Source code for ansicolortags

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
An efficient and simple ANSI colors module (and also a powerful script), with functions to print text using colors.

The names of the colors follow these conventions:

* for the eight ANSI colors (:black:`black`, :red:`red`, :green:`green`, :yellow:`yellow`, :blue:`blue`, :magenta:`magenta`, :cyan:`cyan`, :white:`white`):

  + the name in minuscule is for color **with bold** (example ':yellow:`yellow`'),
  + the name starting with 'B' is for color **without bold** (example ':yellow:`Byellow`'),
  + the name starting with a **capital** letter is for the background color (example ':yellow:`Yellow`').

* for the special effects (:blink:`blink`, *italic*, **bold**, :under:`underline`, negative), they might not always be supported, but they usually are:

  + the name in minuscule is used to turn *on* the effect (example 'i' to turn on italic),
  + the name starting in capital letter is used to turn *down* the effect (example 'I' to turn off italic).

* for the other special effects (``nocolors``, ``default``, ``Default``, ``clear``, ``el``), the effect is **immediate** (and seems to be well supported).

List of functions

To print a string

* :py:func:`sprint`: give a string,
* :py:func:`printc`: like :py:func:`print`, but with interpreting tags to put colors. **This is the most useful function in this module !**
* :py:func:`writec`: like printc, but using any file object (and no new line added at the end of the string).

To clean the terminal or the line

* :py:func:`erase`: erase all ANSI colors tags in the string (like sprint, but erasing and not interpreting color tags),
* :py:func:`clearLine`, :py:func:`clearScreen`: to clear the current line or screen,
* :py:func:`Reset`: to return to default foreground and background, and stopping all *fancy* effects (like blinking or reverse video).

Others functions

* :py:func:`notify`: try to display a *system* notification. **Only on GNU/Linux with notify-send installed.**
* :py:func:`xtitle`: try to set the *title* of the terminal. Warning: **not always supported**.

Example of use (module)

To store a string, use :py:func:`sprint` (i.e. print to a string, *sprint*), like this: ::

    >>> example = sprint("France flag is <blue>blue<white>white<red>red<white>, Italy flag have <green>green on it<white>.")
    >>> example
    'France flag is \x1b[01;34mblue\x1b[01;37mwhite\x1b[01;31mred\x1b[01;37m, Italy flag have \x1b[01;32mgreen on it\x1b[01;37m.'

The string ``example`` can then be printed, with colors, with: ::

    >>> print(example)  # Sorry, but in the documentation it is hard to show colors :)
    France flag is bluewhitered, Italy flag have green on it.

To directly print a string colored by tags, use :py:func:`printc` (colors will be there if you try this in your terminal): ::

    >>> printc("Batman's costum is <black>black<white>, Aquaman's costum is <blue>blue<white> and <green>green<white>.")
    Batman's costum is black, Aquaman's costume is blue and green.

.. seealso::

   This is the most useful function. To do the same, but on any file, use :py:func:`writec`.

Moreover, the function :py:func:`erase` can also be useful to simply delete all *valid* color tags: ::

    >>> print(erase("Batman's costum is <black>black<white>, Aquaman's costum is <blue>blue<white> and <green>green<white>, and this is a non-valid <tag>, so it is kept like this."))
    Batman's costum is black, Aquaman's costum is blue and green, and this is a non-valid <tag>, so it is kept like this

In this last example, an ``<el>`` tag (:py:data:`el`) is used to erase the current content of the line, useful to make a *dynamical* print: ::

   >>> writec("<red>Computing <u>len(str(2**562016))<reset>...."); tmp = len(str(2**562016)); writec("<el><green>Done !<reset>")
   Done !

The first part of the line 'Computing len(str(2**562016))....' have disappeared after the computation! (which takes about one second).

Example of use (script)

* To show the help :code:`$ --help`;

* To run a test :code:`$ --test`;

* To produce a `GNU Bash color aliases file <>`_ :code:`$ --generate --file ~/`.

Auto detection

This script can normally detect if ANSI codes are supported :

  1. ``$ --help`` : will print with colors if colors seems to be supported;
  2. ``$ --help --noANSI`` : will print without any colors, even if it is possible;
  3. ``$ --help --ANSI`` : will force the use of colors, even if they seems to be not supported.

And, the module part behaves exactly like the script part.


