Please meet the 2021-2022 board!
General assembly
ADEPS organized March 11, 2021 a general assembly.
The agenda was:
– financial statement
– action taken since ADEPS creation
– future projects
– election of the new board
– various issues.
Please find below the slides used by the 2020-2021 board.
A summary of the general assembly was written, in french for administrative features.
Flashdoc 2020-2021 #4
For the fourth session (February 17, 2021), four people joined us to share their experience about their choice of doing a PhD, the way they got money for it, how they choose their laboratory, subject, supervisors… .
Among Us #2
ADEPS organized January 27, 2021 at 9 PM an online gaming session. Members played Among Us.
Thanks for coming and see you next time!
Flashdoc 2020-2021 #3
For the third session (January 20, 2021), four people joined us to share their experience about what you can do in addition to your research: doctoral training, teaching mission, scientific mediation and gap year.
Flashdoc 2020-2021 #2
For the second session (December 9, 2020), four people joined us to share their experience about the PhD supervision: role, co-supervision, other laboratory members…
Among Us #1
ADEPS organized December 2, 2020 at 9 PM an online gaming session. Members played Among Us.
Thanks for coming and see you next time!
Afterwork #1
ADEPS organized its first members afterwork November 26, 2020.
Due to sanitary situation, it was online.
Thanks to the members who joined and see you next time!
Campaign against sexual and gender-based violence
ADEPS joined the ENS Paris-Saclay campaign against sexual and gender-based violence to promote it in the laboratories with new posters, all written in english!
Flashdoc 2020-2021 #1
We created with ENS Paris-Saclay directory board the Flashdoc events to inform the ENS Paris-Saclay students about PhD!
For the first session (November 16, 2020), four people joined us to share their experience about the interest of PhD: developed skills , national / international collaborations and scientific production. It has been a huge success since 60 people joined the online event!