Sys.command "ocaml -version";; (** Un échange T[i] <-> T[j]. Utilise une valeur temporaire *) let swap tab i j = let tmp = tab.(i) in tab.(i) <- tab.(j); tab.(j) <- tmp ;; let tri_bulle cmp tab = let n = Array.length tab in for i = n - 1 downto 1 do for j = 0 to i - 1 do if cmp tab.(j + 1) tab.(j) < 0 then swap tab (j + 1) j; done done ;; let tri_bulle_opt cmp tab = let n = Array.length tab in let i = ref 0 in let last_swap = ref (-1) in while !i < n - 1 do (* séquence d'échanges sur T[i..n]: *) last_swap := n - 1; for j = n-1 downto !i + 1 do if cmp tab.(j) tab.(j-1) < 0 then begin swap tab j (j-1); last_swap := j - 1 end; (* i avance "plus vite" :*) i := !last_swap + 1; done done ;; (** Taille max des éléments dans les tableaux aléatoires *) let maxint = int_of_float(1e3);; (** Créer un tableau aléatoire. En O(n). *) let rand_array length = Array.init length (fun _ -> maxint) ;; (** Vérifie que chaque élément du tableau n'y est qu'une seule fois (test l'égalité <> et pas !==). Mal codé, en O(n^2). *) let isInjArray tab = try begin Array.iteri (fun i x -> (Array.iteri (fun j y -> assert( (x<>y) || (i=j) ) ) tab) ) tab; true end with _ -> false ;; (** En moyenne, est en O(n^2) si [maxint] est bien plus grand que [n]. *) let rand_array_inj = function | 0 -> [||] | length -> let tab = ref (rand_array length) in while not(isInjArray (!tab)) do tab := rand_array length; done; !tab ;; rand_array_inj 12;; rand_array_inj 12;; rand_array_inj 12;; let print = Printf.printf;; let testtri mysort cmp length nbrun () = print "Test d'un tri, %i simulations avec des tableaux de longueur %i.\n " nbrun length; for i = 0 to nbrun - 1 do let t1 = rand_array length in let t2 = Array.copy t1 in mysort cmp t1; Array.fast_sort cmp t2; try assert( t1 = t2 ) with _ -> begin print "Avec des tableaux de taille %i, le test numéro %i a échoué." length i; Format.printf "@[t1=[|"; Array.iter (fun i -> Format.printf " %i;" i) t1; Format.printf "|]@]@ "; Format.printf "@[t2=[|"; Array.iter (fun i -> Format.printf " %i;" i) t2; Format.printf "|]@]@ "; end; done; flush_all (); ;; testtri Array.sort compare 10 10 ();; testtri tri_bulle compare 10 10 ();; testtri tri_bulle_opt compare 10 10 ();; testtri tri_bulle compare 100 1000 ();; let tri_cocktail cmp tab = let n = Array.length tab in let echange = ref true in while !echange do echange := false; (* Parcours croissant *) for j = 0 to n - 2 do if cmp tab.(j + 1) tab.(j) < 0 then begin swap tab (j + 1) j; echange := true end; done; (* Parcours decroissant *) for j = n - 2 downto 0 do if cmp tab.(j + 1) tab.(j) < 0 then begin swap tab (j + 1) j; echange := true end; done; done; ;; let tri_cocktail_opt cmp tab = let n = Array.length tab in let echange = ref true in let debut = ref 0 and fin = ref (n - 2) in while !echange do echange := false; (* Parcours croissant *) for j = !debut to !fin do if cmp tab.(j + 1) tab.(j) < 0 then begin swap tab (j + 1) j; echange := true end; done; fin := !fin - 1; (* Parcours decroissant *) for j = !fin downto !debut do if cmp tab.(j + 1) tab.(j) < 0 then begin swap tab (j + 1) j; echange := true end; done; debut := !debut + 1; done; ;; testtri tri_cocktail compare 10 10 ();; testtri tri_cocktail_opt compare 10 10 ();; testtri tri_cocktail compare 100 1000 ();; let time f = let t = Sys.time() in let res = f () in Printf.printf " Temps en secondes: %fs\n" (Sys.time() -. t); flush_all (); res ;; time (testtri Array.sort compare 100 10000);; time (testtri tri_bulle compare 100 10000);; time (testtri tri_bulle_opt compare 100 10000);; time (testtri tri_cocktail compare 100 10000);; time (testtri tri_cocktail_opt compare 100 10000);; time (testtri Array.sort compare 1000 1000);; time (testtri tri_bulle compare 1000 1000);; time (testtri tri_bulle_opt compare 1000 1000);; time (testtri tri_cocktail compare 1000 1000);; time (testtri tri_cocktail_opt compare 1000 1000);;