Library choice

This file contains the definitions of:                                    
  - choiceType : interface for type with choice operator                   
  - countType : interface for countable type                               
 In addition to the lemmas relevant to these definitions, this file also   
 contains definitions of Canonical Structure of choiceType for nat and     
 subtype / option type / seq type / sigma type of a choice type. It also   
 contains definitions of Canonical Structure of countType for nat, bool    
 and subtype / option type / seq type / sigma type of a countable type and 
 sum and prod types of two countable types.                                

Import Prenex Implicits.

Technical definitions about coding and decoding of  list. This results are
 useful for the definition of Canonical Structure of choice and countable  

Module CodeSeq.

Goedel-style one-to-one encoding of seq T into T, for T := nat    
 and T := seq (seq T0). Note that there is no such encoding in     
 general for T := seq T0, since seq void ~ unit while              
 seq (seq void) ~ nat.                                             

Module Nat.

The code for [:: n1; ...; nk] has binary representation           
     1 0 ... 0 1 ... 1 0 ... 0 1 0 ... 0                           
       <----->         <----->   <----->                           
        nk 0s           n2 0s     n1 0s                            

Definition code := foldr (fun n m => 2 ^ n * m.*2.+1) 0.

Fixpoint decode_rec (v q r : nat) {struct q} :=
  match q, r with
  | 0, _ => [:: v]
  | q'.+1, 0 => v :: [rec 0, q', q']
  | q'.+1, 1 => [rec v.+1, q', q']
  | q'.+1, r'.+2 => [rec v, q', r']
  end where "[ 'rec' v , q , r ]" := (decode_rec v q r).

Definition decode n := if n is 0 then [::] else [rec 0, n.-1, n.-1].

Lemma decodeK : cancel decode code.

Lemma codeK : cancel code decode.

End Nat.

Module Seq2.
Section Seq2.

Variable T : Type.

Auxiliary functions that pad s2 : seq (seq T) with leading [::], 
 compute the padding, and strip it.                               
 To encode a sequence we flatten its contents and prepend padding 
 whose length encodes (via Nat.code) the shape of the sequence.   
 More precisely code for a sequence s3 with shape sh == shape s3  
 and contents sc == flatten s3 is:                                
  - pad (Nat.code sh) [::]        if sc = [::]                    
  - pad (Nat.code sh) (strip sc)  if sc has padding               
  - pad (Nat.code (behead sh)) sc if sc != [::] has no padding    
 The omitted padding/shape can be readily reconstructed; it is    
 obviously necessary to delete the padding to avoid confusion     
 with the shape encoding; beheading the shape makes the encoding  
 one-to-one (otherwise, the contents following the padding could  
 never exceed the capacity of the shape encoded by the padding.   

Definition pad n s2 : seq (seq T) := ncons n [::] s2.

Definition padding := find [pred s : seq T | size s > 0].

Definition strip s2 := drop (padding s2) s2.

Lemma stripK : forall s2, pad (padding s2) (strip s2) = s2.

Lemma padKl : forall n s2, padding (pad n (strip s2)) = n.

Lemma padKr : forall n s2, strip (pad n (strip s2)) = strip s2.

Definition code s3 :=
  let sh := shape s3 in let s2' := strip (flatten s3) in
  pad (Nat.code (drop (maxn (sumn sh) 1 <= size s2') sh)) s2'.

Definition decode s2 :=
  let: (sh', s2') := let n := padding s2 in (Nat.decode n, drop n s2) in
  let m := sumn sh' in let m' := size s2' in
  reshape (ncons (maxn m 1 <= m') (m' - m) sh') (pad (m - m') s2').

Lemma codeK : cancel code decode.

Lemma decodeK : cancel decode code.

End Seq2.
End Seq2.

End CodeSeq.

Section OtherEncodings.
Miscellaneous encodings: option T -c-> seq T, T -c-> seq (seq T),          
 T1 * T2 -c-> {i : T2 & T1}, and T1 + T2 -c-> option T1 * option T2.        
   We use these encodings to propagate canonical structures through these   
 type constructors so that ultimately all Choice and Countable derive from  
 the (trivial) Countable structure on nat. The peculiar order of the        
 encoding of the product type T1 * T2 is due to the fact that we want it to 
 compose with  {i : T & T_ i} -c-> seq I, which is the only encoding we     
 have for sigT, and is only defined when T_ i : countType (hence, it will   
 only appear later in this file). This limitation means we have to assume   
 that one of T1 or T2 in T1 * T2 / T1 + T2 is a countType, even if we only  
 need a choiceType; it seemed somewhat more natural to take T1 : countType. 

