#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- """ selfspy-vis Copyright 2012 David Fendrich (Gurgeh) Copyright 2015 Hannes Schulz (temporaer) Copyright 2016 Lilian Besson (Naereen) https://github.com/Naereen/selfspy-vis This file is part of Selfspy https://github.com/gurgeh/selfspy Selfspy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Selfspy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Selfspy. If not, see . """ from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import os import sys import re import datetime import time # import seaborn as sns import argparse import ConfigParser from collections import Counter from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish import hashlib import selfspy.config as cfg from selfspy import check_password from selfspy.password_dialog import get_password from selfspy.period import Period from selfspy import models import codecs sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout) import numpy as np # Constants ACTIVE_SECONDS = 180 PERIOD_LOOKUP = {'s': 'seconds', 'm': 'minutes', 'h': 'hours', 'd': 'days', 'w': 'weeks'} ACTIVITY_ACTIONS = {'active', 'periods', 'pactive', 'tactive', 'ratios'} SUMMARY_ACTIONS = ACTIVITY_ACTIONS.union({'pkeys', 'tkeys', 'key_freqs', 'clicks', 'ratios'}) PROCESS_ACTIONS = {'pkeys', 'pactive'} WINDOW_ACTIONS = {'tkeys', 'tactive'} BUTTON_MAP = [('button1', 'left'), ('button2', 'middle'), ('button3', 'right'), ('button4', 'up'), ('button5', 'down')] def pretty_seconds(secs): secs = int(secs) active = False outs = '' days = secs / (3600 * 24) if days: active = True outs += '%d days, ' % days secs -= days * (3600 * 24) hours = secs / 3600 if hours: active = True if active: outs += '%dh ' % hours secs -= hours * 3600 minutes = secs / 60 if minutes: active = True if active: outs += '%dm ' % minutes secs -= minutes * 60 outs += '%ds' % secs return outs def make_time_string(dates, clock): now = datetime.datetime.now() now2 = datetime.datetime.now() if dates is None: dates = [] if isinstance(dates, list) and len(dates) > 0: # if type(dates[0]) is str: if isinstance(dates[0], str): datesstr = " ".join(dates) else: print('%s is of uncompatible type list of %s.' % ( dates[0], str(type(dates[0])))) elif isinstance(dates, basestring): datesstr = dates else: datesstr = now.strftime('%Y %m %d') dates = datesstr.split() # any whitespace if len(dates) > 3: print('Max three arguments to date', dates) sys.exit(1) try: dates = [int(d) for d in dates] if len(dates) == 3: now = now.replace(year=dates[0]) if len(dates) >= 2: now = now.replace(month=dates[-2]) if len(dates) >= 1: now = now.replace(day=dates[-1]) if len(dates) == 2: if now > now2: now = now.replace(year=now.year - 1) if len(dates) == 1: if now > now2: m = now.month - 1 if m: now = now.replace(month=m) else: now = now.replace(year=now.year - 1, month=12) except ValueError: print('Malformed date', dates) sys.exit(1) if clock: try: hour, minute = [int(v) for v in clock.split(':')] except ValueError: print('Malformed clock', clock) sys.exit(1) now = now.replace(hour=hour, minute=minute, second=0) if now > now2: now -= datetime.timedelta(days=1) return now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), now def make_period(q, period, who, start, prop): if isinstance(period, list) and len(period) > 0: if type(period[0]) is str: periodstr = "".join(period) else: print('%s is of uncompatible type list of %s.' % (who, str(type(period[0])))) elif isinstance(period, basestring): periodstr = period.translate(None, " \t") else: print('%s is of uncompatible type %s.' % (who, str(type(period)))) sys.exit(1) pmatch = re.match(r"(\d+)([" + "".join(PERIOD_LOOKUP.keys()) + "]?)", periodstr) if pmatch is None: print('%s has an unrecognizable format: %s' % (who, periodstr)) sys.exit(1) period = [pmatch.group(1)] + ([pmatch.group(2)] if pmatch.group(2) else []) d = {} val = int(period[0]) if len(period) == 1: d['hours'] = val else: if period[1] not in PERIOD_LOOKUP: print('--limit unit "%s" not one of %s' % (period[1], PERIOD_LOOKUP.keys())) sys.exit(1) d[PERIOD_LOOKUP[period[1]]] = val if start: return q.filter(prop <= start + datetime.timedelta(**d)) else: start = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(**d) return q.filter(prop >= start), start def create_times(row): current_time = time.mktime(row.created_at.timetuple()) abs_times = [current_time] for t in row.load_timings(): current_time -= t abs_times.append(current_time) abs_times.reverse() return abs_times class Selfstats(object): def __init__(self, db_name, args): self.args = args self.session_maker = models.initialize(db_name) self.inmouse = False self.check_needs() def do(self): if self.need_summary: self.calc_summary() self.show_summary() else: self.show_rows() def check_needs(self): self.need_text = True self.need_activity = True self.need_timings = True self.need_keys = True self.need_humanreadable = True self.need_summary = True self.need_process = True self.need_window = True if self.args['body'] is not None: self.need_text = True if self.args['showtext']: self.need_text = True cutoff = [self.args[k] for k in ACTIVITY_ACTIONS if self.args[k]] if cutoff: if any(c != cutoff[0] for c in cutoff): print('You must give the same time argument to the different parameters in the --active family, when you use several in the same query.') sys.exit(1) self.need_activity = cutoff[0] self.need_timings = True if self.args['key_freqs']: self.need_keys = True if self.args['human_readable']: self.need_humanreadable = True if any(self.args[k] for k in SUMMARY_ACTIONS): self.need_summary = True def maybe_reg_filter(self, q, name, names, table, source_prop, target_prop): if self.args[name] is not None: ids = [] try: reg = re.compile(self.args[name], re.I) except re.error as e: print('Error in regular expression', str(e)) sys.exit(1) for x in self.session.query(table).all(): if reg.search(x.__getattribute__(source_prop)): ids.append(x.id) if not self.inmouse: print('%d %s matched' % (len(ids), names)) if ids: q = q.filter(target_prop.in_(ids)) else: return q, False return q, True def filter_prop(self, prop, startprop): self.session = self.session_maker() q = self.session.query(prop).order_by(prop.id) if self.args['date'] or self.args['clock']: s, start = make_time_string(self.args['date'], self.args['clock']) q = q.filter(prop.created_at >= s) if self.args['limit'] is not None: q = make_period(q, self.args['limit'], '--limit', start, startprop) elif self.args['id'] is not None: q = q.filter(prop.id >= self.args['id']) if self.args['limit'] is not None: q = q.filter(prop.id < self.args['id'] + int(self.args['limit'][0])) elif self.args['back'] is not None: q, start = make_period(q, self.args['back'], '--back', None, startprop) if self.args['limit'] is not None: q = make_period(q, self.args['limit'], '--limit', start, startprop) q, found = self.maybe_reg_filter(q, 'process', 'process(es)', models.Process, 'name', prop.process_id) if not found: return None q, found = self.maybe_reg_filter(q, 'title', 'title(s)', models.Window, 'title', prop.window_id) if not found: return None return q def filter_keys(self): q = self.filter_prop(models.Keys, models.Keys.started) if q is None: return if self.args['min_keys'] is not None: q = q.filter(models.Keys.nrkeys >= self.args['min_keys']) if self.args['body']: try: bodrex = re.compile(self.args['body'], re.I) except re.error as e: print('Error in regular expression', str(e)) sys.exit(1) for x in q.all(): if self.need_humanreadable: body = x.decrypt_humanreadable() else: body = x.decrypt_text() if bodrex.search(body): yield x else: for x in q: yield x def filter_clicks(self): self.inmouse = True q = self.filter_prop(models.Click, models.Click.created_at) if q is None: return for x in q: yield x def show_rows(self): fkeys = self.filter_keys() rows = 0 print(' ',) if self.args['showtext'] and self.need_humanreadable: print('') elif self.args['showtext']: print('') else: print() for row in fkeys: rows += 1 print(row.id, row.started, pretty_seconds((row.created_at - row.started).total_seconds()), row.process.name, '"%s"' % row.window.title, row.nrkeys,) if self.args['showtext']: if self.need_humanreadable: print(row.decrypt_humanreadable().decode('utf8')) else: print(row.decrypt_text().decode('utf8')) else: print() print(rows, 'rows') def click_pie(self, stats, unit='clicks'): import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib matplotlib.interactive(False) L = [] idx = [] Lt = {} for p, k in stats.iteritems(): if unit not in k: continue idx.append(p) k['proc'] = p L.append(k) dates, values = [], [] for t1, t2 in k['activity'].times: dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(t1)) dates.append(dt) values.append(t2 - t1) # s = pd.Series(values, index=pd.to_datetime(dates)) s = pd.Series(values, index=dates) if p in Lt: Lt[p] = pd.concat((Lt[p], s)) else: Lt[p] = s def make_others(D, n=5): keys = list(x for x in D.keys()) keys = sorted(keys, key=lambda x: D[x].sum(), reverse=True) keys = keys[:n] D2 = D[keys].copy() other_keys = [t for t in D.keys() if t not in keys] if len(other_keys) < 2: return D if isinstance(D[other_keys[0]], int): D2['other'] = sum(D[k] for k in other_keys) return