Code source de QDA
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
""" A Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA)
The doc is here :
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$ python
__author__ = 'Lilian BESSON (mailto:lilian.besson[AT]'
from KaggleModel import *
# Beginning to learn
from sklearn.qda import QDA
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
clf = QDA()
clf =[0::,1::],train_data[0::,0])
#: The score for this classifier.
score = (100.0*clf.score(train_data[0::,1::], train_data[0::,0]) )
print(" Proportion of perfect fitting for the training dataset = %2.2f%%" %
score )
# ~ must be < 95%
print("Class priors (sum to 1) = %s." % clf.priors_)
for i in xrange(len(data_attributes) - 1):
print(" For the attribute %s , mean=%s." %
( data_attributes[1+i], str(clf.means_[:,i]) ) )
# Cross Validation
from sklearn import cross_validation
bs = cross_validation.Bootstrap(number_passengers, n_iter = 5, train_size = 0.67)
for train_index, test_index in bs:
clf =[train_index,1::],train_data[train_index,0])
score = (100.0*clf.score(train_data[test_index,1::], train_data[test_index,0]) )
print(" Score for test part = %2.2f%%" % score )
# Predict on the testing set
test_file_object = csv.reader(open('test.csv', 'rb'))
header =
print("Predicting for the testing dataset")
Output = clf.predict(test_data)
# Write the output
open_file_object = csv.writer(open("csv/QDA_best.csv", "wb"))
z = 0
for row in test_file_object:
row.insert(0, int(Output[z])) # Insert the prediction at the start of the row
open_file_object.writerow(row) # Write the row to the file
z += 1
print("Prediction: wrote in the file csv/QDA_best.csv.")