# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest import dot2tex import re from dot2tex.dot2tex import smart_float testgraph = """ digraph G { a_1-> a_2 -> a_3 -> a_1; } """ class InterfaceTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_default(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph) self.failUnless(source.strip()) def test_pgf(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, format='pgf') self.failUnless(source.strip()) def test_pstricks(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, format='pst') self.failUnless(source.strip()) def test_tikz(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, format='tikz') self.failUnless(source.strip()) def test_positions(self): positions = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, format='positions') self.failUnless(type(positions) == dict) self.failUnless('a_1' in positions.keys()) self.failUnless(len(positions.keys()) == 3) self.failUnless(len(positions['a_1']) == 2) class UnicodeTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_russian(self): testgraph = """digraph {AAA [label="ЯЯЯ"];}""" source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True, format='tikz', codeonly=True) self.failUnless(source.find("{ЯЯЯ}") > 0, "Found %s" % source) def test_russian2(self): testgraph = """digraph {AAA [label=aaЯЯЯ];}""" source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True, format='tikz', codeonly=True) self.failUnless(source.find("{aaЯЯЯ}") > 0, "Found %s" % source) class D2TOptionsTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_d2tcommented(self): testgraph = """ digraph SSA { //d2toptions = "--graphstyle=insertedstyle"; B } """ source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True) self.failIf(source.find("insertedstyle") >= 0) def test_d2toptions(self): testgraph = """ digraph SSA { d2toptions = "--graphstyle=insertedstyle"; B } """ source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True) self.failUnless(source.find("insertedstyle") >= 0) class PGF118CompatibilityTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_pgf118option(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True, pgf118=True) self.failUnless(source.find("\\" + "usepackage{pgflibrarysnakes}") >= 0) self.failIf(source.find("\\" + "usetikzlibrary") >= 0) self.failIf(source.find("line join=bevel") >= 0) def test_tikz118option(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True, format='tikz', pgf118=True) self.failUnless(source.find("\\" + "usepackage{pgflibrarysnakes}") >= 0) self.failIf(source.find("\\" + "usetikzlibrary") >= 0) self.failIf(source.find("line join=bevel") >= 0) def test_nopgf118option(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True, pgf118=False) self.failIf(source.find("\\" + "usepackage{pgflibrarysnakes}") >= 0) self.failUnless(source.find("\\" + "usetikzlibrary") >= 0) self.failUnless(source.find("line join=bevel") >= 0) class BuggyGraphTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_small_label(self): testgraph = """ digraph { "objects" [label="sdfsdf", texlbl="$1$"]; } """ source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True, autosize=True, figonly=True, format='tikz') self.failUnless('$1$' in source) # http://code.google.com/p/dot2tex/issues/detail?id=16 def test_name_with_parantheses(self): testgraph = """ digraph { { "F(K)/R-1"}} """ source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True, figonly=True, format='tikz') self.failUnless(r'\node (F{K}/R-1)' in source) class NeedsQuotesTests(unittest.TestCase): # http://code.google.com/p/dot2tex/issues/detail?id=17 def test_numeral(self): from dot2tex import dotparsing