Example of building, and using Tiny-Prolog-in-OCaml

In [4]:
bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>

This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Building prolog

In [10]:
# cd ~/publis/Tiny-Prolog-in-OCaml.git/
In [8]:
ls prolog/
Makefile  README.md  lib.ml  prolog*  prolog.ml  resolution.ml
In [9]:
cd prolog/
Vous quittez le dossier '/home/lilian/publis/Tiny-Prolog-in-OCaml.git'.
	Direction ==> prolog/

Let's build prolog, it's really easy:

In [11]:
/usr/bin/make clean
rm -f *.cm[iox] *~ *.annot *.o
ocamlc -pp camlp4o -c lib.ml
ocamlc on -pp camlp4o -c lib.ml
ocamlc lib.cmo -c resolution.ml
ocamlc on lib.cmo -c resolution.ml
File "resolution.ml", line 104, characters 12-17:
Warning 52: Code should not depend on the actual values of
this constructor's arguments. They are only for information
and may change in future versions. (See manual section 8.5)
ocamlc -o prolog lib.cmo resolution.cmo prolog.ml
ocamlc on -o prolog lib.cmo resolution.cmo prolog.ml

The binary prolog that was just generated is an OCaml binary. Ii is not native, but we don't care. If you want a native binary, just do this:

In [12]:
/usr/bin/make prolog.opt
ocamlopt -pp camlp4o -c lib.ml
ocamlopt on -pp camlp4o -c lib.ml
ocamlopt lib.cmx -c resolution.ml
ocamlopt on lib.cmx -c resolution.ml
File "resolution.ml", line 104, characters 12-17:
Warning 52: Code should not depend on the actual values of
this constructor's arguments. They are only for information
and may change in future versions. (See manual section 8.5)
ocamlopt -o prolog.opt lib.cmx resolution.cmx prolog.ml
ocamlopt on -o prolog.opt lib.cmx resolution.cmx prolog.ml
In [15]:
cd ..
ls prolog/prolog prolog/prolog.opt
file prolog/prolog prolog/prolog.opt
Vous quittez le dossier '/home/lilian/publis'.
	Direction ==> Tiny-Prolog-in-OCaml.git
prolog/prolog*  prolog/prolog.opt*
prolog/prolog:     a /home/lilian/.opam/4.04.2/bin/ocamlrun script executable (binary data)
prolog/prolog.opt: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=37d475d077169be2f4b7145c2adc52cf77dfbf61, with debug_info, not stripped


There is half a dozen of examples:

In [18]:
ls -larth examples/*.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 lilian lilian 358 Aug 28  2017 examples/family_solution.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 lilian lilian 546 Mar 19 16:40 examples/domino.pl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lilian lilian 109 Mar 19 16:51 examples/tomandjerry.pl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lilian lilian 387 Mar 21 16:17 examples/family.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 lilian lilian  36 Mar 23 10:11 examples/even.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 lilian lilian  36 Mar 23 10:11 examples/odd.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 lilian lilian 228 Mar 23 10:13 examples/bunny.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 lilian lilian 691 Mar 23 10:19 examples/natural_integer_arithmetics.pl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lilian lilian 349 Mar 23 10:37 examples/natural_integer_arithmetics_nocomment.pl

For instance, a tiny one is the following:

In [22]:
cd examples
Vous quittez le dossier '/home/lilian/publis/Tiny-Prolog-in-OCaml.git'.
	Direction ==> examples
In [23]:
cat odd.pl
odd(s(s(X))) <-- odd(X).

First example

even.pl define the even integers.

The prolog binary accepts a request as its last argument:

In [29]:
../prolog/prolog even.pl "even(o)."  # an empty valuation: it's true!
?- even(o).
  { }
In [27]:
../prolog/prolog even.pl "even(s(o))."  # aucune théorie : c'est false !
?- even(s(o)).
In [28]:
../prolog/prolog even.pl "even(s(s(o)))."  # une théorie vide : c'est true !
?- even(s(s(o))).
  { }

And prolog can also find all the even integers! It will only display a few (15), but it could find them all.

In [28]:
../prolog/prolog even.pl "even(X)."  # it will find 15 e
?- even(s(s(o))).
  { }

Vous pouvez expérimenter dans votre terminal, en faisant simplement ../prolog/prolog pair.pl and en tapant les requêtes. Je recommande l'utilisation de rlwrap ou ledit pour faciliter l'édition (mais je peux pas montrer ça dans un notebook).

Second example

In [72]:
../prolog/prolog natural_integer_arithmetics.pl "lowerEq(s(s(o)), s(s(s(o))))."  # 2 <= 3 ? yes
?- lowerEq(s(s(o)), s(s(s(o)))).
  { }
In [73]:
../prolog/prolog natural_integer_arithmetics.pl "lowerEq(s(s(s(s(o)))), s(s(s(o))))."  # 4 <= 3 ? no
?- lowerEq(s(s(s(s(o)))), s(s(s(o)))).
In [81]:
../prolog/prolog natural_integer_arithmetics.pl "sum(o,s(o),s(o))."  # 0+1 = 1 ? yes
?- sum(o,s(o),s(o)).
  { }
In [79]:
../prolog/prolog natural_integer_arithmetics.pl "sum(s(o),s(o),s(s(o)))."  # 1+1 = 2 ? yes
?- sum(s(o),s(o),s(s(o))).
  { }
In [80]:
../prolog/prolog natural_integer_arithmetics.pl "sum(s(o),o,s(s(o)))."  # 1+1 = 1 ? no
?- sum(s(o),o,s(s(o))).

