"""scanf.py: scanf-style input for Python. Danny Yoo (dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu) The initial motivation for this module was based on a posting on Python-tutor: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/2004-July/030480.html I haven't been able to find a nice module to do scanf-style input. Even the Library Reference recommends regular expressions as a substitute: http://docs.python.org/lib/node109.html But there appears to have been activity about this on python-list: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/python-list/785450 Still, let's see if we can get a close equivalent scanf() in place. At the least, it'll be fun for me, and it might be useful for people who are still recovering from C. *grin* Functions provided: scanf(formatString) -- formatted scanning across stdin sscanf(sourceString, formatString) -- formated scanning across strings fscanf(sourceFile, formatString) -- formated scanning across files The behavior of this scanf() will be slightly different from that defined in C, because, in truth, I'm a little lazy, and am not quite sure if people will need all of scanf's features in typical Python programming. But let's first show what conversions this scanf() will support. Format strings are of the following form: % [*] [width] [format] where [*] and [width] are optional, and [format] is mandatory. The optional flags modify the format. * suppresses variable capture. width maximum character width. We support the following scanf conversion formats (copied from K&R): d decimal integer. i integer. The integer may be in octal (leading zero) or hexadecimal (leading 0x or 0X). ## fixme o octal integer (with or without leading zero). ## fixme x hexadecimal integer (with or without leading 0x or 0X) ## fixme c characters. The next input characters (default 1) are placed at the indicated spot. The normal skip over white space is suppressed; to read the next non-white space character, use %1s. s character string (not quoted). f floating-point number with optional sign and optional decimal point. % literal %; no assignment is made. Literal characters can appear in the scanf format string: they must match the same characters in the input. There is no guarantee of what happens if calls to scanf are mixed with other input functions. See the BUGS section below for details on this. If the input doesn't conform to the format string, a FormatError is raised. Example format strings: "%d %d" Two decimal integers. "%d.%d.%d.%d" Four decimal integers, separated by literal periods. The periods won't be captured. "hello %s" Literally matches "hello" followed by any number of spaces, followed by a captured word. There's also an interface for calling the internal function bscanf() that works on CharacterBuffer types, if in the future there is something that supports getc() and ungetc() natively. There's also an undocumented compile() function that takes format strings and returns a function that can scan through CharacterBuffers. Ooops, I guess I just documented it. *grin* ###################################################################### BUGS and GOTCHAS: One major problem that I'm running into is a lack of ungetc(); it would be nice if there were such a function in Python, but I can't find it. I have to simulate it by using a CharacterBuffer object, but it's not an ideal solution. So at most, you may lose a single character to the internal buffers maintained by this module if you use scanf(). The other two *scanf() functions, thankfully, aren't effected by this problem, since I can simulate ungetc() more accurately by using seek() in the other two cases. If you really need to get that buffered character back, you can grab it through _STDIN.lastChar, though manually fiddling with this is not recommended. So use scanf() with the following caveat: unlike C's stdin(), this version scanf() can't be interchanged with calls to other input functions without some kind of weird side effect. We keep a one-character buffer into stdin, so at most you might lose one character to the internal buffers. fscanf() is only allowed to work on things that support both read(1) and seek(1, -1), since then I can reliably do a ungetch-like thing. scanf("%s") can be dangerous in a hostile environment, since it's very possible for something to pass in a huge string without spaces. So use an explicit width instead if you can help