Index of /besson/publis/ama
<h2 align="center">
Ask me anything! <br><br>
<a href="../../issues/new"> Ask a question</a> <a href="../../issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+sort%3Aupdated-desc"> Read questions</a>
I get questions by email, occasionally. This way anyone can read the answer!
Anything means *anything*. Personal questions. Money. Work. Life. Code.
Cooking. Traveling. Sports. Teaching. Pokémon. Whatever.
### Guidelines
- Ensure your question has not already been answered.
- Use a succinct title and description.
- Bugs & feature requests should be opened on the relevant issue tracker (i.e., on the issue tracker of the corresponding [Bitbucket]( or [GitHub]( repository).
- Support questions are better asked on [Stack Overflow]( and maths questions on [Math Exchange](
- Be nice, civil and polite ([as always](
- If you include at least one emoji in your question, the feedback might come faster!
### *In French? En Français ?*
[In English / En anglais ](
or [In French / En Français ](
### Links
- [Read more AMAs.](
- [What's an AMA?](
### License
This (small) repository are published under the terms of the [MIT license]( (file [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt)).