 0.0048256437784349945
- Adding policy #14 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][13]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
- Adding policy #15 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][14]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
- Adding policy #16 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][15]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
- Adding policy #17 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][16]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
- Adding policy #18 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][17]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
- Adding policy #19 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][18]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
- Adding policy #20 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Monitored_UCB.Monitored_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'w': 80, 'b': 26.07187326473663, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][19]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Monitored_UCB.Monitored_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'w': 80, 'b': 26.07187326473663, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
Warning: the formula for gamma in the paper gave gamma = 0.0, that's absurd, we use instead 0.006622516556291391
- Adding policy #21 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Monitored_UCB.Monitored_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'w': 80, 'b': 26.07187326473663, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][20]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Monitored_UCB.Monitored_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'w': 80, 'b': 26.07187326473663, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
Warning: the formula for gamma in the paper gave gamma = 0.0, that's absurd, we use instead 0.006622516556291391
- Adding policy #22 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.SWHash_UCB.SWHash_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'alpha': 1.0, 'lmbda': 1, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCB.UCB'>}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][21]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.SWHash_UCB.SWHash_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'alpha': 1.0, 'lmbda': 1, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCB.UCB'>}} ...
- Adding policy #23 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.SlidingWindowUCB.SWUCBPlus'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'alpha': 1.0}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][22]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.SlidingWindowUCB.SWUCBPlus'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'alpha': 1.0}} ...
- Adding policy #24 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedUCB.DiscountedUCBPlus'>, 'params': {'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'alpha': 1.0, 'horizon': 2000}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][23]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedUCB.DiscountedUCBPlus'>, 'params': {'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'alpha': 1.0, 'horizon': 2000}} ...
- Adding policy #25 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCB.UCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][24]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCB.UCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
Info: creating a new policy OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm), with change points = [400, 800, 1200, 1600]...
- Adding policy #26 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][25]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
Info: creating a new policy OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm), with change points = [400, 800, 1200, 1600]...
- Adding policy #27 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Exp3PlusPlus.Exp3PlusPlus'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][26]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Exp3PlusPlus.Exp3PlusPlus'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
Info: creating a new policy OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm), with change points = [400, 800, 1200, 1600]...

- Evaluating policy #1/27: Exp3++ ...

- Evaluating policy #2/27: UCB($\alpha=1$) ...

- Evaluating policy #3/27: kl-UCB ...

- Evaluating policy #4/27: Thompson ...

- Evaluating policy #5/27: DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.99$) ...

- Evaluating policy #6/27: DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.9$) ...

- Evaluating policy #7/27: DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.7$) ...

- Evaluating policy #8/27: Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$) ...

- Evaluating policy #9/27: Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$) ...

- Evaluating policy #10/27: CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm) ...

- Evaluating policy #11/27: CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global) ...

- Evaluating policy #12/27: PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm) ...

- Evaluating policy #13/27: PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global) ...

- Evaluating policy #14/27: BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm) ...

- Evaluating policy #15/27: BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Global) ...

- Evaluating policy #16/27: GaussianGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm) ...

- Evaluating policy #17/27: GaussianGLR-klUCB(Global) ...

- Evaluating policy #18/27: SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Per-Arm) ...

- Evaluating policy #19/27: SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Global) ...

- Evaluating policy #20/27: M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Per-Arm) ...

- Evaluating policy #21/27: M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Global) ...

- Evaluating policy #22/27: SW-UCB#($\lambda=1$, $\alpha=1$) ...

- Evaluating policy #23/27: SW-UCB+($\tau=493$, $\alpha=1$) ...

- Evaluating policy #24/27: D-UCB+($\alpha=1$, $\gamma=0.9875$) ...

- Evaluating policy #25/27: OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm) ...

- Evaluating policy #26/27: OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm) ...

- Evaluating policy #27/27: OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm) ...
CPU times: user 16.6 s, sys: 403 ms, total: 17 s
Wall time: 22min 52s
_ = printAll(evaluation, envId)
Giving the vector of final regrets ...

  For policy #0 called 'Exp3++' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 476
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 476
Median of last regrets R_T = 476
Max of    last regrets R_T = 476
STD of    last regrets R_T = 5.68e-14

  For policy #1 called 'UCB($\alpha=1$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 87.5
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 87.5
Median of last regrets R_T = 87.5
Max of    last regrets R_T = 87.5
STD of    last regrets R_T = 1.42e-14

  For policy #2 called 'kl-UCB' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 92.6
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 92.6
Median of last regrets R_T = 92.6
Max of    last regrets R_T = 92.6
STD of    last regrets R_T = 1.42e-14

  For policy #3 called 'Thompson' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 215
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 215
Median of last regrets R_T = 215
Max of    last regrets R_T = 215
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #4 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.99$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 27.4
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 27.4
Median of last regrets R_T = 27.4
Max of    last regrets R_T = 27.4
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #5 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.9$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 171
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 171
Median of last regrets R_T = 171
Max of    last regrets R_T = 171
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #6 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.7$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 426
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 426
Median of last regrets R_T = 426
Max of    last regrets R_T = 426
STD of    last regrets R_T = 5.68e-14