D2 s = D[other_keys[0]] s.name = "other" other = pd.DataFrame(s, index=s.index) for k in other_keys[1:]: s = D[k] s.name = "other" other = pd.merge(other, pd.DataFrame(s), how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True) # other = pd.merge(other, s, how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True) other = other.sum(axis=1) # other[0].name = "other" D2['other'] = other # print(D2['other']) return D2 df = pd.DataFrame(L, index=idx) df = make_others(df[unit]) df.plot(kind='pie', y=unit) plt.savefig(unit + "-total.png") plt.clf() from matplotlib import dates as mpldates hfmt = mpldates.DateFormatter('%m/%d %H:%M') Lt = [pd.DataFrame({k: v}) for k, v in Lt.iteritems()] df = pd.concat(Lt, axis=0) df = df.resample('30Min', how='sum', label='left') df = df.ix[1:] v = (np.cumsum(df.sum(axis=1).fillna(0)) == 0).sum() df = df.ix[v:] df = make_others(df) # .dropna(how='all') # from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer; Tracer()() df.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, width=0.95, title=unit) formatted_ticks = df.index.map(lambda t: t.strftime('%m/%d %H:%M')) plt.gca().set_xticklabels(formatted_ticks) outfile = unit + "-hours.png" print("Saving to %s..." % outfile) plt.savefig(outfile) # plt.show(block=True) plt.clf() def calc_summary(self): def updict(d1, d2, activity_times, sub=None): if sub is not None: if sub not in d1: d1[sub] = {} d1 = d1[sub] for key, val in d2.items(): if key not in d1: d1[key] = 0 d1[key] += val if self.need_activity: if 'activity' not in d1: d1['activity'] = Period(self.need_activity, time.time()) d1['activity'].extend(activity_times) sumd = {} processes = {} windows = {} timings = [] keys = Counter() for row in self.filter_keys(): d = {'nr': 1, 'keystrokes': len(row.load_timings())} if self.need_activity: timings = create_times(row) if self.need_process: updict(processes, d, timings, sub=row.process.name) if self.need_window: updict(windows, d, timings, sub=self.simplify_windows(row.process.name, row.window.title)) updict(sumd, d, timings) if self.args['key_freqs']: keys.update(row.decrypt_keys()) for click in self.filter_clicks(): d = {'noscroll_clicks': click.button not in [4, 5], 'clicks': 1, 'button%d' % click.button: 1, 'mousings': click.nrmoves} if self.need_activity: timings = [time.mktime(click.created_at.timetuple())] if self.need_process: updict(processes, d, timings, sub=click.process.name) if self.need_window: updict(windows, d, timings, sub=self.simplify_windows(click.process.name, click.window.title)) updict(sumd, d, timings) self.processes = processes self.windows = windows self.summary = sumd self.click_pie(windows, 'keystrokes') self.click_pie(windows, 'clicks') if self.args['key_freqs']: self.summary['key_freqs'] = keys def simplify_windows(self, klass, win): if not hasattr(self, "simplification_rules"): fn = os.path.join(self.args['data_dir'], "simplification_rules.txt") if not os.path.exists(fn): self.simplification_rules = [(r'^(.*)::(.*)$', '\\1')] else: self.simplification_rules = [] with open(fn, "r") as f: rules = f.readlines() for rule in rules: if rule.startswith("#"): continue rule = rule.strip() if len(rule) == 0: continue src, dst = rule.split(" --> ") self.simplification_rules.append((re.compile(src), dst)) name = "%s::%s" % (klass, win) new_name = name for src, dst in self.simplification_rules: m = re.match(src, name) if m is None: continue new_name = re.sub(src, dst, name) return new_name def show_summary(self): print('%d keystrokes in %d key sequences,' % (self.summary.get('keystrokes', 0), self.summary.get('nr', 0)),) print('%d clicks (%d excluding scroll),' % (self.summary.get('clicks', 0), self.summary.get('noscroll_clicks', 0)),) print('%d mouse movements' % (self.summary.get('mousings', 0))) print() if self.need_activity: act = self.summary.get('activity') if act: act = act.calc_total() else: act = 0 print('Total time active:',) print(pretty_seconds(act)) print() if self.args['clicks']: print('Mouse clicks:') for key, name in BUTTON_MAP: print(self.summary.get(key, 0), name) print() if self.args['key_freqs']: print('Key frequencies:') for key, val in self.summary['key_freqs'].most_common(): print(key, val) print() if self.args['pkeys']: print('Processes sorted by keystrokes:') pdata = self.processes.items() pdata.sort(key=lambda x: x[1].get('keystrokes', 0), reverse=True) for name, data in pdata: print(name, data.get('keystrokes', 0)) print() if self.args['tkeys']: print('Window titles sorted by keystrokes:') wdata = self.windows.items() wdata.sort(key=lambda x: x[1].get('keystrokes', 0), reverse=True) for name, data in wdata: print(name, data.get('keystrokes', 0)) print() if self.args['pactive']: print('Processes sorted by activity:') for p in self.processes.values(): p['active_time'] = int(p['activity'].calc_total()) pdata = self.processes.items() pdata.