/* :Title: Node drop shadows :Tags: TikZ The ``tikz`` output format is highly customizable thanks to TikZ' powerful style options. In this example drop shadows have been added to all the nodes. **Note**: This example requires PGF 2.00 or later. Download the PDF to fully see the drop shadow effect. The bitmap rendering does not render transparency well. Generated with:: $ dot2tex -ftikz --prog neato -s --crop dropshadows.dot > dropshadows.tex */ graph G { d2tdocpreamble = "\usetikzlibrary{shadows}"; node [shape=circle,style="fill=red!20,circular drop shadow"]; "Node A" -- {"Node B"; "Node C"}; "Node B" -- {"Node E"; "Node G"}; "Node C" -- "Node D"; "Node D" -- {"Node F"; "Node H"}; "Node E" -- {"Node F"; "Node H"; "Node G"}; }