Elsewhere online

This project can be found on-line:

* here on BitBucket: `<>`_
* here on PyPi: `<>`_

And some documentation on ANSI codes:

* The reference page for ANSI code is : `here on Wikipedia <>`_.
* A reference page for XTitle escape code is : `here <>`_.


© Lilian Besson, 2012-2016.

Complete documentation

.. note:: The doc is available on-line, on `Read the Docs <>`_: `<>`_.


from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

# %% Usual Modules
# Should we make them hidden from the interface of the script. Idea : remove from __all__ ?
import os
import sys
from subprocess import Popen

    from time import sleep
except ImportError:
    def sleep(f):
        """ Replacement of time.sleep()."""
        print("time.sleep({}) should have been used.".format(f))

__author__ = 'Lilian Besson'
__version__ = '0.4'
__date__ = '2016-07-02T10:33:39'

# %% Program part

documentation_list_of_colors = """
List of all colors

Bold colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white.

Normal colors (no bold): Bblack, Bred, Bgreen, Byellow, Bblue, Bmagenta, Bcyan, Bwhite.

Background colors: Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White.

Blink special caracters (Blink is faster than blink): blink, Blink:

 .. warning::

   Those are **not supported by all terminal emulator**.
   For example, gnome-terminal and terminator **doesn't** support it,
   but mintty.exe (Cygwin Windows terminal) support it.

Special characters to reinitialized ANSI codes buffer, or to do nothing: reset, nocolors.

Default foreground color, default background color: default, Default.

Italic on, off: italic, Italic. *Not always supported**

Bold on, off: b, B.

Underline on, off: u, U.

Reverse video on, off: neg, Neg. **Not always supported**.

Try to clear the screen: clear. **Not always supported**.

Try to erase the current line : el. **Not always supported**. Useful to use with ``sys.stdout.write`` and make the current printed line change !

Try to make an alarm sound. Also used to end the *xtitle* sequence: bell.

aliases for classic markup (/!\\, /?\\, 'WARNING', 'INFO' and 'ERROR').
warning, question, WARNING, INFO, ERROR:

# %% Default values for new parsers
# FIXME switch to use docopt ( instead of argparse

def _default_epilogue(version):
    """ Default epilogue used by a new parser."""
    return """\n\

Version %s, (C) 2012-2016, Lilian Besson.""" % version

#: The default description, used when generate a parser by _parser_default function !
_default_description = "WARNING: No description had been given to _parser_default..."

def _add_default_options(parser, version=__version__):
    """ _parser_default(parser, version, date, author) -> argparse.ArgumentParser instance.

    Return the parser *parser*, modified by adding default options for the project,
    which put the options : ``--version, ``--verbose, ``--noANSI and ``--ANSI`` and others basic options.
    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + version)
    # Let those two lines, just to remember that others stuffs.
    parser.add_argument('--noANSI', help="If present, ANSI escape code from ansicolortags are *disabled*.", action='store_true', default=False)
    parser.add_argument('--ANSI', help="If present, ANSI escape code from ansicolortags are *forced* to be printed (even if the output is detected to be a pipe).", action='store_true', default=False)
    return parser

# To make a default parser.
def _parser_default(description=_default_description,
                    epilogue="WARNING: No extra epilogue had been given to _parser_default...",
                    version=__version__, preprocessor=str):
    """ _parser_default(parser, version, date, author) -> argparse.ArgumentParser instance.

    Make a new *parser*, initialized by adding default options for the project (with :py:func:`_add_default_options`).

    * The default description is :py:data:`_default_description`,
    * The epilogue will be *epilogue*, then _default_epilogue(version, date, author).
    * preprocessor can be :py:func:`sprint` or :py:func:`str` (default value), *i.e.* a string -> string function, and it will be used as a **preprocessor** for ``description`` and ``epilogue`` value.


    >>> parser = _parser_default(description='<DELETE>A description.',
    ... epilogue='The description will no begin by the tag DELETE, thanks to sprint preprocessing.',
    ... preprocessor=lambda s: s.replace('<DELETE>', ''))
    # Passing RawDescriptionHelpFormatter as formatter_class= indicates that description and epilogue are already correctly formatted and should not be line-wrapped:
    # RawTextHelpFormatter maintains whitespace for all sorts of help text, including argument descriptions.
    # The other formatter class available, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, will add information about the default value of each of the arguments:
        import argparse
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
                                         epilog=preprocessor(epilogue + _default_epilogue(version)))
        # change the function *_add_default_options*, not this one.
        parser = _add_default_options(parser, version)
        return parser
    except ImportError:
        sys.stderr.write("""ERROR : when I tried to import the 'argparse' module.
        The first possible reason is that you are using a version of Python too old (< 2.7).
        The other possible reason is a other version of Python that the usual CPython :
        - Jython,
        - IronPython,
        - PyPy,
        for instance, are NOT supported.