self.failUnless(dotparsing.needs_quotes('') == True) self.failUnless(dotparsing.needs_quotes('1.2') == False) self.failUnless(dotparsing.needs_quotes('-1.2') == False) self.failUnless(dotparsing.needs_quotes('-1') == False) self.failUnless(dotparsing.needs_quotes('--1') == True) self.failUnless(dotparsing.needs_quotes('.12') == False) self.failUnless(dotparsing.needs_quotes('-.1') == False) # http://code.google.com/p/dot2tex/issues/detail?id=17 def test_not_numeral_in_label(self): testgraph = """ digraph { a[label=""] ; b } """ source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True, figonly=True, format='tikz', autosize=True) self.failUnless(r'{}' in source) class MultipleStatements(unittest.TestCase): # https://github.com/kjellmf/dot2tex/issues/5 def test_semicolon(self): """Test for issue 5""" testgraph1 = """ digraph example { a -> b a -> c {rank=same; b;c} }""" testgraph2 = """ digraph example { a -> b; a -> c; {rank=same; b;c} }""" source1 = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph1, figonly=True, format='tikz', autosize=True) source2 = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph2, figonly=True, format='tikz', autosize=True) self.failUnless(source1 == source2) class TestPositionsOutputFormat(unittest.TestCase): # http://code.google.com/p/dot2tex/issues/detail?id=20 def test_floating_point_coordinates(self): testxdotgraph = r""" digraph G { node [label="\N"]; graph [bb="0,0,127.21,49.639", _draw_="c 9 -#ffffffff C 9 -#ffffffff P 4 0 -1 0 50 128 50 128 -1 ", xdotversion="1.2"]; a [pos="28,30.139", width="0.75", height="0.51389", _draw_="c 9 -#000000ff e 28 30 27 18 ", _ldraw_="F 14.000000 11 -Times-Roman c 9 -#000000ff T 28 25 0 9 1 -a "]; b [pos="99.21,19.5", width="0.75", height="0.51389", _draw_="c 9 -#000000ff e 99 20 27 18 ", _ldraw_="F 14.000000 11 -Times-Roman c 9 -#000000ff T 99 15 0 9 1 -b "]; a -> b [pos="e,72.434,23.5 54.516,26.177 57.076,25.795 59.704,25.402 62.341,25.008", _draw_="c 9 -#000000ff B 4 55 26 57 26 60 25 62 25 ", _hdraw_="S 5 -solid c 9 -#000000ff C 9 -#000000ff P 3 63 28 72 24 62 22 "]; } """ positions = dot2tex.dot2tex(testxdotgraph, format='positions') self.failUnless(type(positions) == dict) self.failUnless(type(positions['a'][0]) == float) self.failUnless(type(positions['b'][0]) == float) class ErrorHandlingTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_parse_error(self): graph = "graph {a-b]" parser = dot2tex.dotparsing.DotDataParser() self.assertRaises(dot2tex.ParseException, parser.parse_dot_data, graph) def test_module_parse_error(self): graph = "graph {a-b]" self.assertRaises(dot2tex.ParseException, dot2tex.dot2tex, graph) def test_no_input_file(self): graph = r"\input{dymmy.dot}" self.assertRaises(IOError, dot2tex.dot2tex, graph) class EdgeLabelsTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_edgetexlbl_nolabel_preproc(self): """Edge labels specified using 'texlbl' should be included when preprocessing the graph""" graph = r'digraph G {a -> b [texlbl="TestLabel"];}' code = dot2tex.dot2tex(graph, autosize=True) self.failUnless("TestLabel" in code) def test_edgetexlbl_nolabel_nopreproc(self): """Edge labels specified using 'texlbl' only will not be generated by Graphviz""" graph = r'digraph G {a -> b [texlbl="TestLabel"];}' code = dot2tex.dot2tex(graph) self.failUnless("TestLabel" not in code) class GraphvizInterfaceTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_prog_options(self): from dot2tex.dot2tex import create_xdot xdot_data = create_xdot(testgraph) xdot_data2 = create_xdot(testgraph) self.failUnlessEqual(xdot_data, xdot_data2) xdot_data2 = create_xdot(testgraph, options='-y') self.failIfEqual(xdot_data, xdot_data2, 'No options were passed to dot') def test_invalid_program(self): """Invoking create_xdot with an invalid prog parameter should raise an exception""" from dot2tex.dot2tex import create_xdot # xdot_data = create_xdot(testgraph, prog="dummy") self.assertRaises(NameError, create_xdot, testgraph, prog="dummy") class AutosizeTests(unittest.TestCase): def test__dim_extraction(self): """Failed to extract dimension data from logfile""" from dot2tex.dot2tex import dimext logdata = """ ABD: EveryShipout initializing macros Preview: Fontsize 10pt ! Preview: Snippet 1 started. <-><-> l.18 \begin{preview} % Not a real error. ! Preview: Snippet 1 ended.