it. ###################################################################### LICENSE Copyright (c) 2008, Danny yoo All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ import sys import unittest from string import whitespace as WHITESPACE from string import digits as DIGITS from sets import Set __all__ = ['scanf', 'sscanf', 'fscanf'] __version__ = '1.0' class CharacterBuffer(object): """A CharacterBuffer allows us to get a character, and to "unget" a character. Abstract class""" def getch(self): """Returns the next character. If there are no more characters left in the stream, returns the empty string.""" pass ## implement me! def ungetch(self, ch): """Tries to put back a character. Can be called at most once between calls to getch().""" pass ## implement me! def scanCharacterSet(self, characterSet, maxChars=0): """Support function that scans across a buffer till we hit something outside the allowable characterSet.""" return self.scanPredicate(lambda ch: ch in characterSet, maxChars) def scanPredicate(self, predicate, maxChars=0): """Support function that scans across a buffer till we hit something outside what's allowable by the predicate.""" chars = [] countChars = 0 while True: if (maxChars != 0 and countChars >= maxChars): break ch = self.getch() if ch != '' and predicate(ch): chars.append(ch) countChars += 1 else: self.ungetch(ch) break return ''.join(chars) class CharacterBufferFromIterable(CharacterBuffer): """Implementation of CharacterBuffers for iterable things. We keep a 'lastChar' attribute to simulate ungetc().""" def __init__(self, iterable): self.iterator = iter(iterable) self.lastChar = '' def getch(self): if self.lastChar == '': try: return self.iterator.next() except StopIteration: return '' else: (ch, self.lastChar) = (self.lastChar, '') return ch def ungetch(self, ch): self.lastChar = ch class CharacterBufferFromStdin(CharacterBuffer): def __init__(self, stdin): self.stdin = stdin self.lastChar = '' def getch(self): if self.lastChar == '': try: return self.stdin.read(1) except StopIteration: return '' else: (ch, self.lastChar) = (self.lastChar, '') return ch def ungetch(self, ch): self.lastChar = ch class CharacterBufferFromFile(CharacterBuffer): """Implementation of CharacterBuffers for files. We use the native read(1) and seek() calls, so we don't have to do so much magic.""" def __init__(self, myfile): self.myfile = myfile def getch(self): return self.myfile.read(1) def ungetch(self, ch): self.myfile.seek(- len(ch), 1) def readiter(inputFile, *args): """Returns an iterator that calls read(*args) on the inputFile.""" while True: ch = inputFile.read(*args) if ch: yield ch else: raise StopIteration def isIterable(thing): """Returns true if 'thing' looks iterable.""" try: iter(thing) except TypeError: return False return True def isFileLike(thing): """Returns true if thing looks like a file.""" if hasattr(thing, "read") and hasattr(thing, "seek"): try: thing.seek(1, 1) thing.seek(-1, 1) return True except IOError: pass return False def makeCharBuffer(thing): """Try to coerse 'thing' into a CharacterBuffer. 'thing' can be an instance of: 1. CharacterBuffer 2. A file-like object, 3. An iterable. makeCharBuffer() will make guesses in that order. """ if isinstance(thing, CharacterBuffer): return thing elif isFileLike(thing): ## this check must come before isIterable, since files ## provide a line-based iterator that we don't want to use. ## Plus we want to take advantage of file.seek() return CharacterBufferFromFile(thing) elif isIterable(thing): return CharacterBufferFromIterable(thing) else: raise ValueError, ("Can't coerse %r to CharacterBuffer" % thing) class CappedBuffer(CharacterBuffer): """Implementation of a buffer that caps the number of bytes we can getch(). The cap may or may not include whitespace characters.""" def __init__(self, buffer, width, ignoreWhitespace=False): self.buffer = buffer self.bytesRead = 0 self.width = width self.ignoreWhitespace = ignoreWhitespace def getch(self): if self.bytesRead < self.width: nextChar = self.buffer.getch() if not self.isIgnoredChar(nextChar): self.bytesRead += len(nextChar) return nextChar else: return '' def isIgnoredChar(self, ch): return self.ignoreWhitespace and isWhitespaceChar(ch) def ungetch(self, ch): self.buffer.ungetch(ch) if not self.isIgnoredChar(ch): self.bytesRead -= len(ch) # make sure wacky things don't happen when ungetch()ing. assert self.bytesRead >= 0 class FormatError(ValueError): """A FormatError is raised if we