Other examples

The odd predicate

In [82]:
cat even.pl
even(s(s(X))) <-- even(X).
In [83]:
[ -f odd.pl ] && rm -vf odd.pl
echo "odd(s(o))." > odd.pl
echo "odd(s(s(X))) <-- odd(X)." >> odd.pl
In [84]:
../prolog/prolog odd.pl "odd(o)."  # false
../prolog/prolog odd.pl "odd(s(o))."  # true
../prolog/prolog odd.pl "odd(s(s(o)))."  # false
?- odd(o).
?- odd(s(o)).
  { }
?- odd(s(s(o))).

Some family history

Note: this example does NOT use anyone from my family. The names are purely imaginary. The only thing we need to define at first is a predicate parent(X, Y) that defines the fact that X is a father/mother/parent of Y. It is a direct down link in a family tree.

In [172]:
rm -vf aSmallFamily.pl
'aSmallFamily.pl' removed
In [173]:
echo "parent(cyrill, renaud)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
echo "parent(cyrill, claire)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
echo "parent(renaud, clovis)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
echo "parent(valentin, olivier)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
echo "parent(claire, olivier)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
echo "parent(renaud, claudia)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
echo "parent(claire, gaelle)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
In [174]:
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "parent(cyrill, renaud)."  # true
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "parent(claire, renaud)."  # false
?- parent(cyrill, renaud).
  { }
?- parent(claire, renaud).
In [175]:
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "parent(X, renaud)."  # cyrill
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "parent(X, gaelle)."  # claire
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "parent(X, olivier)."  # claire, valentin

../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "parent(renaud, X)."  # clovis, claudia
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "parent(gaelle, X)."  # {}
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "parent(olivier, X)."  # {}
?- parent(X, renaud).
  { X = cyrill }
?- parent(X, gaelle).
  { X = claire }
?- parent(X, olivier).
  { X = valentin }
  { X = claire }
?- parent(renaud, X).
  { X = clovis }
  { X = claudia }
?- parent(gaelle, X).
?- parent(olivier, X).

Brother and sisters are defined by having a common parent, and cousins are defined by having a common grand-parent:

In [176]:
echo "brothersister(X,Y) <-- parent(Z,X), parent(Z,Y)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
echo "grandparent(X,Y) <-- parent(X,Z), parent(Z,Y)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
echo "cousin(X,Y) <-- grandparent(Z,X), grandparent(Z,Y)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
In [177]:
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "brothersister(cyrill, claire)."  # false
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "brothersister(renaud, claire)."  # true
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "brothersister(claire, claire)."  # true

../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "grandparent(X,olivier)."  # cyrill
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "grandparent(X,gaelle)."  # cyrill
?- brothersister(cyrill, claire).
?- brothersister(renaud, claire).
  { }
?- brothersister(claire, claire).
  { }
?- grandparent(X,olivier).
  { X = cyrill }
?- grandparent(X,gaelle).
  { X = cyrill }

I will let you find a correct recursive definition of this predicate ancester.

In [178]:
#echo "ancester(X,Y) <-- ancester(X,Z), grandparent(Z,Y)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
echo "ancester(X,Y) <-- parent(X,Y)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
echo "ancester(X,Y) <-- grandparent(X,Y)." >> aSmallFamily.pl
#echo "ancester(X,X)." >> aSmallFamily.pl

On peut vérifier tous les axiomes and règles qu'on a ajouté :

In [179]:
cat aSmallFamily.pl
parent(cyrill, renaud).
parent(cyrill, claire).
parent(renaud, clovis).
parent(valentin, olivier).
parent(claire, olivier).
parent(renaud, claudia).
parent(claire, gaelle).
brothersister(X,Y) <-- parent(Z,X), parent(Z,Y).
grandparent(X,Y) <-- parent(X,Z), parent(Z,Y).
cousin(X,Y) <-- grandparent(Z,X), grandparent(Z,Y).
ancester(X,Y) <-- parent(X,Y).
ancester(X,Y) <-- grandparent(X,Y).


  • Olivier's ancesters are Valentin, Claire and Cyrill:
In [180]:
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "parent(X,olivier)."
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "grandparent(X,olivier)."
?- parent(X,olivier).
  { X = valentin }
  { X = claire }
?- grandparent(X,olivier).
  { X = cyrill }
In [181]:
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "ancester(X,olivier)."
?- ancester(X,olivier).
  { X = valentin }
  { X = claire }
  { X = cyrill }
  • The common ancester of Olivier and Renaud is Cyrill:
In [182]:
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "ancester(olivier,X),ancester(renaud,X)."
?- ancester(olivier,X),ancester(renaud,X).
In [183]:
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "ancester(X,olivier),ancester(X,renaud)."
?- ancester(X,olivier),ancester(X,renaud).
  { X = cyrill }
  • Claudia and Gaëlle are not sister but they are cousin:
In [149]:
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "brothersister(gaelle,claudia)."  # false
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "cousin(gaelle,claudia)."  # true
?- brothersister(gaelle,claudia).
?- cousin(gaelle,claudia).
  { }
  • Claudia is Clovis's sister, and Olivier and Gaëlle are her cousins:
In [147]:
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "brothersister(X,clovis)."
../prolog/prolog aSmallFamily.pl "cousin(X,clovis)."
?- brothersister(X,clovis).
  { X = clovis }
  { X = claudia }
?- cousin(X,clovis).
  { X = clovis }
  { X = claudia }
  { X = olivier }
  { X = gaelle }


That's it for today, folks!

Have a look to this other repository for more notebooks I wrote.