#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- ############################################################################ # ## # Nautilus Terminal - A terminal embedded in Nautilus ## # ## # Copyright (C) 2011 Fabien LOISON ## # Copyright (C) 2013-16 Lilian BESSON ## # ## # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## # (at your option) any later version. ## # ## # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## # GNU General Public License for more details. ## # ## # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## # along with this program. If not, see . ## # ## # ## # WEB SITE: https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/nautilus-terminal/ ## # ## # To copy here : /usr/share/nautilus-python/extensions/ ## # ## ############################################################################ """ A terminal embedded in Nautilus, v1.3. """ from __future__ import print_function import os import sys from signal import SIGTERM, SIGKILL from gi.repository import GObject, Nautilus, Gtk, Gdk, Vte, GLib # Specific imports for Python 2 and 3 if sys.version_info < (3, 0): print("Python version 2.") from urllib import url2pathname from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser else: print("Python version 3 (bug).") from urllib.request import url2pathname from configparser import RawConfigParser __author__ = "Fabien LOISON , Lilian BESSON " __version__ = "1.3" __appname__ = "nautilus-terminal" __app_disp_name__ = "Nautilus Terminal" # __website__ = "http://projects.flogisoft.com/nautilus-terminal/" # Thanks bro for the v1.0 :-) __website__ = "https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/nautilus-terminal/" print("\n.:[ Initializing %s, v%s. (c) %s ]:." % (__app_disp_name__, __version__, __author__)) print(".:[ Take a look at %s for more information. ]:." % (__website__)) DEFAULT_CONF = { 'general/def_term_height': 6, # lines 'general/def_visible': True, 'general/term_on_top': True, 'terminal/shell': Vte.get_user_shell(), 'general/f_close': True # To enable the F4 keybinding. } class Config(object): """ Handles the configuration of Nautilus Terminal.""" def __init__(self): """ The constructor.""" self._default = DEFAULT_CONF self._confp = RawConfigParser() self.read() def read(self): """ Read the configuration from a file.""" # Determine where is stored the configuration config_file = os.path.join(os.environ.get("HOME"), ".%s" % __appname__) if not os.path.isfile(config_file): try: from xdg import BaseDirectory except ImportError: pass else: config_file = os.path.join( BaseDirectory.save_config_path(__appname__), "config.ini") if os.path.isfile(config_file): self._confp.read([config_file]) def get(self, key, cast=str): """ Get the value of a key. Returns the value of the given key in the configuration file or the default value. A key is composed of a section and an option name and looks like that: section/optionname Args: key -- The key (e.g. foo/bar) cast -- The type of the value (string by default) """ if cast == bool: cast = lambda b: bool(int(b)) section, option = key.split("/") if self._confp.has_option(section, option): return cast(self._confp.get(section, option)) elif key in self._default: return cast(self._default[key]) else: raise KeyError class NautilusTerminal(object): """ Nautilus Terminal itself. Args: uri -- The URI of the folder where the terminal will be created. window -- The parent window. """ def __init__(self, uri, window): """ The constructor.""" print("[{}] I: Calling __init__ with uri={}, window={}".format(__app_disp_name__, str(uri), str(window))) self._window = window self._path = self._uri_to_path(uri) # Term self.shell_pid = -1 self.term = Vte.Terminal() self.term.set_opacity(1.0) # FIXME # NEW VERSION VTE v0.38+ # http://stackoverflow.com/a/30197401 # OLD if hasattr(self.term, 'fork_command_full'): self.shell_pid = self.term.fork_command_full(Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, self._path, [CONF.get("terminal/shell")], None, GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, None, None)[1] # NEW : elif hasattr(self.term, 'spawn_sync'): self.shell_pid = self.term.spawn_sync(Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, self._path, [CONF.get("terminal/shell")], None, GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, None, None)[1] else: print("[%s] E: self.term does not have either the fork_command_full function (VTE v0.37-) nor the function spawn_sync (VTE v0.38+).