(817330+0x1077278). <-><-> l.20 \end{preview} % Not a real error. [1] ! Preview: Snippet 2 started. <-><-> l.21 \begin{preview} % Not a real error. ! Preview: Snippet 2 ended.(817330+0x1077278). <-><-> l.23 \end{preview} % Not a real error. [2] ! Preview: Snippet 3 started. <-><-> l.24 \begin{preview} % Not a real error. ! Preview: Snippet 3 ended.(817330+0x1077278). <-><-> l.26 \end{preview} % Not a real error. [3] ) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: """ dimext_re = re.compile(dimext, re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE) texdimdata = dimext_re.findall(logdata) self.failIf(len(texdimdata) == 0) def test__dim_extraction_cygwin(self): """Failed to extract dimension data from logfile generated under Cygwin""" # issue [14] http://code.google.com/p/dot2tex/issues/detail?id=14 from dot2tex.dot2tex import dimext logdata = """ Preview: Fontsize 10pt /tmp/dot2texS8qrUI/dot2tex.tex:18: Preview: Snippet 1 started. <-><-> l.18 \begin{preview} % Not a real error. /tmp/dot2texS8qrUI/dot2tex.tex:20: Preview: Snippet 1 ended.(817330+0x1077278). <-><-> l.20 \end{preview} % Not a real error. [1] /tmp/dot2texS8qrUI/dot2tex.tex:21: Preview: Snippet 2 started. <-><-> l.21 \begin{preview} % Not a real error. /tmp/dot2texS8qrUI/dot2tex.tex:23: Preview: Snippet 2 ended.(817330+0x1077278). <-><-> l.23 \end{preview} % Not a real error. [2] /tmp/dot2texS8qrUI/dot2tex.tex:24: Preview: Snippet 3 started. <-><-> l.24 \begin{preview} % Not a real error. /tmp/dot2texS8qrUI/dot2tex.tex:26: Preview: Snippet 3 ended.(817330+0x1077278). <-><-> l.26 \end{preview} % Not a real error. [3] ) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: """ dimext_re = re.compile(dimext, re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE) texdimdata = dimext_re.findall(logdata) self.failIf(len(texdimdata) == 0) class TikZTemplateTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_point_shape(self): """Nodes with the point shape should not have labels""" testgraph = """ digraph G { { node[shape=point] a-> b-> c -> a; } e -> a; a [label="dummy"] } """ code = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, format="tikz") self.failIf("dummy" in code) class TestBugs(unittest.TestCase): def test_styleonly_tikz_preproc(self): """Test for a bug in get_node_preproc_code. Used to raise a TypeError""" code = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, format="tikz", preproc=True, styleonly=True) # https://github.com/kjellmf/dot2tex/issues/12 def test_head_and_tail_labels(self): """Test for issue 12""" graph = "digraph { a -> b [headlabel=HEADLABEL,taillabel=TAILLABEL,label=LABEL] }" code = dot2tex.dot2tex(graph, format="pgf", autosize=True) self.assertTrue('HEADLABEL' in code) self.assertTrue('LABEL' in code) self.assertTrue('TAILLABEL' in code) class TestNumberFormatting(unittest.TestCase): def test_numbers(self): self.assertEqual("2.0", smart_float(2)) self.assertEqual("0.0001", smart_float(1e-4)) def test_decimal_places(self): self.assertEqual("2.1", smart_float(2.1)) self.assertEqual("2.11119", smart_float(2.11119)) self.assertEqual("2.1", smart_float(2.100)) self.assertEqual("1000000000000.0000", smart_float(1e12)) class PGF210CompatibilityTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_pgf210option(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True, pgf210=True) self.failUnless(source.find("dot2tex template for PGF 2.10") >= 0) # self.failIf(source.find("\\" + "usetikzlibrary") >= 0) # self.failIf(source.find("line join=bevel") >= 0) def test_tikz210option(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True, format='tikz', pgf210=True) self.failUnless(source.find("dot2tex