  For policy #7 called 'Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 587
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 587
Median of last regrets R_T = 587
Max of    last regrets R_T = 587
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #8 called 'Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 550
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 550
Median of last regrets R_T = 550
Max of    last regrets R_T = 550
STD of    last regrets R_T = 1.14e-13

  For policy #9 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 25.5
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 25.5
Median of last regrets R_T = 25.5
Max of    last regrets R_T = 25.5
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #10 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 31.6
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 31.6
Median of last regrets R_T = 31.6
Max of    last regrets R_T = 31.6
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #11 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 28.8
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 28.8
Median of last regrets R_T = 28.8
Max of    last regrets R_T = 28.8
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #12 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 24.4
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 24.4
Median of last regrets R_T = 24.4
Max of    last regrets R_T = 24.4
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #13 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 21.1
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 21.1
Median of last regrets R_T = 21.1
Max of    last regrets R_T = 21.1
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #14 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 37.6
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 37.6
Median of last regrets R_T = 37.6
Max of    last regrets R_T = 37.6
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #15 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 27.8
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 27.8
Median of last regrets R_T = 27.8
Max of    last regrets R_T = 27.8
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #16 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 36.9
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 36.9
Median of last regrets R_T = 36.9
Max of    last regrets R_T = 36.9
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #17 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 89.2
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 89.2
Median of last regrets R_T = 89.2
Max of    last regrets R_T = 89.2
STD of    last regrets R_T = 1.42e-14

  For policy #18 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 127
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 127
Median of last regrets R_T = 127
Max of    last regrets R_T = 127
STD of    last regrets R_T = 1.42e-14

  For policy #19 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 28.4
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 28.4
Median of last regrets R_T = 28.4
Max of    last regrets R_T = 28.4
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #20 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 31.5
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 31.5
Median of last regrets R_T = 31.5
Max of    last regrets R_T = 31.5
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #21 called 'SW-UCB#($\lambda=1$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 79.5
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 79.5
Median of last regrets R_T = 79.5
Max of    last regrets R_T = 79.5
STD of    last regrets R_T = 1.42e-14

  For policy #22 called 'SW-UCB+($\tau=493$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 77.5
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 77.5
Median of last regrets R_T = 77.5
Max of    last regrets R_T = 77.5
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #23 called 'D-UCB+($\alpha=1$, $\gamma=0.9875$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 578
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 578
Median of last regrets R_T = 578
Max of    last regrets R_T = 578
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #24 called 'OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 85.9
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 85.9
Median of last regrets R_T = 85.9
Max of    last regrets R_T = 85.9
STD of    last regrets R_T = 1.42e-14

  For policy #25 called 'OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 56.8
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 56.8
Median of last regrets R_T = 56.8
Max of    last regrets R_T = 56.8
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #26 called 'OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 483
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 483
Median of last regrets R_T = 483
Max of    last regrets R_T = 483
STD of    last regrets R_T = 1.14e-13

Giving the final ranks ...

Final ranking for this environment #0 :
- Policy 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)'  was ranked      1 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 21.146).
- Policy 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)'        was ranked      2 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 24.43).
- Policy 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)'     was ranked      3 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 25.476).
- Policy 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.99$)'    was ranked      4 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 27.378).
- Policy 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)'   was ranked      5 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 27.776).
- Policy 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Per-Arm)'      was ranked      6 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 28.386).
- Policy 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)'       was ranked      7 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 28.796).
- Policy 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Global)'       was ranked      8 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 31.53).
- Policy 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)'      was ranked      9 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 31.612).
- Policy 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Global)'    was ranked      10 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 36.912).
- Policy 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Global)'   was ranked      11 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 37.576).
- Policy 'OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' was ranked      12 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 56.806).
- Policy 'SW-UCB+($\tau=493$, $\alpha=1$)'      was ranked      13 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 77.386).
- Policy 'SW-UCB#($\lambda=1$, $\alpha=1$)'     was ranked      14 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 79.482).
- Policy 'OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)'   was ranked      15 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 85.9).
- Policy 'UCB($\alpha=1$)'      was ranked      16 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 87.53).
- Policy 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Per-Arm)' was ranked      17 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 88.882).
- Policy 'kl-UCB'       was ranked      18 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 92.558).
- Policy 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Global)'  was ranked      19 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 126.09).
- Policy 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.9$)'     was ranked      20 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 169.78).
- Policy 'Thompson'     was ranked      21 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 214.75).
- Policy 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.7$)'     was ranked      22 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 424.28).
- Policy 'Exp3++'       was ranked      23 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 473.69).
- Policy 'OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)'  was ranked      24 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 480.71).
- Policy 'Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$)'  was ranked      25 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 545.47).
- Policy 'D-UCB+($\alpha=1$, $\gamma=0.9875$)'  was ranked      26 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 573.37).
- Policy 'Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$)'     was ranked      27 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 583.93).

