Flashdoc 2020-2021 #1

We created with ENS Paris-Saclay directory board the Flashdoc events to inform the ENS Paris-Saclay students about PhD!

For the first session (November 16, 2020), four people joined us to share their experience about the interest of PhD: developed skills , national / international collaborations and scientific production. It has been a huge success since 60 people joined the online event!

Dr. Sylvie Pommier, Université Paris-Saclay doctoral school director

Introduction words
Dr. Pierre Thévenin, CNRS researcher in political science in ISP laboratory

National and international collaborations
Dr. Yuichi Hirai, post-doctoral researcher in PPSM laboratory (chemistry)

Scientific production
Emilie Grienenberger, PhD student in LSV laboratory (computer sciences)

PhD skills