Index of /besson/slides
# Slideshows :notebook: by [Naereen @ GitHub](
This repository hosts some slides for talks I gave in the last years (since 2016), covering various subjects, including programming/code, training and teaching, research (at conferences and my PhD defense)...
## About tools
- At first, this repository was only here to host some small experiments, for me to learn how to use [the remark.js slideshow tools]( correctly;
- But I discovered that [pandoc]( can be used to create PDF Beamer slides, written easily in Markdown, and I love it now :heart:! [My pandoc/beamer template](common/my.beamer) is working well, I love it.
- And I am passionate about open-source, and really fond of Markdown, I am trying to publish here all the slides of the talks I gave recently (from July 2017).
- (OLD) I also really like [Marp](, and [have written this small CSS file to customize it](common/marp-naereen.css) (using [Palatino]( & [Fira Code]( fonts).
## About tools in 2021
- (NEW) I'm less fan of the new [Marp]( app , and [have written this small CSS file to customize it](common/marp-naereen-new.css) (using [Palatino]( & [Fira Code]( fonts), [as well as bash aliases]( `marp2pdf` and `marp2html`.
- (NEW) I LOVE [jupyter notebooks](, and I use the [RISE extension]( regularly to produce slideshows from live Jupyter notebooks (see [RISE on GitHub]( See this example (in French), [presented at a conference in February 2020]( It uses [reveal.js](, which is honestly better than [remarkjs]( or Marp...
> See also [my SpeakerDesk profile](, where I also shared all my previous slides, and I will keep sharing the new ones.
## Past slides
- For my previous research internships : [« Méthodes de volumes finis sur carte graphique nVidia pour Euler compressible » (in French, fluid mechanics, PDE, and C/CUDA programming) L3 (2012)](, [« Modularité pour les programmes de robots » (in French, formal logic), M1 (2013)](, [« Theoretical study of steerable homogeneous operators » (in English), M2 (2016)](
- And for [my M.Sc. (MVA) in 2015-16](, for some research projects : [Graphs in Machine-Learning (2015)](, [Sparsity and Compressed Sensing (2015)](, [Reinforcement Learning (2015)](, [Modeling in Neuro-Science (2016)](
## *How to read these documents*?
### 1. PDF on [my website](
> PDF versions are not available on the Git repository, but on [they are my website](
- [July 2016: Python Introduction and Demo at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland)](
- [February 2017 : "Mastering Markdown and MediaWiki" training (CentraleSupélec Rennes)](
- [May 2017 : 6 month PhD summary for my "CSID Comitee" (CentraleSupélec Rennes)]( ([16:9 ?](
- [June 2017 : Presentation of the ADDI Association (PhD Student Day 2017 in Rennes)]( ([16:9 ?](
- [September 2017 : Presentation of our CrownCom conference article (Lisboa, Portugal)]( ([16:9 ?](
- [November 2017 : "Git and Open Source Your Simulation Code" training session (CentraleSupélec Rennes)]( ([16:9 ?](
- [November 2017 : 1 year of PhD summary, presentation at the SCEE team seminar (CentraleSupélec Rennes)]( ([16:9 ?](
- [December 2017 : Presentation of our ALT 2018 article at SequeL team seminar (Inria Lille)]( ([16:9 ?](
- [January 2018 : Same presentation at the ENSAI "brown-bag" seminar (Rennes)](
- [January 2018 : "Python introduction for MATLAB users" training session (CentraleSupélec Rennes)]( ([16:9 ?](
- [March 2018 : "Introduction to Jupyter notebooks" training session (CentraleSupélec Rennes)]( ([16:9 ?](
- [April 2018 : "Multi-Player Bandits Models Revisited", talk at the ALT 2018 conference]( ([16:9 ?](, for [this paper](
- [April 2018 : "Aggregation of Multi-Armed Bandits Learning Algorithms for Opportunistic Spectrum Access", talk at the IEEE WCNC 2018 conference]( ([16:9 ?](, for [this paper](
- [May 2018 : summary for half of my PhD, the "CSID Comitee" (CentraleSupélec Rennes)]( ([16:9 ?](
- [June 2018 : Julia my new computing friend?]( An introduction for MATLAB users, at [IETR seminar 2018](, in collaboration with [Pierre Haessig]( (see also [here](
- [October 2018 : "Looking for and Organizing your Bibliographic References" training session (CentraleSupélec Rennes)]( ([16:9 ?](
