/* :Title: PGF and TikZ arrows :Tags: PGF Examples of PGF/TikZ style arrows. See chapter 14.1 in the PGF/TikZ manual for all availale arrow styles. Generated with:: $ dot2tex --prog=circo pgfarrows.dot > pgfarrows.tex */ digraph G { graph [mindist=0.5]; node [texmode="math", fixedsize=true, shape=circle, width=0.4, style="fill=green!20"]; c -> n_1 [style="-stealth", label="stealth"]; c -> n_2 [style="-to", label="to"]; c -> n_3 [style="-latex", label="latex"]; c -> n_4 [style="-diamond", label="diamond"]; c -> n_5 [style="-o", label="o"]; c -> n_6 [style="{-]}", label="]"]; c -> n_7 [style="-triangle 90", label="triangle 90"]; c -> n_8 [style="-hooks", label="hooks"]; c -> n_9 [style="->>", texmode="math", label=">>"]; c [style="fill=red!80"]; }