run into errors while scanning for input.""" pass class IncompleteCaptureError(ValueError): """The *scanf() functions raise IncompleteCaptureError if a problem occurs doing scanning.""" pass """We keep a module-level STDIN CharacterBuffer, so that we can call scanf() several times and not lose characters between invocations.""" _STDIN = CharacterBufferFromStdin(sys.stdin) def scanf(formatString): """scanf(formatString) -> tuple Scans standard input for formats specified in the formatString. See module's docs for list of supported format characters.""" return bscanf(_STDIN, formatString) def sscanf(inputString, formatString): """sscanf(inputString, formatString) -> tuple Scans inputString for formats specified in the formatString. See module's docs for list of supported format characters.""" return bscanf(CharacterBufferFromIterable(inputString), formatString) def fscanf(inputFile, formatString): """fscanf(inputFile, formatString) -> tuple Scans inputFile for formats specified in the formatString. See module's docs for list of supported format characters.""" buffer = CharacterBufferFromFile(inputFile) return bscanf(buffer, formatString) def bscanf(buffer, formatString): """fscanf(buffer, formatString) -> tuple Scans a CharacterBuffer 'buffer' for formats specified in the formatString. See scanf module's docs for list of supported format characters.""" ## TODO: we may want to do some caching here of compiled formatStrings, ## similar to that of the 're' module. parser = compile(formatString) return parser(buffer) def isWhitespaceChar(ch, _set=Set(WHITESPACE)): """Returns true if the charcter looks like whitespace. We follow the definition of C's isspace() function. """ return ch in _set def handleWhitespace(buffer): """Scans for whitespace. Returns all the whitespace it collects.""" chars = [] while True: ch = buffer.getch() if isWhitespaceChar(ch): chars.append(ch) else: buffer.ungetch(ch) break return ''.join(chars) ## We keep a few sets as module variables just to incur the cost of ## constructing them just once. _PLUS_MINUS_SET = Set("+-") _DIGIT_SET = Set(DIGITS) _OCT_SET = Set("01234567") _HEX_SET = Set("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef") def handleDecimalInt(buffer, optional=False, allowLeadingWhitespace=True): """Tries to scan for an integer. If 'optional' is set to False, returns None if an integer can't be successfully scanned.""" if allowLeadingWhitespace: handleWhitespace(buffer) ## eat leading spaces chars = [] chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(_PLUS_MINUS_SET, 1) chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(_DIGIT_SET) try: return int(''.join(chars), 10) except ValueError: if optional: return None raise FormatError, ("invalid literal characters: %s" % ''.join(chars)) def handleOct(buffer): chars = [] chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(_PLUS_MINUS_SET) chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(_OCT_SET) try: return int(''.join(chars), 8) except ValueError: raise FormatError, ("invalid literal characters: %s" % ''.join(chars)) def handleInt(buffer, base=0): chars = [] chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(_PLUS_MINUS_SET) chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet("0") if chars and chars[-1] == '0': chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet("xX") chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(_HEX_SET) try: return int(''.join(chars), base) except ValueError: raise FormatError, ("invalid literal characters: %s" % ''.join(chars)) def handleHex(buffer): return handleInt(buffer, 16) def handleFloat(buffer, allowLeadingWhitespace=True): if allowLeadingWhitespace: handleWhitespace(buffer) ## eat leading whitespace chars = [] chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(_PLUS_MINUS_SET) chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(_DIGIT_SET) chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(".") chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(_DIGIT_SET) chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet("eE") chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(_PLUS_MINUS_SET) chars += buffer.scanCharacterSet(_DIGIT_SET) try: return float(''.join(chars)) except ValueError: raise FormatError, ("invalid literal characters: %s" % ''.join(chars)) def handleChars(buffer, allowLeadingWhitespace=False, isBadCharacter=lambda ch: False, optional=False): """Read as many characters are