- [October 2018 : "Multi-Player Bandits Revisited", seminar at CMAP laboratory at École Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France)]( ([16:9 ?](, for [this paper](
- [December 2018 : "5 useful tools as a Christmas gift", traning session (CentraleSupélec Rennes)]( ([16:9 ?](, in collaboration with [Bastien Trotobas](, Nabil Zaraneh and [Pierre Haessig](
- [April 2019 : "GNU Radio Implementation of Multi-Armed bandits Learning for Internet-of-things Networks", talk at the IEEE WCNC 2019 conference]( ([16:9 ?](, for [this paper](
- [April 2019 : "Upper-Confidence Bound for Channel Selection in LPWA Networks with Retransmissions", talk at the MoTION Workshop at IEEE WCNC 2019 conference]( ([16:9 ?](, for [this paper](
- [May 2019 : slides for the oral presentation given to apply for a teaching-and-research position in Computer Science at ENS de Rennes (29-05-2019)]( ([16:9 ?](, for [this paper](
- [June 2019 : "The Bernoulli Generalized Likelihood Ratio test (B-GLR) for Non-Stationary Multi-Armed Bandits", talk at the monthly research seminar at the PANAMA team, at IRISA lab in Rennes]( ([16:9 ?](, for [this paper](
- [August 2019 : "The Bernoulli Generalized Likelihood Ratio test (B-GLR) for Non-Stationary Multi-Armed Bandits", talk at the GRETSI conference, in Lille (in French)](, for [this paper](
- [September 2019 : "Introduction to Multi-Armed Bandits and Reinforcement Learning"](, for [this Training School in Paris](
- [November 2019 : oral defense of my PhD thesis, "Multi-players Bandit Algorithms for Internet of Things Networks"](, see also [my PhD thesis](
- [August 2020 : presentation of the Master degree I'm in charge of at ENS Rennes (prépa agrég maths option informatique)](
### :arrow_forward: 2. View the slides on-line as HTML pages ?
> These versions are experimental and should not be used.
> [*Hic sunt dracones!*](
- Example: [template](
- [2016_07__Python_demo_at_EPFL](
- [2017_02__Markdown_and_MediaWiki_primer_at_Supelec](
- [2017_05__CSID_PhD_comitee_at_CentraleSupelec](
- [2017_06__Presentation_of_ADDI_Association](
- [2017_09__Presentation_article_CrownCom_Conference]( (still ugly, prefer [the PDF](
- [2017_11__Git_and_open-source_your_simulation_code__at_Supelec](
- [2017_11__Presentation_Supelec_SCEE_Seminar](
- [2017_12__Presentation_Inria_Lille_SequeL_Seminar](
- [2018_01__Python_introduction_for_MATLAB_users__at_Supelec](
- [2018_03__Jupyter_notebooks_are_awesome__GouTP_at_Supelec](
- [2018_06__Julia_my_new_optimization_friend__introduction_for_MATLAB_users__at_IETR_seminar](
- [2018_10__Looking_for_and_organizing_your_bibliographic_references__GouTP_at_CentraleSupelec](
- [2018_10__Seminaire_CMAP__Multi-Player_Bandits__Theory_Applications_and_Simulations](
- [2018_12__Four_useful_and_various_tools_as_a_Christmas_gift__GouTP_at_CentraleSupelec](
- [2019_04__Presentation_IEEE_WCNC__Demo_ICT_2018](
- [2019_04__Presentation_IEEE_WCNC__MoTION_Workshop](
- For other slides, if I forgot one, use this URL: ``.
> Note: I have **stopped** writing these web versions from March 2018, I saw that nobody every visited the previous ones and they appear useless. Tell me if you want them?
### :arrows_counterclockwise: 3. View the slides locally ?
- You can also clone this repository, and browse locally the slides.
- For some slides, they are not working as independent HTML files, so I switched to [reveal-md]( simply use `make` in the sub-folder and it will open the slides in a browser (the [npm]( package `reveal-md` is required, though...)
### :information_desk_person: More information?
> - More information about [pandoc]( on [](
> - More information about [remarkjs]( on [](
> - More information about [reveal.js]( on [](
> - More information about [reveal-md]( on [](
> - More information about [Markdown]( on [](
## :scroll: License ? [](
All the slideshows in this repository are published under the terms of the [MIT License]( (file [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt)).
© [Lilian Besson](, 2016-19.
The logos and images are the properties of their respective authors (for instance, ENS Paris Saclay, EPFL, CentraleSupélec, IETR, etc).