/* :Title: TikZ node shapes :Tags: TikZ, tikzedgelabels This example shows some of special `TikZ node shapes`_ that are available when using the ``tikz`` output format. Generated with:: $ dot2tex -ftikz --prog circo -s tikzshapes.dot > tikzshapes.tex .. _TikZ node shapes: http://www.fauskes.net/pgftikzexamples/node-shapes/ */ graph G { graph [mindist=0.5]; node [style="fill=green!20",texmode=math]; edge [lblstyle="above,sloped"]; d2ttikzedgelabels=true; c [style=circle]; n_1 [lblstyle=diamond]; n_2 [lblstyle=star]; n_3 [lblstyle="forbidden sign"]; n_4 [lblstyle="circle split", texlbl="$n$ \nodepart{lower} $4$"]; n_5 [lblstyle="cross out"]; n_6 [lblstyle="strike out"]; n_7 [lblstyle="regular polygon,regular polygon sides=7"]; c -- n_1 [label="diamond"]; c -- n_2 [label="star"]; c -- n_3 [label="forbidden sign"]; c -- n_4 [label="circle split"]; c -- n_5 [label="cross out"]; c -- n_6 [label="strike out"]; c -- n_7 [label="regular polygon"]; c [style="fill=red!80"]; }