Variables T T1 T2 : Type.

Definition seq_of_opt := @oapp T _ (nseq 1) [::].
Lemma seq_of_optK : cancel seq_of_opt ohead.

Definition seq2_of (x : T) := [::[::x]].
Lemma seq2_ofK : pcancel seq2_of (ohead \o head [::]).

Definition tag_of_pair (p : T1 * T2) := @Tagged T2 p.2 (fun _ => T1) p.1.
Definition pair_of_tag (u : {i : T2 & T1}) := (tagged u, tag u).
Lemma tag_of_pairK : cancel tag_of_pair pair_of_tag.

Lemma pair_of_tagK : cancel pair_of_tag tag_of_pair.

Definition opair_of_inj (s : T1 + T2) :=
  match s with inl x => (Some x, None) | inr y => (None, Some y) end.
Definition inj_of_opair p := oapp (some \o @inr T1 T2) (omap (inl T2) p.1) p.2.
Lemma opair_of_injK : pcancel opair_of_inj inj_of_opair.

End OtherEncodings.

Structures for Types with a choice function, and for Types with   
 countably many elements. The two concepts are closely linked: we  
 indeed make Countable a subclass of Choice, as countable choice   
 is valid in CiC. This apparent redundancy is needed to ensure the 
 consistency of the Canonical Structure inference, as the          
 canonical Choice for a given type may differ from the countable   
 choice for its canonical Countable structure, e.g., for options.  
 Nevertheless for most standard datatype constructors, including   
 sums and pairs, Choice can only be satisfied constructively via   
 countability, so in practice we build most Choice and Countable   
 structures simultaneously.                                        
   For T : choiceType and P : pred T, we have actually two choice  
    xchoose : (exists x, P x) -> T                                 
    choose : pred T -> T -> T                                      
   We always have P (xchoose exP), while P (choose P x0) only if   
 P x0 holds. Both xchoose and choose are extensional in P and do   
 not depend on the witness exP or x0 (provided P x0). Note that    
 xchoose is slightly more powerful, but less convenient to use.    
 The Choice structure actually contains an xchoose function for    
 seq (seq T), as this allows us to derive a Choice structure for   
 seq T (and thus for iter n seq T for any n).                      
   For T : countType we have two functions:                        
    pickle : T -> nat, and unpickle : nat -> option T              
 The two functions provide an effective embedding of T in nat: we  
 have pcancel pickle unpickle, i.e., unpickle \o pickle =1 some.   
 The names of the generic functions underline the correspondence   
 with the notion of "Serializable" types in programming languages. 
 Note that unpickle needs to be a partial function to account for  
 a possibly empty T (e.g., T = {x | P x}). We derive a pickle_inv  
 function that is an exact inverse to pickle, i.e., we have both   
 pcancel pickle pickle_inv, and ocancel pickle_inv pickle.         
   Finally, we need to provide a join class to let type inference  
 unify subType and countType class constraints, as we can have     
 a countable subType of an uncountable choiceType (the problem     
 did not arise earlier with eqType or choiceType because in        
 in practice the base type of an Equality/Choice subType is always 
 an Equality/Choice Type).                                         

Module Choice.

Section Mixin.

Variable T : Type.
Implicit Types P Q : pred T.

Definition xfun := forall P, (exists x, P x) -> T.
Implicit Type f : xfun.

Definition correct f := forall P xP, P (f P xP).
Definition extensional f := forall P Q xP xQ, P =1 Q -> f P xP = f Q xQ.

Record mixin_of : Type := Mixin {
  xchoose : xfun;
  xchooseP : correct xchoose;
  eq_xchoose : extensional xchoose

End Mixin.

Record class_of (T : Type) : Type :=
  Class { base :> Equality.class_of T; ext2 : mixin_of (seq (seq T)) }.

Structure type : Type := Pack {sort :> Type; _ : class_of sort; _ : Type}.
Definition class cT := let: Pack _ c _ := cT return class_of cT in c.
Definition clone T cT c of phant_id (class cT) c := @Pack T c T.

Definition pack T m :=
  fun b bT & phant_id (Equality.class bT) b => Pack (@Class T b m) T.

Section PcanMixin.