# %% Auto detection ?

ANSISupported = True
    #: If false, the module do almost NOTHING.
    ANSISupported = 'TERM' in os.environ and os.environ['TERM'] != 'unknown'
    if ('--noANSI' in sys.argv) or (not sys.stdout.isatty()):
        ANSISupported = False
    if '--ANSI' in sys.argv:
        ANSISupported = True
except Exception as e:
    print("I failed badly when trying to detect if ansicolortags are supported, reason = %s" % e)
    ANSISupported = False

# print("DEBUG: ANSISupported =", ANSISupported)

# colors bold
black = "\033[01;30m"    #: :black:`Black` and bold.
red = "\033[01;31m"      #: :red:`Red` and bold.
green = "\033[01;32m"    #: :green:`Green` and bold.
yellow = "\033[01;33m"   #: :yellow:`Yellow` and bold.
blue = "\033[01;34m"     #: :blue:`Blue` and bold.
magenta = "\033[01;35m"  #: :magenta:`Magenta` and bold.
cyan = "\033[01;36m"     #: :cyan:`Cyan` and bold.
white = "\033[01;37m"    #: :white:`White` and bold.

# colors not bold
Bblack = "\033[02;30m"    #: :black:`Black` and not bold.
Bred = "\033[02;31m"      #: :red:`Red` and not bold.
Bgreen = "\033[02;32m"    #: :green:`Green` and not bold.
Byellow = "\033[02;33m"   #: :yellow:`Yellow` and not bold.
Bblue = "\033[02;34m"     #: :blue:`Blue` and not bold.
Bmagenta = "\033[02;35m"  #: :magenta:`Magenta` and not bold.
Bcyan = "\033[02;36m"     #: :cyan:`Cyan` and not bold.
Bwhite = "\033[02;37m"    #: :white:`White` and not bold.

# Background colors : not very useful
Black = "\033[40m"    #: :black:`Black` background.
Red = "\033[41m"      #: :red:`Red` background.
Green = "\033[42m"    #: :green:`Green` background.
Yellow = "\033[43m"   #: :yellow:`Yellow` background.
Blue = "\033[44m"     #: :blue:`Blue` background.
Magenta = "\033[45m"  #: :magenta:`Magenta` background.
Cyan = "\033[46m"     #: :cyan:`Cyan` background.
White = "\033[47m"    #: :white:`White` background.

# Others : blink and Blink are NOT SUPPORTED BY ALL TERMINAL
blink = "\033[05m"    #: Make the text blink. NOT SUPPORTED BY ALL TERMINAL. On Windows (with mintty) it's ok. On Linux (with ttys, gnome-terminal or pyterminal, it's not).
Blink = "\033[06m"    #: Make the text not blink (*i.e.* stop blinking).

# nocolors, then default, then Default
nocolors = "\033[0m"  #: Nothing, base ANSI code.
default = "\033[39m"  #: Default foreground.
Default = "\033[49m"  #: Default background.

italic = "\033[3m"    #: *Italic*.
Italic = "\033[23m"   #: No *italic*.
b = "\033[1m"     #: **Bold**.
B = "\033[2m"     #: No **bold**.
u = "\033[4m"     #: :under:`Underline`.
U = "\033[24m"    #: No :under:`underline`.
neg = "\033[7m"   #: Negative.
Neg = "\033[27m"  #: No negative.

# New ones
clear = "\033[2J"  #: Clear the screen.
el = "\r\033[K"   #: Clear the *current line*.
reset = "\033[0;39;49m"   #: Reset the current foreground and background values to default, and disable all effects.

bell = "\007"  #: BEL is the bell character (``\007``). It *might* be interpreted and a sound signal might be heard (but not with every terminals).
title = "\033]0;"  #: Use it like : ``writec("<title>My title<bell>")``, **and only** with ending the sequence with ``<bell>``.

# Not specially tags, but aliases.
warning = "%s%s/!\\%s%s" % (red, u, U, reset)  #: A well colored Warning symbol (/!\\), in :red:`red` and underlined.

question = "%s%s/?\\%s%s" % (yellow, u, U, reset)  #: A well colored question symbol (/?\\), in :yellow:`yellow` and underlined.

