#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import os import subprocess import tempfile import glob try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: # in Python 3 from io.StringIO import StringIO from flask import Flask from flask import request from flask import send_from_directory from flask import url_for from flask import redirect from flask import make_response from flask import render_template from flask import jsonify from pdfkit import from_string from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger # local imports from data import TMPL_OPTIONS from data import get_sample_chars, get_chars, get_chars_by_page from data import get_sample_ligatures, get_ligatures, get_ligatures_by_page # FIXME add support for ligatures # --- configuration for the application HOST = '' PORT = 5000 UPLOAD_FOLDER = './upload' DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = './download' ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'pdf']) DPI = 300 # for PDF to PNG conversion THRESHOLD = 75 # for gray-scale to black-white conversion # --- create the Flask app and start to configure it app = Flask(__name__) app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER app.config['DOWNLOAD_FOLDER'] = DOWNLOAD_FOLDER # --- Flask app routes @app.route("/") def index(): return render_template('index.html') @app.route("/finish") def finish(): key = request.args.get('key') font_name = request.args.get('font_name') font_variant = request.args.get('font_variant') return render_template( 'finish.html', key=key, font_name=font_name, font_variant=font_variant ) # --- DEBUG just to debug the template def _template_html(get_inputs, get_sample_inputs): extended = request.args.get('e') == 'true' full = request.args.get('F') == 'true' greek = request.args.get('g') == 'true' accents = request.args.get('a') == 'true' frenchspecials = request.args.get('f') == 'true' spanishspecials = request.args.get('s') == 'true' kwargs_get_data = dict(extended=extended, full=full, greek=greek, accents=accents, frenchspecials=frenchspecials, spanishspecials=spanishspecials) print("kwargs_get_data =", kwargs_get_data) # DEBUG return render_template( 'template.html', chars=get_inputs(**kwargs_get_data), sample=get_sample_inputs(), css='static/css/template.css' ) @app.route("/template_html") def template_html(): return _template_html(get_chars, get_sample_chars) @app.route("/template_ligatures_html") def template_ligatures_html(): return _template_html(get_ligatures, get_sample_ligatures) # --- PDF template def _template(get_inputs_by_page, get_sample_inputs): extended = request.args.get('e') == 'true' full = request.args.get('F') == 'true' greek = request.args.get('g') == 'true' accents = request.args.get('a') == 'true' frenchspecials = request.args.get('f') == 'true' spanishspecials = request.args.get('s') == 'true' kwargs_get_data = dict(extended=extended, full=full, greek=greek, accents=accents, frenchspecials=frenchspecials, spanishspecials=spanishspecials) print("kwargs_get_data =", kwargs_get_data) # DEBUG chars_by_page = get_inputs_by_page(**kwargs_get_data) assert isinstance(chars_by_page, list) assert isinstance(chars_by_page[0], list) print("Number of pages:", len(chars_by_page)) pages = [] # create a fake PDF for each page for page, chars in enumerate(chars_by_page): print("Using chars =\n", chars) # DEBUG html = render_template( 'template.html', chars=chars, sample=get_sample_inputs() ) pdf = from_string( html, False, options=TMPL_OPTIONS, css='static/css/template.css', ) pages.append(pdf) # now merge the PDF pdf = StringIO() merger = PdfFileMerger() for pgnb, page in enumerate(pages): fakepdf = StringIO(page) merger.append(fakepdf) merger.write(pdf) pdf_string = pdf.getvalue() response = make_response(pdf_string) response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "filename=template.pdf" response.mimetype = 'application/pdf' return response @app.route("/template") def template(): return _template(get_chars_by_page, get_sample_chars) @app.route("/template_ligatures") def template_ligatures(): return _template(get_ligatures_by_page, get_sample_ligatures) # --- demo of LaTeX & PDF document @app.route('/test.tex') def test_tex(): return app.send_static_file('test.tex') @app.route('/test.pdf') def test_pdf(): return app.send_static_file('test.pdf') @app.route("/download//") def download(key, full_font_name): return send_from_directory( os.path.join(app.config['DOWNLOAD_FOLDER'], key), full_font_name, as_attachment=True ) # --- first non trivial method def allowed_file(filename): return '.' in filename and filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS @app.route("/upload-file", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def upload_file(): if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] if file and allowed_file(file.filename): _, ext = os.path.splitext(file.filename) _, filename = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix='', suffix=ext, dir=app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] ) file.save(filename) filenames = [filename] if filename.endswith('.pdf'): filename_png = filename.replace('.pdf', '.png') print("Converting '{}' to '{}'...".format(filename, filename_png)) # DEBUG return_code = subprocess.call([ "convert", "-density", str(DPI), "-quality", "100", filename, filename_png ]) if return_code != 0: raise ValueError("Call to 'convert -density 300 -quality 100 {} {}' failed... do you have 'convert' from imagemagick installed?".format(filename, filename_png)) filename = filename_png filenames = [filename] if not os.path.exists(filename): filenames = sorted(glob.glob(filename.replace('.png', '-[0-9]*.png'))) for image in filenames: print("Converting '{}' with colours to '{}' in gray scale...".format(image, image)) # DEBUG return_code = subprocess.call([ "convert", "-set", "colorspace", "Gray", "-separate", "-average", image, image ]) if return_code != 0: raise ValueError("Call to 'convert -set colorspace Gray -separate -average {} {}' failed... do you have 'convert' from imagemagick installed?".format(image, image)) # now convert to black-white only! for image in filenames: print("Converting '{}' in gray scale to '{}' in black and white (threshold = {})...".format(image, image, THRESHOLD)) # DEBUG return_code = subprocess.call([ "convert", "-threshold", "{}%".format(THRESHOLD), image, image ]) if return_code != 0: raise ValueError("Call to 'convert -threshold {}% {} {}' failed... do you have 'convert' from imagemagick installed?".format(THRESHOLD, image, image)) font_name = request.form['font_name'] print("Using font_name =", font_name) # DEBUG font_variant = request.form['font_variant'] print("Using font_variant =", font_variant) # DEBUG key = filenames[0].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] print("Using key =", key) # DEBUG os.mkdir(os.path.join(app.config['DOWNLOAD_FOLDER'], key)) call_to_fontify = [ "python", "scripts/fontify.py", "-n", font_name, "-v", font_variant, "-o", os.path.join(app.config['DOWNLOAD_FOLDER'], key, "fontify.ttf"), ] + filenames return_code = subprocess.call(call_to_fontify) if return_code != 0: raise ValueError("Call to 'scripts/fontify.py' failed... Check log above.") return jsonify(font_name=font_name, key=key, font_variant=font_variant) return '' # --- launch the application if __name__ == "__main__": for dirname in [ UPLOAD_FOLDER, DOWNLOAD_FOLDER ]: if not os.path.isdir(dirname): print("Directory {} is absent... creating it.".format(dirname)) # DEBUG os.mkdir(dirname) app.run(debug=True, host=HOST, port=PORT)