![[ICO]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/blank.svg) | Name | Last modified | Size | Description |
![[PARENTDIR]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-circle-arrow-up.svg) | Parent Directory | | - | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | A list of crazy yet useful approximations.png | 2021-03-14 23:37 | 182K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Adding other programming languages to your resume after hello world.png | 2021-03-01 14:24 | 618K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Always set up many alarms.png | 2021-03-25 21:16 | 518K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | An essay in Python Java C LaTeX HTML etc.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 121K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Array list queues stacks arralist, and then Python list, what the hell is this....png | 2021-03-01 22:45 | 581K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Array list queues stacks arralist, and then Python list, what the hell is this?.png | 2021-03-01 22:45 | 581K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Arrays in C be like three pointers Di Caprio.png | 2021-03-01 13:57 | 556K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Avatar master of four elements vs Mandeley master of 118 elements.png | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 44K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Average time spent writing one email student vs professors.png | 2021-03-09 15:40 | 404K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Best way to write dates, just use ISO8601 YYYY-MM-DD.png | 2021-03-14 23:33 | 43K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Beware semi-colons after 2 years of Python.png | 2021-03-01 14:02 | 552K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Big data is like teenage sex.png | 2021-03-14 17:19 | 529K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | C influenced 50 years of programming languages.png | 2021-03-01 03:34 | 488K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Can you solve this linear system... Hard with x y z maths but easy with flowers, thanks Facebook.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 49K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Can you solve this linear system? Hard with x y z maths but easy with flowers, thanks Facebook.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 49K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Captain America is just Captain USA, stop saying America for USA its stupid and dominative.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 53K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Captcha for C programmers.png | 2021-03-01 03:29 | 181K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Changement de nom département ENS Rennes 3.jpeg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 39K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Chapitre-sur-table-de-Hachage.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 39K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Choose the good language for the job - CSS aint what you want for a blockchain.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 79K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Circle of life, basic algorithm.png | 2021-03-14 23:20 | 28K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Coders who use text editors vs IDE vs word processors.png | 2021-03-01 13:18 | 488K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Coffee or tea... wrong its tea.png | 2021-03-09 22:34 | 709K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Coffee or tea? wrong its tea.png | 2021-03-09 22:34 | 709K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Conversion types conteneurs en OCaml dans la lib standard 2021.png | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 364K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Conversion types numériques en OCaml dans la lib standard 2021.png | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 143K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | DANGER no smoking, unless you are on fire.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 34K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Demonstration du package minted pour colorer du code en LaTeX.png | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 93K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Demonstration of using rcviz.png | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 52K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Do what you want and youll be kinda working all the time.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 80K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Do you have fun programming ... I dont know its complicated.png | 2021-03-01 13:00 | 621K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Do you have fun programming ? I dont know its complicated.png | 2021-03-01 13:00 | 621K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Dont disturb me when I code and Im in the zone.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 196K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Dont forget your semi colons in C.png | 2021-03-01 22:00 | 211K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Dont ignore warnings of your compiler and editor.png | 2021-03-01 03:08 | 507K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Dont need to learn C or C++, Python is the future, nope.png | 2021-03-01 22:51 | 407K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Double joke on TCP and UDP.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 53K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Embedding NP-complete problem in restaurants menu XKCD DIU Bordeaux 2020.png | 2024-02-04 14:40 | 443K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Erreur de modulo aujd 41 septembre 22h72.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 24K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | First programming languages was invented in 1956, before that mystery keyboard in binary.png | 2021-03-01 14:46 | 548K | Scripts, programmes et binaires. Copie de mon dépôt Bitbucket bin. |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Fuck the Color Blind - agressif contre daltonien mais efficace.png | 2021-03-01 01:41 | 1.0M | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Fun facts about ML developpers.png | 2021-03-01 03:05 | 127K | |
