This is the second part of the computational biology class (MSIAM & ENSIMAG).
This class covers biological topics centered around populations, interactions and evolution. These topics will be presented in a computational form, with the goal of modeling and simulating the studied biological processes.
There will be a focus on implementation (with time left for this during some of the lectures), which will rely on several mathematical and computational tools. Some of them (basic probability and statistics, ordinary differential equations, basic programming in Python) are supposed to be already known. Others (stochastic simulations) will be presented alongside the lecture.
We will also read and discuss a selection of research articles. Some of them will be presented by students. These presentations (as well as the assigned readings) are part of the lecture.
Attendance is expected. Hoping to succeed the assessment without attending class is illusory: the assessments are connected with the class, and are certainly not mere programming or data analysis projects.
The slideshows mostly contain illustrations (data, figures, pictures, references, etc) for the lecture. They do not replace notetaking: most of the ideas are explained orally and on the white board.
All information on the assessment is available here
antoine DOT frenoy AT univ-grenoble-alpes.fr