Giving the mean and std running times ...

For policy #6 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.7$)' ...
    120 ms ± 21.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #3 called 'Thompson' ...
    142 ms ± 46.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #4 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.99$)' ...
    145 ms ± 38.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #5 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.9$)' ...
    145 ms ± 31.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #24 called 'OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    215 ms ± 73.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #1 called 'UCB($\alpha=1$)' ...
    316 ms ± 84.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #25 called 'OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    361 ms ± 67.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #2 called 'kl-UCB' ...
    365 ms ± 81.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #23 called 'D-UCB+($\alpha=1$, $\gamma=0.9875$)' ...
    432 ms ± 103 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #22 called 'SW-UCB+($\tau=493$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
    639 ms ± 150 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #20 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Global)' ...
    688 ms ± 243 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #19 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Per-Arm)' ...
    821 ms ± 245 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #0 called 'Exp3++' ...
    1.13 s ± 236 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #26 called 'OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    1.14 s ± 275 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #7 called 'Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$)' ...
    1.27 s ± 134 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #8 called 'Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$)' ...
    1.45 s ± 121 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #11 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
    2.21 s ± 329 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #12 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
    2.75 s ± 951 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #9 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
    2.99 s ± 586 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #10 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
    3.22 s ± 1.02 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #21 called 'SW-UCB#($\lambda=1$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
    3.46 s ± 643 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #18 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Global)' ...
    5.21 s ± 2.65 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #17 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Per-Arm)' ...
    7.67 s ± 1.75 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #13 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
    15.7 s ± 3.76 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #16 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
    17.4 s ± 3.56 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #15 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
    18 s ± 2.78 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #14 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
    18.5 s ± 3.84 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

Giving the mean and std memory consumption ...

For policy #1 called 'UCB($\alpha=1$)' ...
    636 B ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #3 called 'Thompson' ...
    826.9 B ± 0.3 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #5 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.9$)' ...
    994 B ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #6 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.7$)' ...
    994 B ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #4 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.99$)' ...
    995 B ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #2 called 'kl-UCB' ...
    1007 B ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #0 called 'Exp3++' ...
    1 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #23 called 'D-UCB+($\alpha=1$, $\gamma=0.9875$)' ...
    1.2 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #18 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Global)' ...
    2.9 KiB ± 990.6 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #17 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Per-Arm)' ...
    4.4 KiB ± 1.7 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #25 called 'OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    7.2 KiB ± 720.5 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #26 called 'OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    7.5 KiB ± 1003.7 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #24 called 'OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    7.6 KiB ± 934.6 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #16 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
    8.1 KiB ± 1.2 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #14 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
    8.5 KiB ± 1.7 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #22 called 'SW-UCB+($\tau=493$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
    8.6 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #10 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
    8.8 KiB ± 3.2 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #15 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
    10.5 KiB ± 1.2 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #13 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
    10.6 KiB ± 757.1 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #9 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
    10.6 KiB ± 2.3 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #20 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Global)' ...
    11.5 KiB ± 1.7 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #19 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Per-Arm)' ...
    12 KiB ± 1.7 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #12 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
    12 KiB ± 49.4 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #11 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
    12.1 KiB ± 73.3 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #7 called 'Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$)' ...
    18.9 KiB ± 0.5 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #8 called 'Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$)' ...
    19.1 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

For policy #21 called 'SW-UCB#($\lambda=1$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
    78.6 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 50 runs)

Second problem

envId = 1
env = evaluation.envs[envId]
# Show the problem
Warning: forcing to use putatright = False because there is 3 items in the legend.
CPU times: user 1.05 s, sys: 368 ms, total: 1.42 s
Wall time: 959 ms
# Evaluate just that env
evaluation.startOneEnv(envId, env)

