Tree Borrows – Core Model

A new aliasing model for Rust

Neven Villani

Mar. 2023

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In this first part we establish the core model of Tree Borrows (TB), which for now handles only code that has exclusively mutable references. Later parts will add shared references, function calls, raw pointers, and interior mutability.



Tree Borrows defines an aliasing model for pointers and references, which sets the limits on the aliasing assumptions that can be made. These assumptions include guarantees such as “reading twice from the same & reference returns the same value”, or “an &mut reference has exclusive access to the data it mutates”.

These assumptions in turn allow some optimizations (e.g. if & references are immutable then the compiler can delete redundant reads), but they can be violated by unsafe code. This leads to many optimizations that are valid in safe codebases but not in the presence of unsafe.

Tree Borrows restores some of these assumptions by enforcing more restrictions on runtime usage of unsafe operations, which leads to the assumptions defined by Tree Borrows (and the associated optimizations) to hold for both safe and unsafe code.


In order to precisely define these assumptions, Tree Borrows models how a virtual state machine evolves with each operation of the program, and if the state machine reaches a forbidden configuration then the program is declared Undefined Behavior (UB).

Tree Borrows’ state machine is based on the following core principles

  1. Tracking the permissions of each pointer. Each pointer carries information on which bytes of memory it is allowed to access. UB occurs when an access is attempted through a pointer that does not have sufficient permissions. This could occur because the access is out of range or because the pointer has been invalidated which causes it to lose its permissions. The list of permissions will be progressively completed as we show that different kinds of pointers must behave differently.

  2. Updating permissions based on ancestry. The name of Tree Borrows comes from the tree structure that naturally appears when we consider reborrows as creations of child pointers. Indeed a tree structure is perfect for modeling the fact that if a pointer is invalidated then all pointers reborrowed from it must also be invalidated.

In general we have full control over child pointers: we can determine locally whether child pointers exist, and accesses through child pointers do not invalidate the parent pointer. In contrast there can be an unknown amount of non-child pointers, and accesses through them might occur in parallel. This distinction is important for Tree Borrows, which handles differently accesses through child or non-child pointers.

Each piece of code that we wish to accept or reject will determine how exactly each permission should be updated for each kind of access and relative position in the borrow tree. The precise behavior of Tree Borrows is thus parameterized by the list of all permissions and how they should be updated.

[Note: Implementation] in the Miri implementation, defines the core structure of Tree Borrows which consists of tree traversals, while defines the more ad hoc parts of the model, i.e. the list and behavior of permissions, which are not pub. Thus even at the implementation level there is a clear separation between the high-level structure (propagation of foreign vs child accesses) and the details (state machine of permissions).

[Note: Stacked Borrows] compared to Stacked Borrows we gain heredity information (lossless parent-child relationship) but lose chronological information (between two pointers both derived from a same parent, Tree Borrows does not keep track of which one was created first). In fact, this loss of chronological information enables optimizations that Stacked Borrows does not, since it allows reordering reborrows.

Access-based borrow tracking

Tree Borrows is characterized by the fact that it executes at runtime and is access-based, as opposed to compile-time and scope-based. The code is executed, and the model tracks updates to the state of borrows after each access. Code that is never executed cannot produce UB.

Tree Borrows is in this sense more fine-grained than the Borrow Checker, which rejects some examples where it is very obvious that no aliasing actually occurs thanks to runtime conditional guards.

Example: faulty code is unreachable at runtime

//+ TB: NOT UB (aliasing code never executes)
//- Does not compile. error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*u` as mutable more than once at a time
fn unreachable_faulty(u: &mut u8) {
    if false {
        let x = &mut *u;
        let y = &mut *u;
        *x += 1;
        *y += 1;

Example: aliasing never occurs thanks to conditional

//+ TB: NOT UB (in all possible executions, if `u` and `v` are disjoint then `x` and `y` are disjoint)
//- Does not compile. error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*v` as mutable more than once at a time
fn maybe_aliasing(u: &mut u8, v: &mut u8, b: bool) 
    let x = if b { &mut *u } else { &mut *v }
    let y = if b { &mut *v } else { &mut *u }
    *x += 1
    *y += 1

Per-location tracking

Apart from some shared internal state at the allocation level, Tree Borrows operates at the location (byte) level. This allows finer management of permissions: a single pointer might have permissions that allow mutable accesses on some locations, but only read accesses on other locations.

This allows for different bytes of a single piece of data to be borrowed independently, which permits separate references to different indexes of an array or to different fields of a struct: as long as the borrows are on disjoint parts of memory (and even if it is impossible to guarantee at compile-time that those parts are disjoint, but they happen to be at runtime) the behavior according to Tree Borrows will generally be trivial in the sense that there is no aliasing on each location.


Tree Borrows also differs from the Borrow Checker in that it does not handle unsafe code any differently from safe code. Sometimes we will show code that does not actually compile because it is rejected by the Borrow Checker. This is to make the notations less heavy, and should any code fail to compile you should assume that the following transformations are to be applied:

These are no-ops from the point of view of Tree Borrows, but they trick the Borrow Checker into losing track of the compile-time aliasing conflicts.