Variables (T sT : Type) (m : mixin_of T) (f : sT -> T) (f' : T -> option sT).
Hypothesis fK : pcancel f f'.

Section Xfun.

Variables (sP : pred sT) (xsP : exists x, sP x).

Lemma pcan_xchoose_proof : exists x, oapp sP false (f' x).

Lemma pcan_xchoose_sig :
  {x | Some x = f' (xchoose m pcan_xchoose_proof) & sP x}.

Definition pcan_xchoose := s2val pcan_xchoose_sig.

Lemma pcan_xchooseP : sP pcan_xchoose.

End Xfun.

Lemma eq_pcan_xchoose : extensional pcan_xchoose.

Definition PcanMixin := Mixin pcan_xchooseP eq_pcan_xchoose.

End PcanMixin.

Coercion ext0 T m := PcanMixin (ext2 m) (@seq2_ofK T).

Definition CanMixin2 T sT f f' (fK : @cancel _ (seq (seq sT)) f f') :=
  PcanMixin (ext2 (class T)) (can_pcan fK).

Construct class_of T directly from an encoding seq (seq T) c-> nat.  
 This is used to build a Choice base class for Countable types.       

Lemma nat_xchooseP : correct ex_minn.

Lemma eq_nat_xchoose : extensional ex_minn.

Definition natMixin T := @PcanMixin nat T (Mixin nat_xchooseP eq_nat_xchoose).

Coercion eqType cT := Equality.Pack (class cT) cT.

End Choice.

Notation choiceType := Choice.type.
Notation ChoiceMixin := Choice.Mixin.
Notation ChoiceType T m := (@Choice.pack T m _ _ id).
Canonical Structure Choice.eqType.

Notation "[ 'choiceType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (@Choice.clone T cT _ idfun)
  (at level 0, format "[ 'choiceType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'choiceType' 'of' T ]" := (@Choice.clone T _ _ id)
  (at level 0, format "[ 'choiceType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.

Section ChoiceTheory.

Variable T : choiceType.
Implicit Types P Q : pred T.

Definition xchoose := Choice.xchoose (Choice.class T).

Lemma xchooseP : Choice.correct xchoose.

Lemma eq_xchoose : Choice.extensional xchoose.

Definition choose P x0 :=
  if insub x0 : {? x | P x} is Some (exist x Px) then
    xchoose (ex_intro [eta P] x Px)
  else x0.

Lemma chooseP : forall P x0, P x0 -> P (choose P x0).

Lemma choose_id : forall P x0 y0, P x0 -> P y0 -> choose P x0 = choose P y0.

Lemma eq_choose : forall P Q, P =1 Q -> choose P =1 choose Q.

Definition PcanChoiceMixin sT f f' (fK : @pcancel T sT f f') :=
  Choice.CanMixin2 (mapK (map_pK fK)).

Definition CanChoiceMixin sT f f' (fK : @cancel T sT f f') :=
  PcanChoiceMixin (can_pcan fK).

Section SubChoice.

Variables (P : pred T) (sT : subType P).

Definition sub_choiceMixin := PcanChoiceMixin (@valK T P sT).
Definition sub_choiceClass := @Choice.Class sT (sub_eqMixin sT) sub_choiceMixin.
Canonical Structure sub_choiceType := Choice.Pack sub_choiceClass sT.

End SubChoice.

End ChoiceTheory.

Notation "[ 'choiceMixin' 'of' T 'by' <: ]" :=
    (sub_choiceMixin _ : Choice.mixin_of (seq (seq T)))
  (at level 0, format "[ 'choiceMixin' 'of' T 'by' <: ]") : form_scope.

Canonical Structure of choiceType 
Section SomeChoiceTypes.

Variables (T : choiceType) (P : pred T).

Definition seq_choiceMixin := Choice.CanMixin2 (@CodeSeq.Seq2.codeK T).
Canonical Structure seq_choiceType :=
  Eval hnf in ChoiceType (seq T) seq_choiceMixin.

Definition option_choiceMixin := CanChoiceMixin (@seq_of_optK T).
Canonical Structure option_choiceType :=
  Eval hnf in ChoiceType (option T) option_choiceMixin.

Definition sig_choiceMixin := [choiceMixin of {x | P x} by <:].
Canonical Structure sig_choiceType :=
  Eval hnf in ChoiceType {x | P x} sig_choiceMixin.

End SomeChoiceTypes.

Module Countable.

