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Variational Formulation and Time-Stepping

We consider the solution on the time interval , partitioned into time steps as . Considering the thermal conductivities to be isotropic and constant, we proceed as described in section 4 and write (24) at time step as:

and we consider the general Trapezoidal rule:


Substituting this equation into the above yields, and after proceeding to the variational formulation, we have the following expression:

where we have assumed that .

We now focus on the terms in the above which arise on the freezing front . These terms consist of a pair of heat fluxes:

which are inherently associated with the motion of the interface through (26).

We note that we need to apply a time-step algorithm to the equation describing the motion of the interface. To this purpose, we rewrite equation (26) at time step as:


And now let's ignore conventional wisdom, and use a different algorithm , the Forward Euler algorithm ( which is the case of the general Trapezoidal rule algorithm when ), yields:


which can be rewritten as:


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Renaud Merle 2000-08-26