Evaluating environment: PieceWiseStationaryMAB(nbArms: 3, arms: [B(0.4), B(0.5), B(0.9)])
- Adding policy #1 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Exp3PlusPlus.Exp3PlusPlus'>, 'params': {}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][0]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Exp3PlusPlus.Exp3PlusPlus'>, 'params': {}} ...
- Adding policy #2 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCBalpha.UCBalpha'>, 'params': {'alpha': 1}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][1]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCBalpha.UCBalpha'>, 'params': {'alpha': 1}} ...
- Adding policy #3 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'params': {'klucb': <built-in function klucbBern>}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][2]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'params': {'klucb': <built-in function klucbBern>}} ...
- Adding policy #4 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Thompson.Thompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.Beta.Beta'>}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][3]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Thompson.Thompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.Beta.Beta'>}} ...
- Adding policy #5 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.99}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][4]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.99}} ...
- Adding policy #6 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.9}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][5]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.9}} ...
- Adding policy #7 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.7}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][6]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedThompson.DiscountedThompson'>, 'params': {'posterior': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Posterior.DiscountedBeta.DiscountedBeta'>, 'gamma': 0.7}} ...
- Adding policy #8 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.Exp3R'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][7]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.Exp3R'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000}} ...
Warning: the policy Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$) tried to use default value of gamma = 0.11191812753316992 but could not set attribute self.policy.gamma to gamma (maybe it's using an Exp3 with a non-constant value of gamma).
- Adding policy #9 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.Exp3RPlusPlus'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][8]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.Exp3RPlusPlus'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000}} ...
Warning: the policy Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$) tried to use default value of gamma = 0.11191812753316992 but could not set attribute self.policy.gamma to gamma (maybe it's using an Exp3 with a non-constant value of gamma).
- Adding policy #10 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.CUSUM_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][9]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.CUSUM_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
compute_h_alpha_from_input_parameters__CUSUM() with:
T = 2000, UpsilonT = 5, K = 3, epsilon = 0.5, lmbda = 1, M = 100
Gave C2 = 1.0986122886681098, C1- = 2.1972245773362196 and C1+ = 0.6359887667199967 so C1 = 0.6359887667199967, and h = 9.420708132956397 and alpha = 0.0048256437784349945
- Adding policy #11 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.CUSUM_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][10]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.CUSUM_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
compute_h_alpha_from_input_parameters__CUSUM() with:
T = 2000, UpsilonT = 5, K = 3, epsilon = 0.5, lmbda = 1, M = 100
Gave C2 = 1.0986122886681098, C1- = 2.1972245773362196 and C1+ = 0.6359887667199967 so C1 = 0.6359887667199967, and h = 9.420708132956397 and alpha = 0.0048256437784349945
- Adding policy #12 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.PHT_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][11]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.PHT_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
compute_h_alpha_from_input_parameters__CUSUM() with:
T = 2000, UpsilonT = 5, K = 3, epsilon = 0.5, lmbda = 1, M = 100
Gave C2 = 1.0986122886681098, C1- = 2.1972245773362196 and C1+ = 0.6359887667199967 so C1 = 0.6359887667199967, and h = 9.420708132956397 and alpha = 0.0048256437784349945
- Adding policy #13 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.PHT_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][12]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.PHT_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
compute_h_alpha_from_input_parameters__CUSUM() with:
T = 2000, UpsilonT = 5, K = 3, epsilon = 0.5, lmbda = 1, M = 100
Gave C2 = 1.0986122886681098, C1- = 2.1972245773362196 and C1+ = 0.6359887667199967 so C1 = 0.6359887667199967, and h = 9.420708132956397 and alpha = 0.0048256437784349945
- Adding policy #14 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][13]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
- Adding policy #15 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][14]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
- Adding policy #16 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][15]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
- Adding policy #17 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][16]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
- Adding policy #18 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][17]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
- Adding policy #19 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][18]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.CD_UCB.SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
- Adding policy #20 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Monitored_UCB.Monitored_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'w': 80, 'b': 26.07187326473663, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][19]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Monitored_UCB.Monitored_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'w': 80, 'b': 26.07187326473663, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
Warning: the formula for gamma in the paper gave gamma = 0.0, that's absurd, we use instead 0.006622516556291391
- Adding policy #21 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Monitored_UCB.Monitored_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'w': 80, 'b': 26.07187326473663, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][20]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Monitored_UCB.Monitored_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'w': 80, 'b': 26.07187326473663, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': False}} ...
Warning: the formula for gamma in the paper gave gamma = 0.0, that's absurd, we use instead 0.006622516556291391
- Adding policy #22 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.SWHash_UCB.SWHash_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'alpha': 1.0, 'lmbda': 1, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCB.UCB'>}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][21]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.SWHash_UCB.SWHash_IndexPolicy'>, 'params': {'alpha': 1.0, 'lmbda': 1, 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCB.UCB'>}} ...
- Adding policy #23 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.SlidingWindowUCB.SWUCBPlus'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'alpha': 1.0}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][22]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.SlidingWindowUCB.SWUCBPlus'>, 'params': {'horizon': 2000, 'alpha': 1.0}} ...
- Adding policy #24 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedUCB.DiscountedUCBPlus'>, 'params': {'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'alpha': 1.0, 'horizon': 2000}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][23]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.DiscountedUCB.DiscountedUCBPlus'>, 'params': {'max_nb_random_events': 5, 'alpha': 1.0, 'horizon': 2000}} ...
- Adding policy #25 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCB.UCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][24]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.UCB.UCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
Info: creating a new policy OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm), with change points = [400, 800, 1200, 1600]...
- Adding policy #26 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][25]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.klUCB.klUCB'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
Info: creating a new policy OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm), with change points = [400, 800, 1200, 1600]...
- Adding policy #27 = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Exp3PlusPlus.Exp3PlusPlus'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
  Creating this policy from a dictionnary 'self.cfg['policies'][26]' = {'archtype': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy'>, 'params': {'changePoints': array([   0,  400,  800, 1200, 1600]), 'policy': <class 'SMPyBandits.Policies.Exp3PlusPlus.Exp3PlusPlus'>, 'per_arm_restart': True}} ...
Info: creating a new policy OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm), with change points = [400, 800, 1200, 1600]...