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]['active_time'], reverse=True) for name, data in pdata: print('%s, %s' % (name, pretty_seconds(data['active_time']))) print() if self.args['tactive']: print('Window titles sorted by activity:') for w in self.windows.values(): w['active_time'] = int(w['activity'].calc_total()) wdata = self.windows.items() wdata.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]['active_time'], reverse=True) for name, data in wdata: print('%s, %s' % (name, pretty_seconds(data['active_time']))) print() if self.args['periods']: if 'activity' in self.summary: print('Active periods:') for t1, t2 in self.summary['activity'].times: d1 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t1).replace(microsecond=0) d2 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t2).replace(microsecond=0) print('%s - %s' % (d1.isoformat(' '), str(d2.time()).split('.')[0])) else: print('No active periods.') print() if self.args['ratios']: def tryget(prop): return float(max(1, self.summary.get(prop, 1))) mousings = tryget('mousings') clicks = tryget('clicks') keys = tryget('keystrokes') print('Keys / Clicks: %.1f' % (keys / clicks)) print('Active seconds / Keys: %.1f' % (act / keys)) print() print('Mouse movements / Keys: %.1f' % (mousings / keys)) print('Mouse movements / Clicks: %.1f' % (mousings / clicks)) print() def parse_config(): conf_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, add_help=False, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) conf_parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="""Config file with defaults. Command line parameters will override those given in the config file. Options to selfspy goes in the "[Defaults]" section, followed by [argument]=[value] on each line. Options specific to selfstats should be in the "[Selfstats]" section, though "password" and "data-dir" are still read from "[Defaults]".""", metavar="FILE") args, remaining_argv = conf_parser.parse_known_args() defaults = {} if args.config: if not os.path.exists(args.config): raise EnvironmentError("Config file %s doesn't exist." % args.config) config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() config.read([args.config]) defaults = dict(config.items('Defaults') + config.items("Selfstats")) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Calculate statistics on selfspy data. Per default it will show non-text information that matches the filter. Adding '-s' means also show text. Adding any of the summary options will show those summaries over the given filter instead of the listing. Multiple summary options can be given to print several summaries over the same filter. If you give arguments that need to access text / keystrokes, you will be asked for the decryption password.""", epilog="""See the README file or http://gurgeh.github.com/selfspy for examples.""", parents=[conf_parser]) parser.set_defaults(**defaults) parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', help='Decryption password. Only needed if selfstats needs to access text / keystrokes data. If your database in not encrypted, specify -p="" here. If you don\'t specify a password in the command line arguments or in a config file, and the statistics you ask for require a password, a dialog will pop up asking for the password. If you give your password on the command line, remember that it will most likely be stored in plain text in your shell history.') parser.add_argument('-d', '--data-dir', help='Data directory for selfspy, where the database is stored. Remember that Selfspy must have read/write access. Default is %s' % cfg.DATA_DIR, default=cfg.DATA_DIR) parser.add_argument('-s', '--showtext', action='store_true', help='Also show the text column. This switch is ignored if at least one of the summary options are used. Requires password.') parser.add_argument('-D', '--date', nargs='+', help='Which date to start the listing or summarizing from. If only one argument is given (--date 13) it is interpreted as the closest date in the past on that day. If two arguments are given (--date 03 13) it is interpreted as the closest date in the past on that month and that day, in that order. If three arguments are given (--date 2012 03 13) it is interpreted as YYYY MM DD') parser.add_argument('-C', '--clock', type=str, help='Time to start the listing or summarizing from. Given in 24 hour format as --clock 13:25. If no --date is given, interpret the time as today if that results in sometimes in the past, otherwise as yesterday.