/* :Title: Two tank system :Tags: PGF This graph shows the structural model of a two tank system. Generated with:: $ dot2tex -fpgf tank.dot > tank.tex */ graph G { node[shape=doublecircle, fixedsize=true, width=0.4]; graph [style="rounded corners"]; subgraph cluster0 { style = "red, fill=blue!20,rounded corners"; label = "Tank 1"; node [texmode="math"] c_1--q_L; c_1--h_1; c_2--q_P; c_2--h_1; c_3--q_L; c_3--q_P; c_3--dh_1; d_4--dh_1;d_4--h_1; dh_1 [label="\\dot{h}_1"]; } subgraph cluster1{ label = "Pipe"; node [texmode="math"] c_5--h_1; c_5--q_12; q_12 [label="q_{12}"]; } c_5--h_2; c_3--q_12; c_6--q_12; subgraph cluster2{ label = "Tank 2"; node [texmode="math"] c_6--dh_2;c_6--q_2; d_7--dh_2; d_7--h_2; c_8--h_2;c_8--q_2; c_m--q_2; dh_2 [label="\\dot{h}_2"]; } }