/* :Title: Snaked edges :Tags: PGF This graph uses special `PGF/TikZ`_ styles to create some interesting visual effects. To get the snaked edges run dot2tex with the ``-s`` option to force straight edges. Generated with:: $ dot2tex -s --prog fdp balls.dot > balls.tex .. _PGF/TikZ: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/pgf.html */ graph G { node [shape=circle, fixedsize=True, width="0.2", style="ball color = green", label=""]; edge [style="snake=zigzag, green"]; a_1 -- c -- a_2; c [style="ball color=black"]; edge [style="snake=snake, blue", color=red]; node [style="ball color = red", label=""]; a_3 -- c -- a_4 --a_3; }