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  • 30 July 2017: Plenary Final Meeting
    Paris (Pasteur)

    12h00-13h00: Lunch

    13h00-14h30: What we have done in Stoch-MC: Controlling Yeasts

    14h30-16h00: What we have done in Stoch-MC: Apoptosis

    16h00-18h00: Discussion on the future

  • 10 and 12 July 2018: T4.
    Oxford. Nathanael Fijalkow + Blaise Genest.

  • 26 June 2018: T5-T2.
    Pasteur (Lifeware). Lifeware (inc. Matthieu Pichené) + Blaise Genest.

  • 8 June 2018: T5-T2.
    Rennes (SUMO). SUMO + Matthieu Pichené (now in Lifeware).

  • 20 April 2018: T5-T2.
    Pasteur (Lifeware). Lifeware (inc. Matthieu Pichené) + Blaise Genest.

  • 12 April 2018: T5-T2.
    Pasteur (Lifeware). Lifeware (inc. Matthieu Pichené) + Blaise Genest.

  • 22-23 Mars 2018: Workshop ouvert ASSTABIO .
    Rennes (IRISA).


  • 27-28 November: T4.
    Bordeaux (LaBRI). LaBRI + Blaise Genest.

  • 5-8 September: T4.
    Berlin. Nathanael Fijalkow, Nathalie Bertrand and Blaise Genest.

  • 7 july: T4-T2.
    Paris (LIAFA). LIAFA + Blaise Genest and Matthieu Pichené.

  • 6 July 2017: Plenary Meeting
    Paris (LIAFA), Room 1002

    10h00: Welcoming Breakfast

    10h15-11h00: Matthieu Pichené: Multi-dimensional biological models (SUMO)

    11h00-12h00: Hugo Gimbert: Deciding Emptiness of Alternating Nonzero Automata (LaBRI)

    12h00-14h00: Lunch

    14h00-15h00: Grégory Batt: Prospective. (Lifeware)

    15h00-16h00: Nathalie Bertrand: Controlling a population. (SUMO)

    16h00-16h30: Blaise Genest: Extension to the probabilistic case. (SUMO)

    16h30-17h30: Discussions.

  • 2-5 July 2017: T4.
    Rennes (IRISA). SUMO + Nathanael Fijalkow.

  • 30 june: T4-T2.
    Rennes (IRISA). SUMO + Bruno Karelovic.

  • 24 february: T5-T2.
    Saclay (Lifeware). Lifeware + Matthieu Pichené.

  • 1-4 february: T4.
    Chennai (CMI). Hugo Gimbert + Blaise Genest.

  • 17 January 2017: T5-T2.
    Paris (tour Montparnasse). Gregory Batt, Matthieu Pichené, Blaise Genest.


  • 24 November 2016: Open Workshop
    Rennes, IRISA, Sicile F302

    9h30-10h00: Welcoming Breakfast

    10h00-10h30: Blaise Genest: overview on the state of the project (SUMO)
    10h30-11h00: Invited Talk: Christel Baier (Dresde)
    11h00-11h30: Hugo Gimbert: Zero-automata and qualitative PCTL (LaBRI)
    11h30-12h00: Wieslaw Zielonka: Nearest fix point and Stochastic games (IRIF)
    12h00-12h30: Discussions
    12h30-14h00: Lunch
    14h00-16h30: Technical Discussions and talks from students

  • 24 October 2016: T4-T2.
    Rennes (IRISA). SUMO + Bruno Karelovic.

  • 25-26 July 2016: T2-T5.
    Palaiseau (LIX). Lifeware + Sucheendra Palaniappan.

  • 05-06 July 2016: T2-T5.
    Palaiseau (LIX). Lifeware + Sucheendra Palaniappan.

  • 21-22 June 2016: T2-T5.
    Rennes (IRISA). SUMO + Gregory Batt.

  • 09-10 June 2016: T2-T5.
    Palaiseau (LIX). Lifeware + Sucheendra Palaniappan.

  • 01 June 2016: T4-T2.
    Paris, Paris 7. LIAFA+ Blaise.

  • 25-27 May 2016: T2-T5.
    Palaiseau (LIX). Lifeware + Sucheendra Palaniappan.

  • 9-13 May 2016: T4.
    Bordeaux (LaBRI). LaBRI + Wieslaw Zielonka.

  • 29 April 2016: T2-T5.
    Palaiseau (LIX). Lifeware + Eric Fabre, Sucheendra Palaniappan, Blaise Genest.

  • 20 April 2016: T2-T5.
    Rennes (IRISA). SUMO + Gregory Batt.

