This repository is [my]( fork of [James Powell's]( [battlegame]( challenge. ## About the challenge - The [explainations about the game]( are copied from his repository. ## About my solution - You can find my solutions here: [``]( and [``]( - My "server" script implements perfectly what was asked by the exercise, and my "client" script implements a quite naive heuristic: it plays randomly and only tries to keep hitting a ship when it first hit it (my experiments showed it wins in about 60% to 75% lesser number of plays in comparison to the naive purely uniform strategy). - Both scripts [stand on the shoulder on giants]( [the Python standard library]( (`sys`, `string.ascii_uppercase`, `collections.OrderedDict`, `pprint.pprint`), [the Numpy package]( and the :sparkles: awesome [docopt package]( for command-line handling. (see [reqirements.txt](requirements.txt)). ---- ## Documentation ### Server ```bash $ ./ --help Battle Server. Usage: [--carrier=] [--battleship=] [--cruiser=] [--submarine=] [--destroyer=] [--random] [--size=] (--show | --play) (-h | --help) --version Options: -h --help Show this screen. --version Show version. --show Print the board. --play Let you play a "one player" game interactively. --size= Set size of the board [default: 5,5]. --random Set every ship to a random position. --carrier= Place ship Carrier at position x,y and direction (h or v) [default: 1,1,h]. --battleship= Place ship Battleship at position x,y and direction (h or v) [default: 2,1,h]. --cruiser= Place ship cRuiser at position x,y and direction (h or v) [default: 3,1,h]. --submarine= Place ship Submarine at position x,y and direction (h or v) [default: 4,1,h]. --destroyer= Place ship Destroyer at position x,y and direction (h or v) [default: 5,1,h]. ``` ### Client ```bash $ ./ --help Battle Client. Usage: [--delay=] [--smart] [--size=] [--server_command=] (-h | --help) --version Options: -h --help Show this screen. --version Show version. --server_command= Play against a server launched by 'cmd' [default: ./ --random --play]. --size= Set size of the board [default: 5,5]. --delay= Delay between successive plays, in seconds [default: 0.1]. --smart Try to be smart when playing. Experimental. ``` ---- ## Examples ### Server - We can see two random 5x5 boards: ```bash $ ./ --random --show ccccc bbbb- srrr- s-d-- s-d-- $ ./ --random --show ccccc -brrr sb--- sbd-- sbd-- ``` - We can see a random 7x7 board: ```bash $ ./ --size=7,7 --random --show ----sss --bbbb- --ccccc ------- --rrr-- -dd---- ------- ``` ### Client ```bash $ ./ --smart --delay=0 bot: 1,4 board: hit carrier bot: 0,4 board: miss bot: 2,4 WARNING: was hitting carrier but now hitting battleship board: hit battleship bot: 3,4 WARNING: was hitting carrier but now hitting destroyer board: hit destroyer bot: 4,4 board: miss bot: 1,0 board: hit carrier bot: 1,1 board: hit carrier bot: 1,2 board: hit carrier bot: 1,3 board: sunk carrier bot: 0,3 board: miss bot: 3,0 WARNING: was hitting None but sunk destroyer board: sunk destroyer bot: 3,1 board: hit cruiser bot: 0,1 board: hit cruiser bot: 2,1 WARNING: was hitting cruiser but now hitting battleship board: hit battleship bot: 4,1 board: sunk cruiser bot: 4,2 board: hit submarine bot: 2,2 WARNING: was hitting submarine but now hitting battleship board: hit battleship bot: 3,2 board: hit submarine bot: 4,0 board: miss bot: 4,3 board: miss bot: 0,0 board: miss bot: 2,0 board: miss bot: 3,3 board: miss bot: 2,3 WARNING: was hitting submarine but sunk battleship board: sunk battleship bot: 0,2 board: sunk submarine bot: 0,0 board: you win! in 25 moves VICTORY! ``` ---- ### :scroll: License ? [![GitHub license](]( [MIT Licensed]( (file [LICENSE](LICENSE)). © [Lilian Besson](, 2018. [![Maintenance](]( [![Ask Me Anything !](]( [![Analytics](]( [![ForTheBadge uses-badges](]( [![ForTheBadge uses-git](]( [![forthebadge made-with-python](]( [![ForTheBadge built-with-science](](