Index of /besson/publis/bin/shell-functools

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# shell-functools

*A collection of functional programming tools for the shell.*

This project provides higher order functions like `map`, `filter` and `foldl` as simple command-line tools.
Following the UNIX philosophy, these commands are designed to be composed via pipes. A
[large collection](#available-function-arguments) of functions such as `basename`, `replace`, `contains` or `is_dir` are provided as
arguments to these commands.

## Contents

* [Demo](#demo)
* [Quick start](#quick-start)
* [Documentation and examples](#documentation-and-examples)
    * [Usage of `map`](#usage-of-map)
    * [Usage of `filter`](#usage-of-filter)
    * [Usage of `foldl`](#usage-of-foldl)
    * [Chaining commands](#chaining-commands)
    * [Working with columns](#working-with-columns)
    * [Available function arguments](#available-function-arguments)

## Demo

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="600" /></a>

## Quick start

If you want to try it out on your own, run:
``` bash
git clone /tmp/shell-functools
export PATH="$PATH:/tmp/shell-functools/ft"

## Documentation and examples

### Usage of `map`

The `map` command takes a [function argument](#available-function-arguments) and applies it to every line of input:
``` bash
> ls

> ls | map abspath

### Usage of `filter`

The `filter` command takes a [function argument](#available-function-arguments) with a `Bool`ean return type. It applies that function to each input line and shows only those that returned `true`:
``` bash
> find

> find | filter is_file

### Usage of `foldl`

The `foldl` command takes a [function argument](#available-function-arguments) and an initial value. The given function must be a binary function with two arguments, like `add` or `append`. The `foldl` command then applies this function iteratively by keeping an internal accumulator:

Add up the numbers from 0 to 100:
``` bash
> seq 100 | foldl add 0

Multiply the numbers from 1 to 10:
``` bash
> seq 10 | foldl mul 1

Append the numbers from 1 to 10 in a string:
``` bash
> seq 1 10 | map append " " | foldl append ""
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

### Chaining commands

All of these commands can be composed by using standard UNIX pipes:
``` bash
> find

> find | filter is_file | map basename | map append ".bak"

### Working with columns

The `--column` / `-c` option can be used to apply a given function to a certain *column* in the input line (columns are separated by tabs). Column arrays can be created by using functions such as `duplicate`, `split sep` or `split_ext`:

``` bash
> ls | filter is_file | map split_ext
document	txt
image	jpg

> ls | filter is_file | map split_ext | map -c1 to_upper

> ls | filter is_file | map split_ext | map -c1 to_upper | map join .

Here is a more complicated example:
``` bash
> find -name '*.jpg'

> find -name '*.jpg' | map duplicate
./folder/me.jpg   ./folder/me.jpg
./image.jpg       ./image.jpg

> find -name '*.jpg' | map duplicate | map -c2 basename
./folder/me.jpg   me.jpg
./image.jpg       image.jpg

> find -name '*.jpg' | map duplicate | map -c2 basename | map -c2 prepend "thumb_"
./folder/me.jpg	  thumb_me.jpg
./image.jpg       thumb_image.jpg

> find -name '*.jpg' | map duplicate | map -c2 basename | map -c2 prepend "thumb_" | map run convert
Running 'convert' with arguments ['./folder/me.jpg', 'thumb_me.jpg']
Running 'convert' with arguments ['./image.jpg', 'thumb_image.jpg']

Get the login shell of user `shark`:
``` bash
> cat /etc/passwd | map split : | filter -c1 equal shark | map index 6

### Available function arguments

You can call `ft-functions`, to get an overview of all available arguments to `map`, `filter`, etc.:

#### File and Directory operations ####
abspath             :: Path   → Path
dirname             :: Path   → Path
basename            :: Path   → Path
is_dir              :: Path   → Bool
is_file             :: Path   → Bool
is_link             :: Path   → Bool
exists              :: Path   → Bool
has_ext ext         :: Path   → Bool
strip_ext           :: Path   → String
replace_ext new_ext :: Path   → Path
split_ext           :: Path   → Array
#### Logical operations ####
non_empty           :: *      → Bool
nonempty            :: *      → Bool
#### Arithmetic operations ####
add num             :: Int    → Int
sub num             :: Int    → Int
mul num             :: Int    → Int
#### Comparison operations ####
eq other            :: *      → Bool
equal other         :: *      → Bool
equals other        :: *      → Bool
ne other            :: *      → Bool
not_equal other     :: *      → Bool
not_equals other    :: *      → Bool
ge i                :: Int    → Bool
greater_equal i     :: Int    → Bool
greater_equals i    :: Int    → Bool
gt i                :: Int    → Bool
greater i           :: Int    → Bool
greater_than i      :: Int    → Bool
le i                :: Int    → Bool
less_equal i        :: Int    → Bool
less_equals i       :: Int    → Bool
lt i                :: Int    → Bool
less i              :: Int    → Bool
less_than i         :: Int    → Bool
#### String operations ####
append suffix       :: String → String
strip               :: String → String
substr start end    :: String → String
take count          :: String → String
to_lower            :: String → String
to_upper            :: String → String
replace old new     :: String → String
prepend prefix      :: String → String
capitalize          :: String → String
drop count          :: String → String
duplicate           :: String → Array
contains substring  :: String → Bool
starts_with pattern :: String → Bool
startswith pattern  :: String → Bool
len                 :: String → Int
length              :: String → Int
#### Array operations ####
at idx              :: Array  → String
index idx           :: Array  → String
join separator      :: Array  → String
split separator     :: String → Array
#### Other operations ####
const value         :: *      → *
run command         :: Array  → !
id                  :: *      → *
identity            :: *      → *