  • 19 April 2016: T4-T2.
    Paris, Paris 7. LIAFA+ Blaise.

  • 29 March 2016: T2-T5.
    Rennes (IRISA). SUMO + Gregory Batt.


  • 9-11 December 2015: T4-T5.
    Bordeaux, LaBRI. (LaBRI+Blaise and Nathalie).

  • 23 November 2015: T2-T5.
    Paris, Paris 7. Gregory, Bruno, Suchee and Blaise meeting.

  • 18 November 2015: T2-T4.
    Rennes, IRISA. (SUMO+Bruno).

  • 16 October 2015: All.
    Paris. Meeting and Presentation to ANR.

  • 24 June 2015: T4-T5.
    Paris, LIAFA. Language of a Markov Chain (LIAFA+Blaise Genest).

  • 9-10 June 2015: T4-T5.
    Rennes, IRISA. Visit of Nathanael Fijalkow (SUMO+Nathanael Fijalkow+S. Akshay).

  • 5 June 2015: T2-T5.
    Rennes, IRISA. Talk around the DBN model of Apoptosis Pathway (SUMO+Gregory Batt).

  • 10 March 2015: T2-T4-T5.
    Rennes, IRISA. Visit of Bruno Karelovic (SUMO+Bruno Karelovic).

  • 4 March 2015: Annual Meeting
    Paris, LIAFA.

    10h30: Welcoming address and exchange of information (Blaise).

    Morning Sessions: DBNs and Apoptosis (T2-T5)
    10h50: Apoptosis pathways and application to cancer treatment (Gregory)
    11h15: How and why using DBNs for biopathways? - an overview (Blaise)
    11h30: Mutual Information in Apoptosis (Eric)
    12h00: Creating a DBN (Suchee) and Exploiting it (Matthieu)

    Afternoon Session: MDPs and Control of biological Systems(T4-T5)
    14h00: Controlling the living (Gregory)
    14:25: MDP vs family of MDPs vs Probabilistic Automata (Blaise)
    14:45: Controlling large MDPs (Steve) and large MDPs in Robocup (Ludo)
    15h15: Controlling a family of MDPs (Nathalie)
    15h40: Approximation for Probabilistic Automata (Hugo)
    16h00: Language of a Markov Chain (Bruno)
    16h30: Discussions.

  • 26 February 2015: T2-T5.
    Rennes, IRISA. (Visit of Gregory Batt).

  • 11 February 2015: T2-T5.
    Rocquencourt. (Visit of Sucheendra Palaniappan).

  • 27 January 2015: T4-T5.
    Rennes, IRISA. Visit of Bruno Karelovic (SUMO+Bruno Karelovic).


  • 2-3 December 2014: T4.
    Bordeaux, LaBRI. Visit of Bruno Karelovic. Labri+Bruno Karelovic.

  • 20-22 October 2014: T4.
    Rennes, IRISA. (Visit of Hugo Gimbert in Rennes).

  • 9 October 2014: T2,T4 and T5.
    Rennes, IRISA. (Visit of Gregory Batt in Rennes).

  • 1 September 2014: T4 and T5.
    Paris, Place D'Italie. (Gregory Batt, Nathalie Bertrand, Blaise Genest, Hugo Gimbert, Bruno Karelovic)

  • 21 July 2014: T2,T4 and T5.
    Rennes, IRISA. (Visit of Gregory Batt in Rennes).

  • 9 July 2014: T2 and T4.
    Paris, Place D'Italie (Blaise Genest, Bruno Karelovic)

  • 17 June 2014: T2.
    Rennes, IRISA (Visit of Bruno Karelovic)

  • 10 June 2014: T2 and T4.
    Cachan, ENS Cachan (S. Akshay, Blaise Genest, Bruno Karelovic)

  • 24 April 2014: T2 and T5.
    Paris, Place D'Italie (Gregory Batt, Blaise Genest, Bruno Karelovic)

  • 24 March 2014: T2 and T4.
    Paris, Jussieu (Blaise Genest, Bruno Karelovic)

  • 13 February 2014: Kick Off Meeting
    Paris, Place D'Italie

    10h30-11h15 General Talk and news from ANR (Blaise)
    11h15-12h00 Approximation for DBNs (Eric, T2-SUMO).
    12h00-12h45 Computational Biology (Gregory, T5-LIFEWARE).
    14h00-15h00: Discussions.
    15h00-15h45: Bounding Error (Blaise, T3-SUMO) .
    15h45-16h30: Leakthight PFA (Hugo, T4-LaBRI).
    16h30-17h15: Stochastic Games (Wieslaw,T4-LIAFA).
    17h15-18h00: Discussions.