Record mixin_of (T : Type) : Type := Mixin {
  pickle : T -> nat;
  unpickle : nat -> option T;
  pickleK : pcancel pickle unpickle

Section PickleSeq.

Variables (T : Type) (p : T -> nat) (u : nat -> option T).
Hypothesis pK : pcancel p u.

Definition pickle_seq s := CodeSeq.Nat.code (map p s).

Definition unpickle_seq n := Some (pmap u (CodeSeq.Nat.decode n)).

Lemma pickle_seqK : pcancel pickle_seq unpickle_seq.

End PickleSeq.

Definition ChoiceMixin T m :=
  Choice.natMixin (pickle_seqK (pickle_seqK (@pickleK T m))).

Definition EqMixin T m := PcanEqMixin (@pickleK T m).

Record class_of (T : Type) : Type :=
  Class { base :> Choice.class_of T; ext :> mixin_of T }.

Structure type : Type := Pack {sort :> Type; _ : class_of sort; _ : Type}.
Definition class cT := let: Pack _ c _ := cT return class_of cT in c.
Definition clone T cT c of phant_id (class cT) c := @Pack T c T.

Definition pack T m :=
  fun bT b & phant_id (Choice.class bT) b => Pack (@Class T b m) T.

Coercion eqType cT := Equality.Pack (class cT) cT.
Coercion choiceType cT := Choice.Pack (class cT) cT.

End Countable.

Notation countType := Countable.type.
Notation CountType T m := (@Countable.pack T m _ _ id).
Notation CountMixin := Countable.Mixin.
Notation CountChoiceMixin := Countable.ChoiceMixin.
Canonical Structure Countable.eqType.
Canonical Structure Countable.choiceType.

Definition unpickle T := Countable.unpickle (Countable.class T).
Definition pickle T := Countable.pickle (Countable.class T).
Implicit Arguments unpickle [T].

Notation "[ 'countType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (@Countable.clone T cT _ idfun)
 (at level 0, format "[ 'countType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'countType' 'of' T ]" := (@Countable.clone T _ _ id)
  (at level 0, format "[ 'countType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.

Section CountableTheory.

Variable T : countType.

Lemma pickleK : @pcancel nat T pickle unpickle.

Definition pickle_inv n :=
  obind (fun x : T => if pickle x == n then Some x else None) (unpickle n).

Lemma pickle_invK : ocancel pickle_inv pickle.

Lemma pickleK_inv : pcancel pickle pickle_inv.

Lemma pcan_pickleK : forall sT f f',
  @pcancel T sT f f' -> pcancel (pickle \o f) (pcomp f' unpickle).

Definition PcanCountMixin sT f f' (fK : pcancel f f') :=
  @CountMixin sT _ _ (pcan_pickleK fK).

Definition CanCountMixin sT f f' (fK : cancel f f') :=
  @PcanCountMixin sT _ _ (can_pcan fK).

Definition sub_countMixin P sT := PcanCountMixin (@valK T P sT).

Definition seq_countMixin := CountMixin (Countable.pickle_seqK pickleK).
Canonical Structure seq_countType :=
  Eval hnf in CountType (seq T) seq_countMixin.

End CountableTheory.

Notation "[ 'countMixin' 'of' T 'by' <: ]" :=
    (sub_countMixin _ : Countable.mixin_of T)
  (at level 0, format "[ 'countMixin' 'of' T 'by' <: ]") : form_scope.

Section SubCountType.

Variables (T : choiceType) (P : pred T).
Import Countable.

Structure subCountType : Type :=
  SubCountType {subCount_sort :> subType P; _ : mixin_of subCount_sort}.

Coercion sub_countType (sT : subCountType) :=
  Eval hnf in pack (let: SubCountType _ m := sT return mixin_of sT in m) id.
Canonical Structure sub_countType.

Definition pack_subCountType U :=
  fun sT cT & sub_sort sT * sort cT -> U * U =>
  fun b m & phant_id (Class b m) (class cT) => @SubCountType sT m.

End SubCountType.

This assumes that T has both countType and subType structures. 
Notation "[ 'subCountType' 'of' T ]" :=
    (@pack_subCountType _ _ T _ _ id _ _ id)
  (at level 0, format "[ 'subCountType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.

The remaining Canonical Structures for standard datatypes. 