- Evaluating policy #1/27: Exp3++ ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #2/27: UCB($\alpha=1$) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    1.9s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    1.9s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #3/27: kl-UCB ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.4s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.4s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #4/27: Thompson ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.7s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.7s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #5/27: DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.99$) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.3s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.3s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #6/27: DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.9$) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.4s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.4s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #7/27: DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.7$) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.3s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.3s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #8/27: Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.3s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.3s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #9/27: Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    3.1s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    3.1s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #10/27: CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    4.1s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    4.1s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #11/27: CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   12.9s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   12.9s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #12/27: PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   13.1s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   13.1s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #13/27: PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    7.2s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    7.2s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #14/27: BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    6.1s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    6.1s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #15/27: BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Global) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   57.5s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   57.5s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #16/27: GaussianGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   49.5s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   49.5s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #17/27: GaussianGLR-klUCB(Global) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  1.1min remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:  1.1min finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #18/27: SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Per-Arm) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   57.7s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   57.7s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #19/27: SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Global) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   11.1s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:   11.1s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #20/27: M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Per-Arm) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    8.7s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    8.7s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #21/27: M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Global) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    1.1s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    1.1s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #22/27: SW-UCB#($\lambda=1$, $\alpha=1$) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    1.1s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    1.1s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #23/27: SW-UCB+($\tau=493$, $\alpha=1$) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    7.5s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    7.5s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #24/27: D-UCB+($\alpha=1$, $\gamma=0.9875$) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.8s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.8s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #25/27: OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.6s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.6s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #26/27: OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.5s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.5s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.

- Evaluating policy #27/27: OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm) ...
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.8s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.8s finished
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
CPU times: user 1.3 s, sys: 116 ms, total: 1.42 s
Wall time: 5min 17s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    2.4s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    2.4s finished

Plotting the results

And finally, visualize them, with the plotting method of a Evaluator object:

def plotAll(evaluation, envId, mainfig=None):
    savefig = mainfig
    if savefig is not None: savefig = "{}__LastRegrets__env{}-{}".format(mainfig, envId+1, len(evaluation.envs))
    print("\nPlotting a boxplot of the final regrets ...")
    evaluation.plotLastRegrets(envId, boxplot=True, savefig=savefig)

    if savefig is not None: savefig = "{}__RunningTimes__env{}-{}".format(mainfig, envId+1, len(evaluation.envs))
    print("\nPlotting the mean and std running times ...")
    evaluation.plotRunningTimes(envId, savefig=savefig)

    if savefig is not None: savefig = "{}__MemoryConsumption__env{}-{}".format(mainfig, envId+1, len(evaluation.envs))
    print("\nPlotting the mean and std memory consumption ...")
    evaluation.plotMemoryConsumption(envId, savefig=savefig)

    if savefig is not None: savefig = "{}__Regrets__env{}-{}".format(mainfig, envId+1, len(evaluation.envs))
    print("\nPlotting the mean regrets ...")
    evaluation.plotRegrets(envId, savefig=savefig)

    if savefig is not None: savefig = "{}__MeanReward__env{}-{}".format(mainfig, envId+1, len(evaluation.envs))
    print("\nPlotting the mean rewards ...")
    evaluation.plotRegrets(envId, meanReward=True, savefig=savefig)

    if savefig is not None: savefig = "{}__LastRegrets__env{}-{}".format(mainfig, envId+1, len(evaluation.envs))
    print("\nPlotting an histogram of the final regrets ...")
    evaluation.plotLastRegrets(envId, subplots=True, sharex=True, sharey=False, savefig=savefig)

First problem with change on only one arm (Local Restart should be better)

Let’s first print the results then plot them:

envId = 0
_ = evaluation.plotHistoryOfMeans(envId, savefig="{}__HistoryOfMeans__env{}-{}".format(mainfig, envId+1, len(evaluation.envs)))
Warning: forcing to use putatright = False because there is 3 items in the legend.
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__HistoryOfMeans__env1-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__HistoryOfMeans__env1-2.png' created of size '107560b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:13 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__HistoryOfMeans__env1-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__HistoryOfMeans__env1-2.pdf' created of size '24239b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:14 2018' ...
_ = plotAll(evaluation, envId, mainfig=mainfig)
Plotting a boxplot of the final regrets ...
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env1-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env1-2.png' created of size '273865b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:17 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env1-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env1-2.pdf' created of size '50192b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:18 2018' ...
Plotting the mean and std running times ...
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__RunningTimes__env1-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__RunningTimes__env1-2.png' created of size '258104b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:22 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__RunningTimes__env1-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__RunningTimes__env1-2.pdf' created of size '44962b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:22 2018' ...
Plotting the mean and std memory consumption ...
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__MemoryConsumption__env1-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__MemoryConsumption__env1-2.png' created of size '262365b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:25 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__MemoryConsumption__env1-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__MemoryConsumption__env1-2.pdf' created of size '45926b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:26 2018' ...
Plotting the mean regrets ...