![[TXT]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-file.svg) | HEADER.md | 2024-02-04 14:45 | 300 | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | HTML is not a programming language, we wont teach it.png | 2021-03-01 13:32 | 749K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | How can we make our Python application goes faster... Cython... Data structures... Yes dont change language.png | 2021-03-01 21:56 | 571K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | How can we make our Python application goes faster? Cython? Data structures? Yes dont change language.png | 2021-03-01 21:56 | 571K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | How hard an programming be i mean you say what you want and the computer does it.png | 2021-03-01 13:02 | 509K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | How professors spend their time phdcomics.png | 2024-02-04 14:40 | 22K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | How to initialize an array in C and other, or how to initiate sex.png | 2021-03-09 23:14 | 345K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Identify theft with an identity matrix.png | 2021-03-09 22:35 | 573K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | If I am ever on life support, unplug me, then plug me again.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 28K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Ironic definition of Programming.png | 2021-03-01 22:23 | 299K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Just a basic illustration of log_scale.png | 2021-03-14 23:53 | 28K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Learning functionnal programming can be scary.png | 2021-03-01 03:04 | 345K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Les développeurs Python et JavaScript vs les autres.png | 2024-04-04 21:25 | 79K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Les_bronzés_font_du_ASCII.png | 2023-03-03 10:46 | 864K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Mais tu écris nimporte quoi en fait, oui il faut pas.png | 2024-03-20 20:14 | 188K | |
![[ ]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-file.svg) | Makefile | 2024-05-01 23:17 | 331 | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Manual garbage collector in C and C++.png | 2021-03-01 13:33 | 412K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Martine et le pot de thèse.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 97K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Maybe grades dont matter but in prépas you need good grades anyway.png | 2024-02-04 14:40 | 312K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Mr stark never had compilation error or warning.png | 2021-03-01 12:47 | 600K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Multi-threaded programming, expectation vs reality.png | 2021-03-01 22:34 | 451K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | My time schedule, my time outside, my time online.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 55K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Nobody is born stupid, except if you think there is a best programming language.png | 2021-03-01 13:36 | 535K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Nombres cistériens.png | 2024-02-04 14:40 | 41K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Nuage de mots calculabilité complexité DIU 2020 Bordeaux.png | 2021-02-19 11:38 | 1.1M | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Once upon a time in 1980, new girlfriend is the C programming language.png | 2021-03-01 20:35 | 677K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Pie charts are just stupid, dont use them only on Pi Day on March 14.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 37K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Playing UNO getting destroyed by C programming language.png | 2021-03-01 12:49 | 533K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Premier langage de programmation en 1952, binaire avant.png | 2024-04-04 21:26 | 350K | Scripts, programmes et binaires. Copie de mon dépôt Bitbucket bin. |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Problem with recursion... Problem with Recursion....png | 2024-02-04 14:40 | 360K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Problem with recursion? Problem with Recursion?.png | 2024-02-04 14:40 | 360K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Programming hide and seek championship.png | 2021-03-01 13:30 | 838K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Programming with or without Internet, be careful to learn to do both.png | 2021-03-01 22:56 | 437K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Promotion OCaml types fonctions.png | 2024-02-04 14:40 | 27K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Pure equalities are a sweet treasures in Python and OCaml.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 16K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Python is better than C ... Well Python is made in C.png | 2021-03-01 13:54 | 726K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Python is better than C ? Well Python is made in C.png | 2021-03-01 13:54 | 726K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | QA engineer, or why tests are never perfect.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 90K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Quand_jai_oublié_de_mettre_une_condition_de_sortie_sur_une_boucle_why.png | 2021-07-30 13:39 | 650K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | RFC822_email_regex_grosse_expression_regulière.png | 2021-02-28 11:24 | 44K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Real reasons graphs have ex x and why y axis.png | 2024-02-04 14:40 | 66K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Red shift, if this sticker is blue then your driving toooo fast.png | 2021-03-09 23:09 | 369K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Reject programming languages turn back to asembly.png | 2021-03-01 03:35 | 426K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Réduction sucrée.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 563K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Super powerful AI is not yet there, dont worry.png | 2021-03-09 23:11 | 417K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | The moment when you start writing code without reading any documentation.png | 2021-03-01 12:57 | 488K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | The only religion for which I would allow people to knock on my door.jpeg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 59K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | This is why you shouldnt get interrupted when in programming mode.png | 2024-02-04 14:40 | 284K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Train AI to recognize Sarah Connor - hey google whats the goal of this CAPTCHA again....png | 2021-03-12 10:16 | 366K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Train AI to recognize Sarah Connor - hey google whats the goal of this CAPTCHA again?.png | 2021-03-12 10:16 | 366K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Troisième confinements... face a Corona, carte magic.