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Laurent Blanchet


03-2012 05-2015

INRIA Sophia Antipolis (France) - PhD position

Subject: Modelling and command of modular Wire-Driven Parallel Robots

09-2011 01-2012

EPFL / LASA (Switzerland) - Research internship

Subject: Design of a test-bed for a robotic satellite

02-2011 08-2011

EPFL / Space Center (Switzerland) - Master thesis

Subject: Orbital Debris Remediation: An approach using a 7-DoF robotic arm in space

05-2009 09-2009

JRL / AIST-CNRS (Japan) - Research internship

Subject: Design of a compliant sole for HRP2 & Pre-design study of an haptic suit for HRP4


2012 2015

INRIA Sophia Antipolis (France) - PhD position

Mathematics, informatics

2010 2012

EPFL (Switzerland)

Industrial robotics , mobile robotics: design, control

2007 2011

ENS Cachan (France) - MSc in engineering sciences

Mathematics, Physics, Industrial sciences, Process mechanics, Mechanics, Informatics

2007 2008

UPMC (Paris University) (France) - BSc in engineering sciences

Industrial sciences, Mathematics


  • Management of innovative, cross-domains, high added value projects:
    • Management - author of restricted-access delivrable in the CableBot project (2014), organization of the JJCR '13 symposium (2013), Head of mechanics and chief executive and operative officer of Krobot (robotics student association) (2009-2010), several websites
    • Inovative and Cross-domains projects: CableBot project about cable-actuated robots (2014); Swiss project Orbital Debris Remediation, in collaboration with the Swiss Space center and LASA (2011-2012), Design works on both HRP4 and HRP2 humanoid robots
  • Proficiency in process mechanics from specifications to assembled processed parts:
    • Design - Licence's courses 2007-2008, Master's courses 2010-2011, HRP4 haptic suit project, HRP2 complient sole project, ODR satellite with robotic arm project, CableBot project
    • Process mechanics - Master's courses 2008-2010. 2009 project: Study of the use of a high-speed or infra-red cameras to characterize a composite material's machining process. Proficient in Computer-aided Manufacturing (CAM), G-code, and traditional machining
    • Engineering - Master's courses 2010. Study and application of engineering methods and mechanical solutions.
  • Related skills
    • Languages: French: fluent (mother tongue), English: fluent written english, fluent working knowledge in spoken English.(TOEIC® score : 945)
    • Programming languages: C/C++, Maple, MatLab, G-code
    • Web languages: HTML/CSS, JavaScript (client- and server-side)
    • Used to Linux and Windows environments, LaTeX and office suites, specialist engineering softwares (Maple, Catia V5, MatLab, TopSolid'Cam, Cast3M, Forge 2007, ...)
    • Technological watch (mainly using self-developed web application based on Yahoo! Pipes and server-side Javascript), critical mind and rigor

Past Projects

  • 2014 - "Secret Santa" web-application (JavaScript and Y!Pipes/perl development).
  • 2014 - Web application analyzing about fifty robotics and mathematics journals' publications, aggregating and filtering results (mainly Y!Pipes/perl development).
  • 2012-2014 - European project CableBot: author of CDPR analysis and design software in C/C++ and one restricted-access delivrable.
  • 2013 - Organization of the JJCR '13 symposium.
  • 2011-2012 - Swiss project Orbital Debris Remediation, in collaboration with the Swiss Space center and LASA: design, control, and control implementation of a serial manipulator monted on a satellite; design of a test-bed for a robotic satellite.
  • 2009 - Japanese and French project about the interactions of a humanoid robot and its environment at Joint Robot Laboratory (JRL), a joint team between CNRS (France) and AIST (Japan): design study of an haptic suit for HRP4; Design of a compliant sole for HRP2.
  • 2009-2010 - Head of mechanics and chief executive and operative officer of Krobot, student association engineering from scratch to working prototype autonomous mobile robots, in order to participate to Eurobot (european robotic contest).
  • 2009 - Study of the use of a high-speed or infra-red cameras to characterize a composite material's machining process.