ERROR = "%s%sERROR%s" % (reset, red, reset)   #: A well colored ERROR word, in :red:`red`.

WARNING = "%s%sWARNING%s" % (reset, yellow, reset)    #: A well colored WARNING word, in :yellow:`yellow`.

INFO = "%s%sINFO%s" % (reset, blue, reset)    #: A well colored INFO word, in :blue:`blue`.

#: List of all authorized colors. The dictionary :py:data:`colorDict` is more used.
colorList = ['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white', 'Bblack', 'Bred', 'Bgreen', 'Byellow', 'Bblue', 'Bmagenta', 'Bcyan', 'Bwhite', 'Black', 'Red', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'Blue', 'Magenta', 'Cyan', 'White', 'Blink', 'blink', 'nocolors', 'default', 'Default', 'italic', 'Italic', 'b', 'B', 'u', 'U', 'neg', 'Neg', 'clear', 'el', 'reset', 'bell', 'title', 'warning', 'question', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO']
#: List of all simple colors.
simpleColorList = ['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white']

# # Backup all colors.
# for name in colorList:
#     exec('_%s = %s' % (name, name))  # Bad to use exec !
#     # exec('colorDict["%s"] = %s' % (name, name))

# FIXED I could avoid this exec by building the colorDict manually
#: The key element of my script... A dictionary mapping color names to ANSI color code. Used in :py:func:`tocolor`.
colorDict = {
    'black': black,
    'red': red,
    'green': green,
    'yellow': yellow,
    'blue': blue,
    'magenta': magenta,
    'cyan': cyan,
    'white': white,
    'Bblack': Bblack,
    'Bred': Bred,
    'Bgreen': Bgreen,
    'Byellow': Byellow,
    'Bblue': Bblue,
    'Bmagenta': Bmagenta,
    'Bcyan': Bcyan,
    'Bwhite': Bwhite,
    'Black': Black,
    'Red': Red,
    'Green': Green,
    'Yellow': Yellow,
    'Blue': Blue,
    'Magenta': Magenta,
    'Cyan': Cyan,
    'White': White,
    'Blink': Blink,
    'blink': blink,
    'nocolors': nocolors,
    'default': default,
    'Default': Default,
    'italic': italic,
    'Italic': Italic,
    'b': b,
    'B': B,
    'u': u,
    'U': U,
    'neg': neg,
    'Neg': Neg,
    'clear': clear,
    'el': el,
    'reset': reset,
    'bell': bell,
    'title': title,
    'warning': warning,
    'question': question,
    'INFO': INFO

# Turn off color tags interpretation if they are not supported
if not ANSISupported:
    # for name in colorList:
    #     exec('%s = \"\"' % name)  # Bad to use exec !
    # print("DEBUG: removing colors!")
    for key in colorDict:
        colorDict[key] = ''

