# "How to customize [Jupyter notebooks](https://www.Jupyter.org/) document titles ?" ## New tutorial :sparkles: By using [the latest features](https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/Notebook/JavaScript%20Notebook%20Extensions.html#custom.js) from Jupyter Notebook, you can use [this script `custom.js`](custom.js) to perform this hack easily: ```javascript // custom.js script for Jupyter Notebook // (C) Lilian Besson, 2018 // See https://github.com/Naereen/how-to-customize-title-of-jupyter-notebook/issues/1 // MIT License, https://lbesson.mit-license.org/ // Fourth solution, using deprecated __defineSetter__ method... simple and pretty! document.__defineSetter__('title', function(val) { // document.title = val + " — Jupyter Notebook"; // WARNING Would be recursive! console.log("Setting window's title to:", val); document.querySelector('title').childNodes[0].nodeValue = val + " — Jupyter Notebook"; }); ``` You can [download this raw `custom.js` file](https://github.com/Naereen/how-to-customize-title-of-jupyter-notebook/raw/master/custom.js) and save it to `~/.jupyter/custom/custom.js` (create the folder if needed): ```bash mkdir -p ~/.jupyter/custom/ cd ~/.jupyter/custom/ wget https://github.com/Naereen/how-to-customize-title-of-jupyter-notebook/raw/master/custom.js cat custom.js # just check the content by yourself, never trust a stranger from Internet! # relaunch Jupyter notebook! ``` See the difference (before, without "Jupyter Notebook" display in the window's title | after, with "Jupyter Notebook" in the title): ![latest_demo.png](latest_demo.png) --- ## Previous tutorial > This small document is here to *quickly* and *clearly* explain how to do the following tweak for *every* page that the [Jupyter](https://www.Jupyter.org/) application displays in your browser : > > > « How to ensure that the title of the web page (`document.title` in the DOM) finishes with `" - Jupyter Notebook"` ? » > > These explanations were up-to date on May 12th of 2017, with [Jupyter Notebook](https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/) package at [version 5.0.0](https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/releases/tag/5.0.0). ---- The following explanations assume you have a local installation of Jupyter Notebook. If this is not the case, [follow this tutorial](https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html). Typically, this Python package will be installed in `/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/notebook/` on a Debian/Ubuntu machine, and probably on a similar location for Mac OS X, and you can figure it out on Windows. Let call that path `PATH/`. ## First modification : HTML templates - Go in `PATH/templates/` - Edit, probably with `sudo` rights, the following templates: - + `view.html` on line #6, add "`- File View`" after `{{page_title}}` and before ``. + `tree.html` on line #3, add "`- File Tree`" after `{{page_title}}` and before `{` `%` `endblock` `%` `}`. + `terminal.html` on line #3, add "`- Terminal`" after `{{page_title}}` and before `{` `%` `endblock` `%` `}`. + `edit.html` on line #3, add "`- Editor`" after `{{page_title}}` and before `{` `%` `endblock` `%` `}`. + `page.html` on line #7, add "` - Jupyter Notebook`" after `{` `%` `endblock` `%` `}` and before ``. - Be sure to save all the changes, and that's it for this step. > Of course, if the line number don't match, just search for the pattern, and edit on the first line that contains it ! ## Second modification : Javascript files - Go in `PATH/notebook/static/notebook/js/` - Edit, probably with `sudo` rights, the following scripts: - + `main.min.js ` (and maybe `main.js`) : on line #32216 (or nearby!), add "` + ' - Jupyter Notebook'`" after "`document.title = nbname`"... :warning: that file is HUGE, so try to use a solid text editor to edit it! (for instance, [GNU nano](https://www.nano-editor.org/)) + `savewidgets.js` : on line #139, add "` + ' - Jupyter Notebook'`" after "`document.title = nbname`" ## Cautious! These changes **have to be done** again if you update (`pip install --upgrade`) Jupyter Notebook... ---- ## Demos ? Here are some screenshots showing that these small modifications worked: ### Editing a notebook : before and after ![Editing a notebook : before and after](editing_a_notebook.png) ### Home view : before and after ![Home view : before and after](home_view.png) ---- > You can also [see the useless PDF version of this webpage](How-to-customize-title-of-jupyter-notebook.pdf)... If you want! ## Questions ### Bonus question : *why would you want to do **that** ?* - Simple and honest answer : I am constantly using my [uLogMe](https://github.com/Naereen/uLogMe/) software to watch and monitor the *title* of the active window on my laptops, and I wanted to store the time spent editing Jupyter notebooks under a special category ("Notebooks") and not under the general browsing time. ![Demo on my uLogMe application](demo_on_uLogMe.png) - Fun answer : ... I am always curious about how a certain piece of software works, and I love tweaking "just a little bit" open-source pieces of code! ### Interesting question : *why writing a tutorial and not a Jupyter Notebook extension (`nbextension`) ?* - Simple answer : I think (or though) it would be hard, as the changes explained below concern just a line or two in a few files, but on the core files of the software... - Boring answer : I don't have time to produce a well-done nb extension, and maintain it... ---- ## :scroll: License ? [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/Naereen/badges.svg)](https://github.com/Naereen/how-to-customize-title-of-jupyter-notebook/blob/master/LICENSE) [MIT Licensed](https://lbesson.mit-license.org/) (file [LICENSE](LICENSE)). © [Lilian Besson](https://GitHub.com/Naereen), 2017-18. 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