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 282K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Troll veille souris a boule, a remplacer avec des oeufs durs.png | 2021-03-06 16:55 | 342K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Truc à faire dans un examen, hommage à Robin Williams et Le Cercle des Poètes Disparus.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 160K | Scripts, programmes et binaires. Copie de mon dépôt Bitbucket bin. |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Unix time and 2038 bug.png | 2021-03-01 03:31 | 459K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Variables i l 1.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 22K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Vous le vouvoyez.jpeg | 2024-02-17 15:09 | 53K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Vous vous écrivez en LaTeX.jpeg | 2024-02-04 21:06 | 77K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | WYSIWYG what you see is what you get, and three variations XKCD.png | 2021-03-14 17:11 | 40K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Wait PyTorch and Machine Learning is all C and C++ ... always has been.png | 2021-03-01 14:48 | 526K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Wait PyTorch and Machine Learning is all C and C++ ? always has been.png | 2021-03-01 14:48 | 526K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Watching a model train.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 30K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | What if I told you, the best antivirus is your brain.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 18K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | What motivated you to learn computer science.png | 2021-03-01 14:04 | 813K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | What programming is NOT not fixing your computer not hacking facebook.png | 2021-03-09 22:36 | 857K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | What singular pixel could mean, years ago vs now.png | 2024-02-04 14:40 | 669K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Whats the best keyboard for programming... Me ctrl c ctrl v thats it.png | 2021-03-01 22:10 | 371K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Whats the best keyboard for programming? Me ctrl c ctrl v thats it.png | 2021-03-01 22:10 | 371K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | When coding in C never use i++ or i-- its demoniac.png | 2024-02-04 14:40 | 180K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | When you switch from C and C++ to Python, so long partner.png | 2021-03-01 20:51 | 638K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | When your Python program calls LAPACK its all Fortran.png | 2021-03-01 22:14 | 261K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Why do frontend devs eat alone... They dont know how to join tables.png | 2021-03-09 22:31 | 754K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Why do frontend devs eat alone? They dont know how to join tables.png | 2021-03-09 22:31 | 754K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Why do you always use i,j,k in loops... ITS THE LAW.png | 2021-03-01 22:05 | 416K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Why do you always use i,j,k in loops? ITS THE LAW.png | 2021-03-01 22:05 | 416K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Why does Python floats ... Its above C level.png | 2021-03-01 20:46 | 262K | Root of the website (in English or in French) |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | Why does Python floats ? Its above C level.png | 2021-03-01 20:46 | 262K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | XKCD about automating it stuff, but its worth it because you learn and its fun and interesting.png | 2021-03-14 17:18 | 26K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | You wont do web design here, we are not spiders.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 31K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | are you ill - no just feeling a bit off.png | 2021-03-01 03:41 | 496K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | dont copy wikipedia.png | 2021-03-01 14:35 | 344K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | frantic_search.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 33K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | functional_fun__XKCD_1270.png | 2021-02-24 21:24 | 32K | |
![[TXT]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-file.svg) | gallery.html | 2024-05-01 23:17 | 55K | Galerie photo pour « Memes-enseignements » |
![[TXT]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-file.svg) | generateglisse.html | 2024-05-01 23:17 | 38K | |
![[TXT]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-file.svg) | generateglisse.log | 2024-05-01 23:17 | 27K | |
![[ ]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-file.svg) | generateglisse.time | 2024-05-01 23:17 | 44 | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | if b then true else false.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 15K | |
![[ ]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-file.svg) | index.html_old | 2024-02-04 14:42 | 54K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | interpreted_compiled.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 187K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | my sweet programming gig, helped from StackOverflow.png | 2021-03-01 13:04 | 469K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | pour-votre-sécurité-contrôle-continu.jpg | 2024-02-04 14:39 | 822K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | programming and using regexp is a lot of Googling.png | 2021-03-01 03:38 | 238K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | semi colons in writing vs in programming.png | 2021-03-01 03:43 | 366K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | thats why you will know different programming languages.png | 2021-03-01 14:29 | 720K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | undefined behavior does not exist in a turing machine.png | 2021-03-01 03:13 | 856K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | you can only overflow unsigned integers in C.png | 2021-03-01 03:09 | 1.0M | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | you should switch to Python bro.png | 2021-03-01 03:39 | 617K | |
![[IMG]](/besson/autoindex_strapdown/icons/glyphicon-picture.svg) | you should switch to Python bro?.png | 2021-03-01 03:39 | 617K | |