# print("DEBUG: colorDict =", colorDict)

[docs]def tocolor(mystring): """ tocolor(mystring) -> string Convert a string to a color. ``mystring`` **have** to be in :py:data:`colorDict` to be recognized (and interpreted). Default value if ``mystring`` is not one of the color name is ``""`` the empty string. """ res = "" # if mystring in colorList: if mystring in colorDict: # print("DEBUG: Calling exec('res = %s' % {})".format(mystring)) # Bad to use exec ! # exec("res = %s" % mystring) # Bad to use exec ! res = colorDict[mystring] # print("DEBUG: res =", res) # print("DEBUG: tocolor({}) -> {}".format(mystring, res)) return res
[docs]def sprint(chainWithTags, left='<', right='>', verbose=False): """ sprint(chainWithTags, left='<', right='>', verbose=False) -> string Parse a string containing color tags, when color is one of the previous define name, and then return it, with color tags changed to concrete ANSI color codes. **Tags are delimited** by ``left`` and ``right``. By default, it's `HTML / Pango style <>`_ whit '<' and '>', but you can change them. For example, a custom style even closer to HTML could be: ``left='<span color='`` and ``right = '</span>'`` is also possible. .. warning:: It is more prudent to put nothing else than ANSI Colors (i.e. values in :py:data:`colorList`) between ``'<'`` and ``'>'`` in ``chainWithTags``. The behavior of the function in case of false tags **is not perfect**. Moreover, a good idea could be to try not to use '<' or '>' for anything else than tags. I know, it's not perfect. But, the syntax of color tags is so simple and so beautiful with this limitation that you will surely forgive me this, *won't you* ;) ? Example (where unknown tags are left unmodified, and the colors should be there): :: >>> print(sprint("<blue>This is blue.<white> And <this> is white.<red> Now this is red because I am <angry> !<green><white>")) This is blue. And <this> is white. Now this is red because I am <angry> ! This function is used in all the following, so all other function can also use ``left`` and ``right`` arguments. """ # TODO improve efficiency of this core algorithm? ls = chainWithTags.split(left) if verbose: print("\tls =", ls) lls = list() for s2 in ls: if verbose: print("\ts2 =", s2) inte = s2.split(right) if verbose: print("\tinte =", inte) if inte[0] in colorList: inte[0] = tocolor(inte[0]) else: if len(inte) > 1: inte[0] = left + inte[0] + right if verbose: print("\tinte =", inte) lls.append(inte) if verbose: print("\tlls =", lls) res = "" for _, llsii in enumerate(lls): for _, llsiij in enumerate(llsii): res += llsiij return res
[docs]def erase(chainWithTags, left='<', right='>', verbose=False): """ erase(chainWithTags, left='<', right='>', verbose=False) -> string Parse a string containing color tags, when color is one of the previous define name, and then return it, with color tags **erased**. Example: >>> print(erase("<blue>This is blue.<white> And <this> is white.<red> Now this is red because I am <angry> !<reset>")) This is blue. And <this> is white. Now this is red because I am <angry> ! This example seems exactly the same that the previous one in the documentation, but it's not (it is impossible to put color in the output of a Python example in Sphinx documentation, so there is **no color in output** in the examples... but be sure there is the real output !). .. warning:: This function can mess up a string which has unmatched opening and closing tags (``<`` without a ``>`` or ``>`` without a ``<``), use it carefully. """ ls = chainWithTags.split(left) if verbose: print("\tls =", ls) lls = list() for s2 in ls: if verbose: print("\ts2 =", s2) inte = s2.split(right) if verbose: print("\tinte =", inte) if inte[0] in colorList: inte[0] = '' #: Here the 'erasure' is made. else: if len(inte) > 1: inte[0] = left + inte[0] + right if verbose: print("\tinte =", inte) lls.append(inte) if verbose: print("\tlls =", lls) res = "" for _, llsii in enumerate(lls): for _, llsiij in enumerate(llsii): res += llsiij return res
# FIXED how to add this *objects in Python 2 ? # def printc(chainWithTags, *objects, left='<', right='>', sep=' ', end='\n', erase=False, **kwargs): # I removed the keywords arguments # left='<', right='>', sep=' ', end='\n', erase=False, # and define them manually by poping keys from kwargs... # Cf. #
[docs]def printc(chainWithTags, *objects, **kwargs): """ printc(chainWithTags, *objects, left='<', right='>', sep=' ', end='\\n', erase=False, **kwargs) -> unit Basically a shortcut to ``print(sprint(chainWithTags))`` : it analyzes all tags (i.e., it converts the tags like ``<red>`` to their ANSI code value, like :py:data:`red`), and then it prints the result. Example (in a terminal the colors, and the bold and underlining effects would be there): >>> printc("<reset><white>« <u>Fifty shades of <red>red<white><U> » could be a <green>good<white> book, <b>if it existed<B>.") « Fifty shades of red » could be a good book, if it existed. It accepts one or more "things" to print, exactly like :py:func:`print`: for each value ``arg_i`` in ``*objects``: - if ``arg_i`` is a string, it is converted using ``sprint(arg_i, left=left, right=right)`` (:py:func:`sprint`), and then passed to :py:func:`print`. - otherwise ``arg_i`` is passed to :py:func:`print` without modification (in the same order, of course). Example with more than one object: >>> print("OK n =", 17, "and z =", 1 + 5j, ".") OK n = 17 and z = (1+5j) . >>> printc("<green>OK<white> n =<magenta>", 17, "<white>and z =<blue>", 1 + 5j, "<reset>.") # in a terminal, the output will have colors: OK n = 17 and z = (1+5j) . This is the more useful function in this package. - If ``erase = True``, then :py:func:`erase` is used instead of :py:func:`sprint` .. hint:: I suggest to use ` <>`_ in your own project with the following piece of code: .. code:: python try: from ansicolortags import printc except ImportError: print("WARNING: ansicolortags was not found, disabling colors instead.\\nPlease install it with 'pip install ansicolortags'") def printc(*a, **kwargs): print(*a, **kwargs) .. hint:: During the last 4 years, `a lot of the small Python scripts I wrote <>`_ try to use this module to add some colors: for example, ` <>`_, ` <>`_, ` <>`_, ` <>`_... """ left = kwargs.pop('left') if 'left' in kwargs else '<' right = kwargs.pop('right') if 'right' in kwargs else '>' sep = kwargs.pop('sep') if 'sep' in kwargs else ' ' end = kwargs.pop('end') if 'end' in kwargs else '\n' doerase = kwargs.pop('erase') if 'erase' in kwargs else False # # DEBUG # print("chainWithTags:") # print(chainWithTags) # print("objects:") # print(objects) # print("kwargs:") # print(kwargs) # print("left:", left) # print("right:", right) # print("sep:", sep) # print("end:", end) # print("doerase:", doerase) # DONE for argument handling if len(objects) == 0: print(sprint(chainWithTags, left=left, right=right), sep=sep, end=end, **kwargs) else: fullargs = (chainWithTags,) + objects # DEBUG # print("fullargs:") # print(fullargs) if doerase: # XXX cannot be called erase, it is already the function print(*(erase(s, left=left, right=right) if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in fullargs), sep=sep, end=end, **kwargs) else: print(*(sprint(s, left=left, right=right) if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in fullargs), sep=sep, end=end, **kwargs)
[docs]def writec(chainWithTags="", out=sys.stdout, left='<', right='>', flush=True): """ writec(chainWithTags="", out=sys.stdout, left='<', right='>', flush=True) -> unit Useful to print colored text **to a file**, represented by the object ``out``. Also useful to print colored text, but without any trailing '\\n' character. In this example, before the long computation begin, it prints 'Computing 2**(2**(2**4)).....', and when the computation is done, erases the current line (with ``<el>`` tag, :py:data:`el`), and prints ' Done !' in green, and the result of the computation: :: >>> writec("<red>Computing<reset> 2**(2**(2**4))....."); tmp = 2**(2**(2**4)); writec("<el><green>Done !<reset>") Done ! This example show how to use this module to write colored data in a file. Be aware that this file now contains ANSI escape sequences. For example, :code:`$ cat /tmp/colored-text.txt` will well print the colors, but editing the file will show *hard values* of escape code: :: >>> my_file = open('/tmp/colored-text.txt', mode = 'w') # Open an random file. >>> write("<blue>this is blue.<white>And <this> is white.<red>Now this is red because I am <angry> !<green><white>", file = my_file) >>> # Now this file '/tmp/colored-text.txt' has some ANSI colored text in it. Remark: It can also be used to simply reinitialize the ANSI colors buffer, but the function :py:func:`Reset` is here for this: :: >>> writec("<reset>") .. warning:: The file ``out`` **will be flushed** by this function if ``flush`` is set to ``True`` (this is default behavior). If you prefer no to, use ``flush=False`` option: :: >>> writec(chainWithTags_1, out=my_file, flush=False) >>> # many things... >>> writec(chainWithTags_n, out=my_file, flush=False) >>> my_file.flush() # only flush here! """ out.write(sprint(chainWithTags, left=left, right=right)) if flush: out.flush()
[docs]def clearScreen(): """ clearScreen() -> unit **Try to** clear the screen using ANSI code :py:data:`clear`. """ writec("<clear>")
[docs]def clearLine(): """ clearLine() -> unit **Try to** clear the current line using ANSI code :py:data:`el`. """ writec("<el>")
[docs]def Reset(): """ Reset() -> unit **Try to** reset the current ANSI codes buffer, using :py:data:`reset`. """ writec("<reset>")
