Installation ------------ TL;DR: install this module and script in one command with `pip `_: :: pip install ansicolortags Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The project is entirely written in pure Python, supporting both version 2 (2.7+) and version 3 (3.1+). It has **no dependencies** except a Python interpreter! For more details about the Python language, see `its official website `_. How to install it ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is three different ways: 1. Directly, with pip ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The preferred way is to install ``ansicolortags`` directly with ``pip`` (`what is pip? `_): .. code:: bash $ pip install ansicolortags On GNU/Linux, it might be necessary to give it *sudo rights*: .. code:: bash $ sudo pip install ansicolortags If you have both Python 2 and 3, and if you want to use the module *from both*, be sure to install it *with both* ``pip2`` and ``pip3`` : .. code:: bash $ sudo pip2 install ansicolortags # For Python 2 (v2.7+) $ sudo pip3 install ansicolortags # For Pythoh 3 (v3.1+) 2. Download, extract, and use ```` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Or you can also follow these 4 steps: 1. download the file `ansicolortags.tar.gz `_ from Bitbucket, or `from PyPi `_ (if needed, it is `signed numerically `_ with `my PGP key `_); 2. extract it (with :code:`tar xzfv`, or a graphical solution, like File Roller); 3. then go in the subdirectory (:code:`cd ansicolortags-0.4/`); 4. and finally install it with Python distutils ```` tool: .. code:: bash $ python install Or maybe with sudo rights, if the first try did not work : .. code:: bash $ sudo python install For more information, run ``python help`` or ``python install help``. 3. *Without installing it* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Note that installation *is not mandatory* : a third solution is to simply include JUST the file ````, and embed it in your own projects. The project can be used without installing *anything elsewhere*. .. (c) Lilian Besson 2012-2016