## ``git-stats`` ### *« Who did what in my git repository ?»* Simply execute the bash script in a Git folder, to have a summary of statistics per author. ### [Example](example.txt) ``` $ git-stats.sh git-stats.sh: do statistics on this git repository. From https://github.com/Naereen/git-stats/. Number of commits per author: - 33 : Superman - 4 : Batman Statistics for: Superman ------------------------ - Number of files changed: 31 - Number of lines added: 5144 - Number of lines deleted: 972 - Number of merges: 0 Statistics for: Batman ---------------------- - Number of files changed: 9 - Number of lines added: 374 - Number of lines deleted: 3 - Number of merges: 0 ``` ## How to use it? ### Installation Clone the repository, copy the [script (git-stats)](./git-stats) somewhere in your PATH (e.g., ``~/.local/bin/``): ```bash $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Naereen/git-stats/master/git-stats $ cp git-stats /path/to/a/directory/in/your/PATH/ ``` ## :scroll: License Published under the terms of the [MIT license](http://lbesson.mit-license.org/). [![Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-17/github.com/Naereen/git-stats/README.md?pixel)](https://github.com/Naereen/git-stats/)