# Other tools for the interface
[docs]def notify(msg="", obj="Notification sent by ansicolortags.notify", icon=None, verb=False): """ notify(msg='', obj='Notification sent by ansicolortags.notify', icon=None, verb=False) -> bool Notification using :py:mod:`subprocess` and ``notify-send`` (GNU/Linux command-line program). Also print the informations directly to the screen (only if verb=True). .. warning:: This does not use any *ANSI escape* codes, but the common *notify-send* GNU/Linux command line program. It will probably fail (but cleanly) on Windows or Mac OS X. - Return True if and only if the title have been correctly changed. - Fails simply if ``notify-send`` is not found. """ try: if icon: Popen(['notify-send', obj, msg, "--icon = %s/%s" % (os.getcwd(), icon)]) if verb: print("ansicolortags.notify(): A notification have been sent, with obj = %s, msg = %s, and icon = %s." % (obj, msg, icon)) else: Popen(['notify-send', obj, msg]) if verb: print("ansicolortags.notify(): A notification have been sent, with obj = %s, and msg = %s." % (obj, msg)) return 0 except Exception as e: if verb: print("ansicolortags.notify(): notify-send : not-found ! Returned exception is %s." % e) return -1
[docs]def xtitle(new_title="", verb=False): """ xtitle(new_title="", verb=False) -> 0 or 1 **Modify the current terminal title**. Returns 0 if one of the two solutions worked, 1 otherwise. An experimental try is with **ANSI escape code**, if the simple way by calling the ``xtitle`` program does not work (or if it is not installed). .. note:: The second solution simply uses the two *ANSI* Tags ``<title>`` (:py:data:`title`) and ``<bell>`` (:py:data:`bell`). So, you can also do it with: :: >>> ansicolortags.writec("<title>This is the new title of the terminal<bell>") But this function *xtitle* is better: it tries two ways, and returns a signal to inform about his success. """ try: Popen(['xtitle', new_title]) if verb: print("ansicolortags.xtitle(): The title of the current terminal has been set to '%s'." % new_title) except Exception as e: if verb: print("ansicolortags.xtitle(): xtitle : not-found ! Returned exception is %s." % e) try: writec("<title>%s<bell>" % erase(new_title)) except Exception as e: if verb: print("ansicolortags.notify(): With ANSI escape code <title> and <bell> : failed. ! Returned exception is %s." % e) return 1 return 0
# %% Script part
[docs]def _generate_color_sh(file_name=None): """ _generate_color_sh(file_name=None) -> string | unit. Used to print or generate (if file_name is present and is a valid URI address) a profile of all the colors defined in this file. Print all ANSI Colors as :code:`export NAME="VALUE"`. Useful to automatically generate a :download:`` file, to be used with Bash: and now you can easily colorized your Bash script with :code:`.` to import all colors. The file is a list of :code:`export NAME="VALUE"`, to be used with GNU Bash. .. note:: For example, to generate the :code:`` file with this script, use the ``-g`` or ``--generate`` option, with ``-f FILE`` or ``--file FILE``: .. code:: bash $ python -m ansicolortags -g -f .. hint:: I suggest to save this :download:`` file to your home, like :code:`~/`, so it will be available for any GNU Bash script. During the last 4 years, `all the Bash scripts I wrote <>`_ that uses this color profile (or assume it to be enabled, e.g. from `your .bashrc file <>`_) assume it to be saved as :code:`~/`. For instance, `PDFCompress <>`_, ` <>`_, ` <>`_, ` <>`_, ` <>`_, ` <>`_, ` <>`_, ` <>`_, ` <>`_ etc. In a Bash script, I suggest to source this :download:`` file like this (it checks if the file exists before sourcing it): .. code:: bash [ -f ~/ ] && . ~/ """ if file_name: writec("<green> The file %s is creating.<reset> (C) Lilian Besson, 2012-2016.\t" % file_name) writec("<blue><u>Listing of all ANSI colors...<reset>") sleep(0.5) writec("<el>...") for s in colorList: writec("<green><u>%s<reset>..." % s) sleep(0.05) writec("<el>...") writec("<reset>Listing of all ANSI colors...><red><u> DONE !<reset>...") sleep(0.5) writec("<el>") if file_name: mfile = open(file_name, 'w') else: mfile = sys.stdout mfile.write("""#!/bin/sh # # From module, auto generated with the --generate command # More information on # # About the convention for the names of the colors : # * for the eight colors black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white: # + the name in minuscule is for color **with bold** (example 'yellow'), # + the name starting with 'B' is for color **without bold** (example 'Byellow'), # + the name starting with a capital letter is for the background color (example 'Yellow'). # * for the special effects (blink, italic, bold, underline, negative), **not always supported** : # + the name in minuscule is to **turn on** the effect, # + the name starting in capital letter is to **turn off** the effect. # * for the other special