Example: the two following functions are identical for Tree Borrows

//- TB: UB (`x` and `y` alias)
//- Does not compile. error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*u` as mutable more than once at a time.
fn example_default(u: &mut u8) {
    let x = &mut *u;
    let y = &mut *u;
    *x += 1;
    *y += 1;
//- TB: UB (`x` and `y` alias)
//+ Compiles without errors.
fn example_fixed(u: &mut u8) { unsafe {
    let x = &mut *addr_of_mut!(*u);
    let y = &mut *addr_of_mut!(*u);
    *x += 1;
    *y += 1;
} }

using std::ptr::addr_of_mut!. The same trick works with let x = &mut *(u as *mut u8).

[Summary] Each pointer on each byte of memory has a permission. This permission dictates what accesses are allowed through this pointer and child pointers, and evolves depending on the accesses performed by non-child pointers.

The core model

[Note: Stacked Borrows] Write accesses to mutable references follow a stack discipline, which Stacked Borrows already handles without any issues. Here we reframe and justify similar rules for the tree setting.

The essential assumptions that we wish to make concerning mutable references are the following

//? Unoptimized
let x = &mut *u;
*x = 36; // This write is immediately overwritten, but optimizing it away requires assuming
         // that no other pointer has read permissions on the location.
*x = 42;

//? Optimized
let x = &mut *u;
*x = 42;
//? Unoptimized
let x = &mut *u;
*x = 42;
let xval = *x; // This read is expected to yield the value just written, but it requires
               // assuming that no other pointer has write permissions on the location.

//? Optimized
let x = &mut *u;
*x = 42;
let xval = 42;

Code that violates these assumptions is code that alternates writes between two sources, which Tree Borrows detects using the Active and Disabled permissions:

Active and Disabled: tracking exclusive mutable access

Guaranteeing that mutable references have exclusive access means that the lifetimes of mutable references must be disjoint. This is easy to check: when the lifetime of a new mutable reference begins, the old ones must no longer be Active. Equivalently when an access occurs that activates a mutable reference, we kill other mutable references.

//+ TB: NOT UB (the mutable references properly have exclusive access for disjoint lifetimes)
fn refmut_disjoint(u: &mut u8) {
    let x = &mut *u;
    *x = 42;
    // ----- lifetimes of `x` and `y` properly disjoint -----
    let y = &mut *u;
    *y = 36;
//- TB: UB (the lifetimes of mutable references intersect)
fn refmut_intersecting(u: &mut u8) {
    let x = &mut *u;
    let y = &mut *u;
    // ----- lifetimes of `x` and `y` intersect -----
    *x = 42;
    *y = 36;
//+ TB: NOT UB (properly nested reborrow)
fn refmut_nested(u: &mut u8) {
    let x = &mut *u;
        // `y` is a properly nested reborrow of `x`
        let y = &mut *x;
        *y = 36;
    *x = 42;

[Summary] Proper nesting of child lifetimes and disjointness of sibling lifetimes are enforced by the Active and Disabled permissions:
- Active is a live mutable reference, Disabled is a dead mutable reference;
- all write accesses must be done through an Active pointer, attempting to write through Disabled is UB;
- a foreign write turns any existing Active permissions into Disabled.

Example: how TB detects an improperly nested reborrow

//- TB: UB (improperly nested reborrow)
fn refmut_nested(u: &mut u8) {
    let x = &mut *u;
    *x = 42;
                          // Created a new reborrow `x` child of `u`
                          // --- u: Active
                          //     |--- x: Active
                          // (`u` is unchanged by the child write through `x`)
    let y = &mut *x;
    *y = 36;
                          // Created a new reborrow `y` child of `x`
                          // --- u: Active
                          //     |--- x: Active
                          //          |--- y: Active
                          // (`u` is unchanged by the child write through `y`)
                          // (`x` is unchanged by the child write through `y`)
    *x = 42;
                          // Write access
                          // --- u: Active
                          //     |--- x: Active
                          //          |--- y: Disabled
                          // (`u` is unchanged by the child write through `x`)
                          // (`y` is disabled by the foreign write through `x`)
    *y = 36;
                          // Attempted write through a pointer that is `Disabled`.
                          // This is UB.

Example: how TB detects intersecting lifetimes

//- TB: UB (the lifetimes of mutable references intersect)
fn refmut_intersecting(u: &mut u8) {
    let x = &mut *u;
    *x = 42;
                          // Created a new reborrow `x` child of `u`
                          // --- u: Active
                          //     |--- x: Active
                          // (`u` is unchanged by the child write through `x`)

    let y = &mut *u;
    *y = 36;
                          // Created a new reborrow `y` child of `u`
                          // --- u: Active
                          //     |--- x: Disabled
                          //     |--- y: Active
                          // (`u` is unchanged by the child write through `y`)
                          // (`x` is disabled by the foreign write through `y`)

    *x = 42;
                          // Attempted write through a pointer that is `Disabled`.
                          // This is UB.
    *y = 36;

[Note: Stacked Borrows] In Stacked Borrows terms, an Active is a Unique that is still in the stack, and a Disabled is an item that was popped. So far since the tree is limited to a single Active path, trimming all the Disabled branches results in a stack-like tree that directly matches the stack that Stacked Borrows would have at the same point of the execution.

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