This MAB problem has:
 - a [Lai & Robbins] complexity constant C(mu) = 1.3 for 1-player problem...
 - a Optimal Arm Identification factor H_OI(mu) = 30.00% ...
Warning: forcing to use putatright = True because there is 27 items in the legend.
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__Regrets__env1-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__Regrets__env1-2.png' created of size '450877b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:29 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__Regrets__env1-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__Regrets__env1-2.pdf' created of size '88974b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:30 2018' ...
Plotting the mean rewards ...

This MAB problem has:
 - a [Lai & Robbins] complexity constant C(mu) = 1.3 for 1-player problem...
 - a Optimal Arm Identification factor H_OI(mu) = 30.00% ...
Warning: forcing to use putatright = True because there is 28 items in the legend.
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__MeanReward__env1-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__MeanReward__env1-2.png' created of size '526392b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:33 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__MeanReward__env1-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__MeanReward__env1-2.pdf' created of size '181615b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:34 2018' ...
Plotting the best arm pulls ...
Warning: forcing to use putatright = True because there is 27 items in the legend.
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning:
Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes currently reuses the earlier instance.  In a future version, a new instance will always be created and returned.  Meanwhile, this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, by passing a unique label to each axes instance.
  "Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes "
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__BestArmPulls__env1-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__BestArmPulls__env1-2.png' created of size '671356b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:37 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__BestArmPulls__env1-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__BestArmPulls__env1-2.pdf' created of size '169383b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:38 2018' ...
Plotting an histogram of the final regrets ...
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env1-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env1-2.png' created of size '239881b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:21 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env1-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N50__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env1-2.pdf' created of size '57805b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:46:21 2018' ...

Second problem with changes on all arms (Global restart should be better)

Let’s first print the results then plot them:

envId = 1
_ = evaluation.plotHistoryOfMeans(envId, savefig="{}__HistoryOfMeans__env{}-{}".format(mainfig, envId+1, len(evaluation.envs)))
Warning: forcing to use putatright = False because there is 3 items in the legend.
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__HistoryOfMeans__env2-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__HistoryOfMeans__env2-2.png' created of size '87820b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:09:57 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__HistoryOfMeans__env2-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__HistoryOfMeans__env2-2.pdf' created of size '24393b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:09:58 2018' ...
_ = printAll(evaluation, envId)
Giving the vector of final regrets ...

  For policy #0 called 'Exp3++' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 359
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 359
Median of last regrets R_T = 359
Max of    last regrets R_T = 359
STD of    last regrets R_T = 5.68e-14

  For policy #1 called 'UCB($\alpha=1$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 90.1
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 90.1
Median of last regrets R_T = 90.1
Max of    last regrets R_T = 90.1
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #2 called 'kl-UCB' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 72.6
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 72.6
Median of last regrets R_T = 72.6
Max of    last regrets R_T = 72.6
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #3 called 'Thompson' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 202
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 202
Median of last regrets R_T = 202
Max of    last regrets R_T = 202
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #4 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.99$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 46.1
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 46.1
Median of last regrets R_T = 46.1
Max of    last regrets R_T = 46.1
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #5 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.9$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 206
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 206
Median of last regrets R_T = 206
Max of    last regrets R_T = 206
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #6 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.7$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 418
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 418
Median of last regrets R_T = 418
Max of    last regrets R_T = 418
STD of    last regrets R_T = 5.68e-14

  For policy #7 called 'Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 468
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 468
Median of last regrets R_T = 468
Max of    last regrets R_T = 468
STD of    last regrets R_T = 5.68e-14

  For policy #8 called 'Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 415
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 415
Median of last regrets R_T = 415
Max of    last regrets R_T = 415
STD of    last regrets R_T = 5.68e-14

  For policy #9 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 68.6
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 68.6
Median of last regrets R_T = 68.6
Max of    last regrets R_T = 68.6
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #10 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 70.9
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 70.9
Median of last regrets R_T = 70.9
Max of    last regrets R_T = 70.9
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #11 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 84.9
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 84.9
Median of last regrets R_T = 84.9
Max of    last regrets R_T = 84.9
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #12 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 81.8
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 81.8
Median of last regrets R_T = 81.8
Max of    last regrets R_T = 81.8
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #13 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 35
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 35
Median of last regrets R_T = 35
Max of    last regrets R_T = 35
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #14 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 34
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 34
Median of last regrets R_T = 34
Max of    last regrets R_T = 34
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #15 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 43.1
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 43.1
Median of last regrets R_T = 43.1
Max of    last regrets R_T = 43.1
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #16 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 45.2
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 45.2
Median of last regrets R_T = 45.2
Max of    last regrets R_T = 45.2
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #17 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 107
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 107
Median of last regrets R_T = 107
Max of    last regrets R_T = 107
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #18 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 134
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 134
Median of last regrets R_T = 134
Max of    last regrets R_T = 134
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #19 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 83.5
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 83.5
Median of last regrets R_T = 83.5
Max of    last regrets R_T = 83.5
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #20 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Global)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 82.3
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 82.3
Median of last regrets R_T = 82.3
Max of    last regrets R_T = 82.3
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #21 called 'SW-UCB#($\lambda=1$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 100
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 100
Median of last regrets R_T = 100
Max of    last regrets R_T = 100
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #22 called 'SW-UCB+($\tau=493$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 84
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 84
Median of last regrets R_T = 84
Max of    last regrets R_T = 84
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #23 called 'D-UCB+($\alpha=1$, $\gamma=0.9875$)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 460
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 460
Median of last regrets R_T = 460
Max of    last regrets R_T = 460
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #24 called 'OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 74.3
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 74.3
Median of last regrets R_T = 74.3
Max of    last regrets R_T = 74.3
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #25 called 'OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 27.2
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 27.2
Median of last regrets R_T = 27.2
Max of    last regrets R_T = 27.2
STD of    last regrets R_T = 0