Lemma unit_pickleK : pcancel (fun _ => 0) (fun _ => Some tt).
Definition unit_countMixin := CountMixin unit_pickleK.
Definition unit_choiceMixin := CountChoiceMixin unit_countMixin.
Canonical Structure unit_choiceType :=
  Eval hnf in ChoiceType unit unit_choiceMixin.
Canonical Structure unit_countType :=
  Eval hnf in CountType unit unit_countMixin.

Lemma bool_pickleK : pcancel nat_of_bool (some \o leq 1).

Definition bool_countMixin := CountMixin bool_pickleK.
Definition bool_choiceMixin := CountChoiceMixin bool_countMixin.
Canonical Structure bool_choiceType :=
  Eval hnf in ChoiceType bool bool_choiceMixin.
Canonical Structure bool_countType :=
  Eval hnf in CountType bool bool_countMixin.

Lemma nat_pickleK : pcancel id (@Some nat).

Definition nat_countMixin := CountMixin nat_pickleK.
Definition nat_choiceMixin := CountChoiceMixin nat_countMixin.
Canonical Structure nat_choiceType :=
  Eval hnf in ChoiceType nat nat_choiceMixin.
Canonical Structure nat_countType :=
  Eval hnf in CountType nat nat_countMixin.

Canonical Structure bitseq_choiceType := Eval hnf in [choiceType of bitseq].
Canonical Structure bitseq_countType := Eval hnf in [countType of bitseq].

Definition option_countMixin (T : countType) := CanCountMixin (@seq_of_optK T).
Canonical Structure option_countType (T : countType) :=
  Eval hnf in CountType (option T) (option_countMixin T).

Definition sig_countMixin (T : countType) (P : pred T) :=
  [countMixin of {x | P x} by <:].
Canonical Structure sig_countType (T : countType) (P : pred T) :=
  Eval hnf in CountType {x | P x} (sig_countMixin P).
Canonical Structure sig_subCountType (T : countType) (P : pred T) :=
  Eval hnf in [subCountType of {x | P x}].

Section TagSeq.
To encode {i : I | T_ i} into a type that inherits the Choice or    
 Countable structure of I, we need T_ i to be a countType, in which  
 case we get an encoding {i : I | T_ i} c-> seq I.                   
Variables (I : Type) (T_ : I -> countType).
Definition seq_of_tag_count (u : {i : I & T_ i}) :=
  nseq (pickle (tagged u)).+1 (tag u).
Definition tag_count_of_seq s :=
  if s is i :: s' then omap (@Tagged I i T_) (unpickle (size s')) else None.
Lemma seq_of_tag_countK : pcancel seq_of_tag_count tag_count_of_seq.
End TagSeq.

Definition tag_choiceMixin (I : choiceType) (T_ : I -> countType) :=
  PcanChoiceMixin (@seq_of_tag_countK I T_).
Canonical Structure tag_choiceType (I : choiceType) (T_ : I -> countType) :=
  Eval hnf in ChoiceType {i : I & T_ i} (tag_choiceMixin T_).
Definition tag_countMixin (I : countType) (T_ : I -> countType) :=
  PcanCountMixin (@seq_of_tag_countK I T_).
Canonical Structure tag_countType (I : countType) (T_ : I -> countType) :=
  Eval hnf in CountType {i : I & T_ i} (tag_countMixin T_).

Definition prod_choiceMixin (T1 : countType) (T2 : choiceType) :=
  CanChoiceMixin (@tag_of_pairK T1 T2).
Canonical Structure prod_choiceType (T1 : countType) (T2 : choiceType) :=
  Eval hnf in ChoiceType (T1 * T2) (prod_choiceMixin T1 T2).
Definition prod_countMixin (T1 : countType) (T2 : countType) :=
  CanCountMixin (@tag_of_pairK T1 T2).
Canonical Structure prod_countType (T1 : countType) (T2 : countType) :=
  Eval hnf in CountType (T1 * T2) (prod_countMixin T1 T2).

Definition sum_choiceMixin (T1 : countType) (T2 : choiceType) :=
  PcanChoiceMixin (@opair_of_injK T1 T2).
Canonical Structure sum_choiceType (T1 : countType) (T2 : choiceType) :=
  Eval hnf in ChoiceType (T1 + T2) (sum_choiceMixin T1 T2).
Definition sum_countMixin (T1 : countType) (T2 : countType) :=
  PcanCountMixin (@opair_of_injK T1 T2).
Canonical Structure sum_countType (T1 : countType) (T2 : countType) :=
  Eval hnf in CountType (T1 + T2) (sum_countMixin T1 T2).