\nPlease contact the developper (besson at crans dot org)." % __app_disp_name__) self.term.connect_after("child-exited", self._on_term_child_exited) self.term.connect_after("popup-menu", self._on_term_popup_menu) self.term.connect("button-release-event", self._on_term_popup_menu) # Accelerators accel_group = Gtk.AccelGroup() self._window.add_accel_group(accel_group) self.term.add_accelerator( "paste-clipboard", accel_group, ord("V"), Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK, Gtk.AccelFlags.VISIBLE) self.term.add_accelerator( "copy-clipboard", accel_group, ord("C"), Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK, Gtk.AccelFlags.VISIBLE) # Drag & Drop self.term.drag_dest_set( Gtk.DestDefaults.MOTION | Gtk.DestDefaults.HIGHLIGHT | Gtk.DestDefaults.DROP, [Gtk.TargetEntry.new("text/uri-list", 0, 80)], Gdk.DragAction.COPY) self.term.drag_dest_add_uri_targets() self.term.connect("drag_data_received", self._on_drag_data_received) # Swin self.swin = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.swin.nt = self # Popup Menu self.menu = Gtk.Menu() # MenuItem => copy menu_item = Gtk.ImageMenuItem.new_from_stock("gtk-copy", None) menu_item.connect_after("activate", lambda w: self.term.copy_clipboard()) self.menu.add(menu_item) # MenuItem => paste menu_item = Gtk.ImageMenuItem.new_from_stock("gtk-paste", None) menu_item.connect_after("activate", lambda w: self.term.paste_clipboard()) self.menu.add(menu_item) # MenuItem => separator # TODO: Implement the preferences window # menu_item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() # self.menu.add(menu_item) # MenuItem => preferences # menu_item = Gtk.ImageMenuItem.new_from_stock("gtk-preferences", None) # self.menu.add(menu_item) # MenuItem => separator menu_item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() self.menu.add(menu_item) # MenuItem => About menu_item = Gtk.ImageMenuItem.new_from_stock("gtk-about", None) menu_item.connect_after("activate", lambda w: self.show_about_dialog()) self.menu.add(menu_item) self.menu.show_all() # Conf self._set_term_height(CONF.get("general/def_term_height", int)) self._visible = True # Lock self._respawn_lock = False # Register the callback for show/hide if hasattr(window, "toggle_hide_cb"): window.toggle_hide_cb.append(self.set_visible) def change_directory(self, uri): """ Change the current directory in the shell if it is not busy. Args: uri -- The URI of the destination directory. """ self._path = self._uri_to_path(uri) print("Trying to change directory ...") # if True or not self._shell_is_busy(): # DEBUG remove True if not self._shell_is_busy(): # DEBUG remove True cdcmd = " cd '%s' # Inserted by Nautilus-Terminal v%s.\n" % (self._path.replace("'", r"'\''"), __version__) # self.term.feed("\033[8m", len("\033[8m")) self.term.feed_child(cdcmd, len(cdcmd)) def get_widget(self): """ Return the top-level widget of Nautilus Terminal.""" if not self.term.get_parent(): self.swin.add(self.term) if self._visible: self.swin.show_all() return self.swin def set_visible(self, visible): """ Change the visibility of Nautilus Terminal. Args: visible -- True for showing Nautilus Terminal, False for hiding. """ self._visible = visible if visible: self.swin.show_all() self._window.set_focus(self.term) else: self.swin.hide() def show_about_dialog(self): """ Display the about dialog.""" about_dlg = Gtk.AboutDialog() # Set the content of the dialog about_dlg.set_program_name(__app_disp_name__) about_dlg.set_version(__version__) about_dlg.set_comments(__doc__) about_dlg.set_website(__website__) about_dlg.set_copyright("Copyright (C) 2011-16 %s" % __author__) logo = Gtk.Image.new_from_file("/usr/share/nautilus-terminal/logo_120x120.png") about_dlg.set_logo(logo.get_pixbuf()) # Signal about_dlg.connect("response", lambda w, r: w.destroy()) # Display the dialog about_dlg.show() def destroy(self): """ Release widgets and the shell process.""" # Terminate the shell self._respawn_lock = True try: os.kill(self.shell_pid, SIGTERM) os.kill(self.shell_pid, SIGKILL) except OSError: pass # Remove some widgets self.term.destroy() self.swin.destroy() # Remove callback if hasattr(self._window, "toggle_hide_cb"): self._window.toggle_hide_cb.remove(self.set_visible) def _shell_is_busy(self): """ Check if the shell is waiting for a command or not.""" wchan_path = "/proc/%i/wchan" % self.shell_pid wchan = open(wchan_path, "r").read() if wchan == "n_tty_read": print("Shell seems to not be busy, because wchan = 'n_tty_read' ...") return False elif wchan == "schedule": shell_stack_path = "/proc/%i/stack" % self.shell_pid try: for line in open(shell_stack_path, "r"): if line.split(" ")[-1].startswith("n_tty_read"): print("Shell seems to not be busy, because one line in /proc/pid/stack gave = 'n_tty_read' ...") return False print("Shell seems to be busy, because no line in /proc/pid/stack gave 'n_tty_read' ...") return True except IOError: # We cannot know ... print("Shell seems to not be busy, because an IOError was obtained ...") return False elif wchan == 'wait_woken': # XXX Weird bug on XUbuntu 15.10+ print("Shell seems to not be busy, because wchan = 'wait_woken' ...") return False else: print("Shell seems to be busy, because wchan = '%s' was neither 'n_tty_read' nor 'schedule' ..." % wchan) return True def _uri_to_path(self, uri): """ Returns the path corresponding of the given URI. Args: uri -- The URI to convert.""" return url2pathname(uri[7:]) def _set_term_height(self, height): """ Change the terminal height. Args: height -- The new height (in lines). """ self.swin.set_size_request(-1, height * self.term.get_char_height() + 2) def _on_term_popup_menu(self, widget, event=None): """ Displays the contextual menu on right-click and menu-key.""" if event: # button-release-event if event.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE and event.button != 3: return self.menu.popup(None, None, None, None, 3, 0) def _on_term_child_exited(self, term): """ Called when the shell is terminated. Args: term -- The VTE terminal (self.term). """ print("_on_term_child_exited have been called (shell is terminated)") if not self._respawn_lock: self.shell_pid = self.term.fork_command_full(Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, self._path, [CONF.get("terminal/shell")], None, GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, None, None)[1] def _on_drag_data_received(self, widget, drag_context, x, y, data, info, time): """ Handles drag & drop.""" for uri in data.get_uris(): path = "'%s' " % self._uri_to_path(uri).replace("'", r"'\''") self.term.feed_child(path, len(path)) class Crowbar(object): """ Modify the Nautilus' widget tree when the crowbar is inserted in it. Args: uri -- The URI of the current directory. window -- The Nautilus' window. """ def __init__(self, uri, window): """ The constructor.""" self._uri = uri self._window = window # Crowbar self._crowbar = Gtk.EventBox() self._crowbar.connect_after("parent-set", self._on_crowbar_parent_set) # Lock self._lock = False def get_widget(self): """ Returns the crowbar.""" return self._crowbar def _on_crowbar_parent_set(self, widget, old_parent): """ Called when the crowbar is inserted in the Nautilus' widget tree. Args: widget -- The crowbar (self._crowbar). old_parent -- The previous parent of the crowbar (None ...). """ # Check if the work has already started if self._lock: return else: self._lock = True # Get the parents of the crowbar crowbar_p = self._crowbar.get_parent() crowbar_pp = crowbar_p.get_parent() crowbar_ppp = crowbar_pp.get_parent() crowbar_pp.connect_after("parent-set", self._on_crowbar_pp_parent_set) # Get the childen of crowbar_pp crowbar_pp_children = crowbar_pp.get_children() # Check if our vpan is already there if type(crowbar_ppp) == Gtk.VPaned: # Find the Nautilus Terminal nterm = None for crowbar_ppp_child in crowbar_ppp.get_children(): if type(crowbar_ppp_child) == Gtk.ScrolledWindow: if hasattr(crowbar_ppp_child, "nt"): nterm = crowbar_ppp_child.nt break # Update the temrinal (cd, ...) if nterm: nterm.change_directory(self._uri) # New tab/window/split else: # Create the vpan vpan = Gtk.VPaned() vpan.show() vbox = Gtk.VBox() vbox.show() if CONF.get("general/term_on_top", bool): vpan.add2(vbox) else: vpan.add1(vbox) # Add the vpan in Nautilus, and reparent some widgets if len(crowbar_pp_children) == 2: for crowbar_pp_child in crowbar_pp_children: crowbar_pp.remove(crowbar_pp_child) crowbar_pp.pack_start(vpan, True, True, 0) vbox.pack_start(crowbar_pp_children[0], False, False, 0) vbox.pack_start(crowbar_pp_children[1], True, True, 0) # Create the terminal nterm = NautilusTerminal(self._uri, self._window) if hasattr(self._window, "term_visible"): nterm.set_visible(self._window.term_visible) if CONF.get("general/term_on_top", bool): vpan.add1(nterm.get_widget()) else: vpan.add2(nterm.get_widget()) def _on_crowbar_pp_parent_set(self, widget, old_parent): """ Called when the vpan parent lost his parent. Args: widget -- The vpan's parent. old_parent -- The previous parent. """ if not widget.get_parent(): vpan = None for child in widget.get_children(): if type(child) == Gtk.VPaned: vpan = child break if not vpan: print("[%s] W: Cannot find the VPaned ..." % __app_disp_name__) return swin = None for child in vpan.get_children(): if type(child) == Gtk.ScrolledWindow: swin = child if not swin: print("[%s] W: Cannot find the ScrolledWindow ..." % __app_disp_name__) return if not hasattr(swin, "nt"): print("[%s] W: Cannot find the Nautilus Terminal instance ..." % __app_disp_name__) swin.nt.destroy() class NautilusTerminalProvider(GObject.GObject, Nautilus.LocationWidgetProvider): """ Provides Nautilus Terminal in Nautilus.""" def __init__(self): """ The constructor.""" print("[%s] I: Initializing the Nautilus extension. (c) 2011-2016 %s" % (__app_disp_name__, __author__)) def get_widget(self, uri, window): """ Returns a "crowbar" that will add a terminal in Nautilus. Args: uri -- The URI of the current directory. window -- The Nautilus' window. """ if not hasattr(window, "toggle_hide_cb"): window.toggle_hide_cb = [] if not hasattr(window, "term_visible"): window.term_visible = CONF.get("general/def_visible", bool) # URI specific stuff if uri.startswith("x-nautilus-desktop:///"): return elif not uri.startswith("file:///"): uri = "file://%s" % os.environ["HOME"] # XXX Event # window.connect_after("key-release-event", self._toggle_visible) # Return the crowbar return Crowbar(uri, window).get_widget() def _toggle_visible(self, window, event): """ Toggle the visibility of Nautilus Terminal. This method is called on a "key-release-event" on the Nautilus' window. Args: window -- The Nautilus' window. event -- The detail of the event. """ if event.keyval == 65473: # F4 if CONF.get("general/f_close"): window.term_visible = not window.term_visible for callback in window.toggle_hide_cb: callback(window.term_visible) else: print("The F4 key no longer have any impact.") # XXX return True # Stop the event propagation CONF = Config() if __name__ == "__main__": # Code for testing Nautilus Terminal outside of Nautilus print("%s %s\nBy %s" % (__app_disp_name__, __version__, __author__)) win = Gtk.Window() win.set_title("%s %s" % (__app_disp_name__, __version__)) nterm = NautilusTerminal("file://%s" % os.environ["HOME"], win) nterm._respawn_lock = True nterm.term.connect("child-exited", Gtk.main_quit) nterm.get_widget().set_size_request(nterm.term.get_char_width() * 80 + 2, nterm.term.get_char_height() * 24 + 2) win.connect_after("destroy", Gtk.main_quit) win.add(nterm.get_widget()) win.show_all() Gtk.main()