  For policy #26 called 'OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
  Last regrets (for all repetitions) have:
Min of    last regrets R_T = 365
Mean of   last regrets R_T = 365
Median of last regrets R_T = 365
Max of    last regrets R_T = 365
STD of    last regrets R_T = 5.68e-14

Giving the final ranks ...

Final ranking for this environment #1 :
- Policy 'OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' was ranked      1 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 27.23).
- Policy 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Global)'   was ranked      2 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 33.96).
- Policy 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)'  was ranked      3 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 35.04).
- Policy 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)'   was ranked      4 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 43.08).
- Policy 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Global)'    was ranked      5 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 45.23).
- Policy 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.99$)'    was ranked      6 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 46.15).
- Policy 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)'     was ranked      7 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 68.56).
- Policy 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)'      was ranked      8 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 70.88).
- Policy 'kl-UCB'       was ranked      9 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 72.65).
- Policy 'OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)'   was ranked      10 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 74.35).
- Policy 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)'        was ranked      11 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 81.81).
- Policy 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Global)'       was ranked      12 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 82.35).
- Policy 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Per-Arm)'      was ranked      13 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 83.47).
- Policy 'SW-UCB+($\tau=493$, $\alpha=1$)'      was ranked      14 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 83.68).
- Policy 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)'       was ranked      15 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 84.85).
- Policy 'UCB($\alpha=1$)'      was ranked      16 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 90.15).
- Policy 'SW-UCB#($\lambda=1$, $\alpha=1$)'     was ranked      17 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 100.23).
- Policy 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Per-Arm)' was ranked      18 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 106.39).
- Policy 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Global)'  was ranked      19 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 134.29).
- Policy 'Thompson'     was ranked      20 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 202.02).
- Policy 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.9$)'     was ranked      21 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 204.89).
- Policy 'Exp3++'       was ranked      22 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 357.15).
- Policy 'OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)'  was ranked      23 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 363.73).
- Policy 'Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$)'  was ranked      24 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 412.56).
- Policy 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.7$)'     was ranked      25 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 415.36).
- Policy 'D-UCB+($\alpha=1$, $\gamma=0.9875$)'  was ranked      26 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 455.92).
- Policy 'Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$)'     was ranked      27 / 27 for this simulation (last regret = 465.34).

Giving the mean and std running times ...

For policy #3 called 'Thompson' ...
    105 ms ± 21.6 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #5 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.9$)' ...
    119 ms ± 22.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #6 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.7$)' ...
    122 ms ± 24.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #4 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.99$)' ...
    124 ms ± 19.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #1 called 'UCB($\alpha=1$)' ...
    132 ms ± 28.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #24 called 'OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    195 ms ± 42 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #23 called 'D-UCB+($\alpha=1$, $\gamma=0.9875$)' ...
    209 ms ± 34.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #2 called 'kl-UCB' ...
    244 ms ± 44.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #25 called 'OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    286 ms ± 64.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #22 called 'SW-UCB+($\tau=493$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
    296 ms ± 80.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #19 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Per-Arm)' ...
    376 ms ± 73.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #20 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Global)' ...
    400 ms ± 97.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #0 called 'Exp3++' ...
    678 ms ± 118 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #26 called 'OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    823 ms ± 63 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #7 called 'Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$)' ...
    1.09 s ± 195 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #8 called 'Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$)' ...
    1.5 s ± 341 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #12 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
    2.18 s ± 422 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #11 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
    2.61 s ± 469 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #21 called 'SW-UCB#($\lambda=1$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
    2.7 s ± 615 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #18 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Global)' ...
    3.06 s ± 636 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #17 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Per-Arm)' ...
    4.01 s ± 920 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #9 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
    4.45 s ± 431 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #10 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
    4.66 s ± 1.35 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #14 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
    17.3 s ± 1.5 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #13 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
    19.5 s ± 2.84 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #16 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
    21.2 s ± 5.93 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #15 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
    22.1 s ± 4.45 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

Giving the mean and std memory consumption ...