effects (nocolors, default, Default, clear, el), the effect is **immediate** (and seems to be well supported). # # About # ===== # Use this file in other GNU Bash scripts, simply by sourcing him with # $ source ~/ # # Copyrigth # ========= # (C) Lilian Besson, 2012-2016. # # List of colors # ============== """) # FIXED it appeared to be failing on Python 3, now with this colorDict it works very well! res = "" for s in colorDict: res = colorDict[s] # print("""DEBUG: exec("res = ('%%s' %% %s)""" % s.replace('\x1b', '\\\\x1b')) # exec("res = ('%%s' %% %s)" % s.replace('\x1b', '\\\\x1b')) # Bad to use exec ! # Unescaping special characters. res = res.replace('\x1b', '\\033').replace('\r', '\\r').replace('\007', '\\007') # print("DEBUG 1: res =", res) mfile.write("export %s=\"%s\"\n" % (s, res)) # print("""DEBUG 2: mfile.write("export %s=\\"%s\\"\\n" """ % (s, res)) # mfile.write("export %s=\"%s\"\n" % (s, (r"%s" % res))) # the r"%s" above is important ? mfile.write("# DONE\n\n") if file_name: writec("<green> The file %s have been creating.<reset> (C) Lilian Besson 2012-2016.\n" % file_name) sys.exit(0)
[docs]def _run_complete_tests(): """ _run_complete_tests() -> unit. Launch a complete test of all ANSI Colors code in the list :py:data:`colorList`. """ printc("Launching full test for ANSI Colors.<default><Default><nocolors> now the text is printed with default value of the terminal...") for s in colorList: printc("The color '%s'\t is used to make the following effect : <%s>!! This is a sample text for '%s' !!<default><Default><nocolors>..." % (s, s, s))
# %% Main part, executed only if the script is executed if __name__ == '__main__': #: Generate the parser, with another module. #: This variable is the preprocessor, given to description and epilogue by ParseCommandArgs,. #: * erase: to print with no colors. #: * sprint: to print with colors. # preprocessor = __builtin__.str, if you wanna to *see* the tags. mypreprocessor = sprint if ANSISupported else erase #: Generate the parser, with another module. myparser = _parser_default( description='<green>ANSI Colors utility <red>module<reset> and <blue>script<reset> (', epilogue=""" Use this file <u>~/<U> with other GNU Bash scripts, simply by sourcing him with: <b><black>source ~/<reset> # in a GNU Bash script <b>About the <u>convention<U> for the names of the colors:<reset> - for the eight colors black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white: + the name in minuscule is for color <u>with bold<reset> (example <yellow>'yellow'<reset>), + the name starting with 'B' is for color <u>without bold<reset> (example <Byellow>'Byellow'<reset>), + the name starting with a capital letter is for the background color (example <Yellow>'Yellow'<reset>); - for the special effects (blink, italic (i), bold (b), underline (u), negative), <u>not always supported<reset>: + the name in minuscule is to <u>turn on<reset> the effect (for example 'u' to <u>underline<U>), + the name starting in capital letter is to <u>turn down<reset> the effect (for example 'U' to stop underline); - for the other special effects (nocolors, default, Default, clear, el), the effect is <u>immediate<reset> (and seems to be well supported). <yellow>About =====<reset> This project can be found <green>on-line<reset>: - here on <neg>BitBucket<Neg> : <u><U>, - here on <neg>PyPi<Neg> : <u><U>, - and its documentation can be found here on <neg>Read the Docs<Neg> : <u><U>. The reference page for ANSI code is : <u><U>.\n""", version=__version__, preprocessor=mypreprocessor) #: So, here become the interesting part. group = myparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("-t", "--test", help="Launch a complete test of all ANSI Colors code defined here.", action="store_true") #: Description for the part with '--file' and '--generate' options. group = myparser.add_argument_group('Generation of a GNU Bash color aliases file') # Add lats two options group.add_argument("-g", "--generate", help="Print all ANSI Colors as 'export name=\"value\"'.", action="store_true") # , required = True) group.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="If present, and with --generate option, don't print the values, but export them in the file FILE (e.g. FILE = ~/", default=None) #: The parser is done. #: Use it to extract the args from the command line. args = myparser.parse_args() #: Use those args. if args.generate: if args.file: _generate_color_sh(args.file) else: _generate_color_sh() sys.exit(0) if args.test: _run_complete_tests() sys.exit(0) # Otherwise, print help and exit myparser.print_help() sys.exit(1) # Remove the scripts values here # FIXED: be sure we removed exactly the good ones else: # del _generate_color_sh # del _run_complete_tests del _parser_default del _default_description del _default_epilogue del _add_default_options