template for PGF 2.10") >= 0) # self.failIf(source.find("\\" + "usetikzlibrary") >= 0) # self.failIf(source.find("line join=bevel") >= 0) # # def test_nopgf210option(self): # source = dot2tex.dot2tex(testgraph, debug=True, pgf210=False) # self.failIf(source.find("\\" + "usepackage{pgflibrarysnakes}") >= 0) # self.failUnless(source.find("\\" + "usetikzlibrary") >= 0) # self.failUnless(source.find("line join=bevel") >= 0) class HeadAndTailLabelTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for https://github.com/kjellmf/dot2tex/issues/12""" test_graph = "digraph { a -> b [headlabel=HEADLABEL,taillabel=TAILLABEL,label=LABEL] }" def test_head_label_pgf(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="pgf") self.failUnless("HEADLABEL" in source) def test_head_label_tikz(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="tikz") self.failUnless("HEADLABEL" in source) def test_head_label_pstricks(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="pstricks") self.failUnless("HEADLABEL" in source) def test_tail_label_pgf(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="pgf") self.failUnless("TAILLABEL" in source) def test_tail_label_tikz(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="tikz") self.failUnless("TAILLABEL" in source) def test_tail_label_pstricks(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="pstricks") self.failUnless("TAILLABEL" in source) def test_head_label_pgf_duplicate(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="pgf", duplicate=True) self.failUnless("HEADLABEL" in source) def test_head_label_tikz_duplicate(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="tikz", duplicate=True) self.failUnless("HEADLABEL" in source) def test_head_label_pstricks_duplicate(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="pstricks", duplicate=True) self.failUnless("HEADLABEL" in source) def test_tail_label_pgf_duplicate(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="pgf", duplicate=True) self.failUnless("TAILLABEL" in source) def test_tail_label_tikz_duplicate(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="tikz", duplicate=True) self.failUnless("TAILLABEL" in source) def test_tail_label_pstricks_duplicate(self): source = dot2tex.dot2tex(self.test_graph, autosize=True, format="pstricks", duplicate=True) self.failUnless("TAILLABEL" in source) class IncludeTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for issue #28 https://github.com/kjellmf/dot2tex/issues/28""" def test_include_1(self): test_graph = """ \input{dummyfilename.dot} """"" self.assertRaises(IOError, dot2tex.dot2tex, test_graph) def test_include_2(self): test_graph = """ \input{dummyfilename.dot} % comment """"" self.assertRaises(IOError, dot2tex.dot2tex, test_graph) def test_include_3(self): test_graph = """ \input{dummyfilename.dot} // comment """"" self.assertRaises(IOError, dot2tex.dot2tex, test_graph) def test_include_4(self): test_graph = """ digraph { "objects" [label="sdfsdf", texlbl="\input{dymmyfilename.dot}"]; } """"" try: code = dot2tex.dot2tex(test_graph) except IOError: self.fail("Tried to load external dot file") class Issue23Tests(unittest.TestCase): # https://github.com/kjellmf/dot2tex/issues/23 def test_multi_line_preamble(self): test_graph = """ digraph { d2tdocpreamble = " % My preamble \\usepackage{amssymb}"; { A -> B -> C; } } """ code = dot2tex.dot2tex(test_graph, format="tikz") self.assertTrue(r"% My preamble" in code) def test_single_line_preamble(self): test_graph = """ digraph { d2tdocpreamble = \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usetikzlibrary{arrows, automata}"; { A -> B -> C; } } """ code = dot2tex.dot2tex(test_graph, format="tikz") self.assertTrue("\\" + "usetikzlibrary{arrows, automata}" in code) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()