For policy #1 called 'UCB($\alpha=1$)' ...
    572.8 B ± 189.6 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #3 called 'Thompson' ...
    744.5 B ± 246.8 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #4 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.99$)' ...
    895.9 B ± 297.3 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #5 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.9$)' ...
    994 B ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #6 called 'DiscountedThompson($\gamma=0.7$)' ...
    994 B ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #2 called 'kl-UCB' ...
    1007 B ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #0 called 'Exp3++' ...
    1 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #23 called 'D-UCB+($\alpha=1$, $\gamma=0.9875$)' ...
    1.2 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #18 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Global)' ...
    2.6 KiB ± 661.7 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #17 called 'SubGaussian-GLR-klUCB($\delta=0.001$, $\sigma=0.25$, joint, Per-Arm)' ...
    4.3 KiB ± 1.9 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #24 called 'OracleRestart-UCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    6.1 KiB ± 2.2 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #25 called 'OracleRestart-klUCB($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    6.6 KiB ± 486.7 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #26 called 'OracleRestart-Exp3PlusPlus($\Upsilon_T=4$, Per-Arm)' ...
    8.4 KiB ± 2 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #22 called 'SW-UCB+($\tau=493$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
    8.6 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #16 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
    10.8 KiB ± 580.7 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #15 called 'GaussianGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
    12 KiB ± 448.9 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #14 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Global)' ...
    12.1 KiB ± 543.7 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #13 called 'BernoulliGLR-klUCB(Per-Arm)' ...
    12.4 KiB ± 490.8 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #10 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
    14.7 KiB ± 5.7 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #9 called 'CUSUM-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
    16.5 KiB ± 4.4 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #19 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Per-Arm)' ...
    17.4 KiB ± 5.8 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #11 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Per-Arm)' ...
    17.4 KiB ± 5.8 KiB (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #7 called 'Exp3R($T=2000$, $c=4.02$, $\alpha=0.01$)' ...
    18.9 KiB ± 1 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #8 called 'Exp3R++($T=2000$, $c=0.73$, $\alpha=0.303$)' ...
    19.1 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #20 called 'M-klUCB($w=80$, $b=26.0719$, $\gamma=0.00662$, Global)' ...
    19.3 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #12 called 'PHT-klUCB($\varepsilon=0.5$, $\Upsilon_T=5$, $M=100$, Global)' ...
    19.3 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)

For policy #21 called 'SW-UCB#($\lambda=1$, $\alpha=1$)' ...
    78.6 KiB ± 0 B (mean ± std. dev. of 10 runs)
_ = plotAll(evaluation, envId, mainfig=mainfig)
Plotting a boxplot of the final regrets ...
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env2-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env2-2.png' created of size '175728b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:01 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env2-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env2-2.pdf' created of size '46885b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:02 2018' ...
Plotting the mean and std running times ...
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__RunningTimes__env2-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__RunningTimes__env2-2.png' created of size '172500b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:06 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__RunningTimes__env2-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__RunningTimes__env2-2.pdf' created of size '45994b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:07 2018' ...
Plotting the mean and std memory consumption ...
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__MemoryConsumption__env2-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__MemoryConsumption__env2-2.png' created of size '172934b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:10 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__MemoryConsumption__env2-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__MemoryConsumption__env2-2.pdf' created of size '43827b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:11 2018' ...
Plotting the mean regrets ...

This MAB problem has:
 - a [Lai & Robbins] complexity constant C(mu) = 1.45 for 1-player problem...
 - a Optimal Arm Identification factor H_OI(mu) = 36.67% ...
Warning: forcing to use putatright = True because there is 27 items in the legend.
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__Regrets__env2-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__Regrets__env2-2.png' created of size '362499b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:14 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__Regrets__env2-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__Regrets__env2-2.pdf' created of size '129263b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:14 2018' ...
Plotting the mean rewards ...

This MAB problem has:
 - a [Lai & Robbins] complexity constant C(mu) = 1.45 for 1-player problem...
 - a Optimal Arm Identification factor H_OI(mu) = 36.67% ...
Warning: forcing to use putatright = True because there is 28 items in the legend.
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__MeanReward__env2-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__MeanReward__env2-2.png' created of size '398408b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:16 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__MeanReward__env2-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__MeanReward__env2-2.pdf' created of size '293079b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:17 2018' ...
Plotting the best arm pulls ...
Warning: forcing to use putatright = True because there is 27 items in the legend.
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__BestArmPulls__env2-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__BestArmPulls__env2-2.png' created of size '403464b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:19 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__BestArmPulls__env2-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__BestArmPulls__env2-2.pdf' created of size '190480b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:20 2018' ...
Plotting an histogram of the final regrets ...
Saving figure with format png, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env2-2.png'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env2-2.png' created of size '149474b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:07 2018' ...
Saving figure with format pdf, to file 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env2-2.pdf'...
       Saved! 'plots/SP__K3_T2000_N10__27_algos/main__LastRegrets__env2-2.pdf' created of size '55688b', at 'Wed Dec 19 17:10:07 2018' ...

That’s it for this demo!