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--id', type=int, help='Which row ID to start the listing or summarizing from. If --date and/or --clock is given, this option is ignored.') parser.add_argument('-b', '--back', nargs='+', type=str, help='--back [] Start the listing or summary this much back in time. Use this as an alternative to --date, --clock and --id. If any of those are given, this option is ignored. is either "s" (seconds), "m" (minutes), "h" (hours), "d" (days) or "w" (weeks). If no unit is given, it is assumed to be hours.') parser.add_argument('-l', '--limit', help='--limit []. If the start is given in --date/--clock, the limit is a time period given by . is either "s" (seconds), "m" (minutes), "h" (hours), "d" (days) or "w" (weeks). If no unit is given, it is assumed to be hours. If the start is given with --id, limit has no unit and means that the maximum row ID is --id + --limit.', nargs='+', type=str) parser.add_argument('-m', '--min-keys', type=int, metavar='nr', help='Only allow entries with at least keystrokes') parser.add_argument('-T', '--title', type=str, metavar='regexp', help='Only allow entries where a search for this in the window title matches something. All regular expressions are case insensitive.') parser.add_argument('-P', '--process', type=str, metavar='regexp', help='Only allow entries where a search for this in the process matches something.') parser.add_argument('-B', '--body', type=str, metavar='regexp', help='Only allow entries where a search for this in the body matches something. Do not use this filter when summarizing ratios or activity, as it has no effect on mouse clicks. Requires password.') parser.add_argument('--clicks', action='store_true', help='Summarize number of mouse button clicks for all buttons.') parser.add_argument('--key-freqs', action='store_true', help='Summarize a table of absolute and relative number of keystrokes for each used key during the time period. Requires password.') parser.add_argument('--human-readable', action='store_true', help='This modifies the --body entry and honors backspace.') parser.add_argument('--active', type=int, metavar='seconds', nargs='?', const=ACTIVE_SECONDS, help='Summarize total time spent active during the period. The optional argument gives how many seconds after each mouse click (including scroll up or down) or keystroke that you are considered active. Default is %d.' % ACTIVE_SECONDS) parser.add_argument('--ratios', type=int, metavar='seconds', nargs='?', const=ACTIVE_SECONDS, help='Summarize the ratio between different metrics in the given period. "Clicks" will not include up or down scrolling. The optional argument is the "seconds" cutoff for calculating active use, like --active.') parser.add_argument('--periods', type=int, metavar='seconds', nargs='?', const=ACTIVE_SECONDS, help='List active time periods. Optional argument works same as for --active.') parser.add_argument('--pactive', type=int, metavar='seconds', nargs='?', const=ACTIVE_SECONDS, help='List processes, sorted by time spent active in them. Optional argument works same as for --active.') parser.add_argument('--tactive', type=int, metavar='seconds', nargs='?', const=ACTIVE_SECONDS, help='List window titles, sorted by time spent active in them. Optional argument works same as for --active.') parser.add_argument('--pkeys', action='store_true', help='List processes sorted by number of keystrokes.') parser.add_argument('--tkeys', action='store_true', help='List window titles sorted by number of keystrokes.') return parser.parse_args() def make_encrypter(password): if password == "": encrypter = None else: encrypter = Blowfish.new(hashlib.md5(password).digest()) return encrypter def main(): try: args = vars(parse_config()) except EnvironmentError as e: print(str(e)) sys.exit(1) args['data_dir'] = os.path.expanduser(args['data_dir']) def check_with_encrypter(password): encrypter = make_encrypter(password) return check_password.check(args['data_dir'], encrypter, read_only=True) ss = Selfstats(os.path.join(args['data_dir'], cfg.DBNAME), args) if ss.need_text or ss.need_keys: if args['password'] is None: args['password'] = get_password(verify=check_with_encrypter) models.ENCRYPTER = make_encrypter(args['password']) if not check_password.check(args['data_dir'], models.ENCRYPTER, read_only=True): print('Password failed') sys.exit(1) ss.do() if __name__ == '__main__': main()