#!/usr/bin/env python3 #-*- coding: utf8 -*- """Produce text from a list of sentences, inspired by https://github.com/jilljenn/markov.py""" import argparse import os import random from string import ascii_lowercase from collections import Counter, defaultdict from lea import Lea WORD_LIST = 'latin.txt' def markov(corpus, start, length): # Counting occurrences next_one = defaultdict(Counter) for sentence in corpus: words = sentence.split() nb_words = len(words) for i in range(nb_words - 1): next_one[words[i]][words[i + 1]] += 1 # Initializing states states = {} for word in next_one: states[word] = Lea.fromValFreqsDict(next_one[word]) # Outputting visited states word = start words = [word] for _ in range(length - 1): word = states[word].random() words.append(word) return(words) if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse cli arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate a random latin locution.') parser.add_argument( 'demo_type', type=str, nargs='?', default='latin', help='A type of demo: "latin", "text", "music" or "word"') parser.add_argument( 'start', type=str, nargs='?', default='None', help='A word to start the random latin locution') parser.add_argument( 'length', type=int, nargs='?', default=-1, help='Length of the random latin locution') args = parser.parse_args() proba_title = 0 # Generating sentences word by word if args.demo_type == 'text': corpus = [ 'je mange des cerises', 'je mange des bananes', 'je conduis des camions', ] starts = ['je'] start = random.choice(starts) length = 4 # Generating sentences word by word elif args.demo_type == 'latin': corpus = open(os.path.basename(WORD_LIST)).readlines() starts = [c.split()[0] for c in corpus] start = args.start if start is None or start == 'None': start = random.choice(starts) proba_title = len([1 for s in starts if s.istitle()]) / len(starts) length = args.length if length <= 0: length = random.randint(2, 8) # Generating music note by note elif args.demo_type == 'music': corpus = [ 'e d# e d# e b d c a', # Lettre à Élise de Beethoven 'C E g c e g c e C E g c e g c e C D a d f a d f' ] # Bach starts = ['e', 'C'] start = random.choice(starts) length = 20 # Generating words letter by letter elif args.demo_type == 'word': corpus = [ ' '.join(list(word)) for word in open( os.path.basename(WORD_LIST)).read().splitlines() ] starts = list(ascii_lowercase) start = random.choice(starts) length = 12 # Try 100 times to generate a sentence nb_max_trial = 100 for trial in range(nb_max_trial): try: words = markov(corpus, start, length) if random.random() <= proba_title: words[0] = words[0].title() print(' '.join(words)) break except KeyError: start = random.choice(starts) continue