there are in the buffer.""" if allowLeadingWhitespace: handleWhitespace(buffer) chars = [] chars += buffer.scanPredicate(lambda ch: not isBadCharacter(ch)) if chars: return ''.join(chars) else: if optional: return None raise FormatError, ("Empty buffer.") def handleString(buffer, allowLeadingWhitespace=True): """Reading a string format is just an application of reading characters (skipping leading spaces, and reading up to space).""" return handleChars(buffer, allowLeadingWhitespace=allowLeadingWhitespace, isBadCharacter=isWhitespaceChar) def makeHandleLiteral(literal): def f(buffer, optional=False): ch = buffer.getch() if ch == literal: return ch else: buffer.ungetch(ch) if optional: return None raise FormatError, ("%s != %s" % (literal, ch)) return f def makeWidthLimitedHandler(handler, width, ignoreWhitespace=False): """Constructs a Handler that caps the number of bytes that can be read from the byte buffer.""" def f(buffer): return handler(CappedBuffer(buffer, width, ignoreWhitespace)) return f """Just for kicks: handleChar is a handler for a single character.""" handleChar = makeWidthLimitedHandler(handleChars, 1, ignoreWhitespace=False) def makeIgnoredHandler(handler): def f(buffer): handler(buffer) return None return f class CompiledPattern: def __init__(self, handlers, formatString): self.handlers = handlers self.formatString = formatString def __call__(self, buffer): results = [] try: for h in self.handlers: value = h(buffer) ## We use None as the sentinel value that ignored handlers ## will emit. if value is not None: results.append(value) return tuple(results) except FormatError, e: raise IncompleteCaptureError, (e, tuple(results)) def __repr__(self): return "compile(%r)" % self.formatString def compile(formatString): """Given a format string, emits a new CompiledPattern that eats CharacterBuffers and returns captured values as a tuple. If there's a failure during scanning, raises IncompleteCaptureError, with args being a two-tuple of the FormatError, and the results that were captured before the error occurred. """ handlers = [] formatBuffer = CharacterBufferFromIterable(formatString) while True: ch = formatBuffer.getch() if ch == '': break if isWhitespaceChar(ch): handleWhitespace(formatBuffer) handlers.append(makeIgnoredHandler(handleWhitespace)) elif ch == '%': handlers.append(_compileFormat(formatBuffer)) else: handlers.append(makeIgnoredHandler(makeHandleLiteral(ch))) return CompiledPattern(handlers, formatString) def _compileFormat(formatBuffer): def readOptionalSuppression(): f = makeHandleLiteral("*") return f(formatBuffer, optional=True) == "*" def readOptionalWidth(): return handleDecimalInt(formatBuffer, optional=True, allowLeadingWhitespace=False) def readFormat(): return formatBuffer.getch() ## Finally, read the format suppression = readOptionalSuppression() width = readOptionalWidth() formatCh = readFormat() handler = makeFormattedHandler(suppression, width, formatCh) if handler: return handler else: ## At this point, since we couldn't figure out the format, die loudly. raise FormatError, ("Invalid format character %s" % formatCh) _FORMAT_HANDLERS = {'d': handleDecimalInt, 'i': handleInt, 'x': handleHex, 'o': handleOct, 's': handleString, 'f': handleFloat, '%': makeIgnoredHandler(makeHandleLiteral('%')) } def makeFormattedHandler(suppression, width, formatCh): """Given suppression, width, and a formatType, returns a function that eats a buffer and returns that thing.""" def applySuppression(handler): if suppression: return makeIgnoredHandler(handler) return handler def applyWidth(handler): if width != None: return makeWidthLimitedHandler(handler, width, ignoreWhitespace=True) return handler ## 'c' is a special case: it's the only handler that can't ignore ## whitespace. if formatCh == 'c': if width == None: return applySuppression(handleChar) else: return applySuppression( makeWidthLimitedHandler(handleChars, width, ignoreWhitespace=False)) if formatCh in _FORMAT_HANDLERS: return applySuppression(applyWidth(_FORMAT_HANDLERS[formatCh])) else: return None ###################################################################### ## ## Of course we have test cases. *grin* ## class ScanfTests(unittest.TestCase): def bufferFromString(self, s): return CharacterBufferFromIterable(s) def testBufferFromString(self): b = self.bufferFromString("hello") for letter in list('hello'): self.assertEquals(letter, b.getch()) self.assertEquals('', b.getch()) def testCharacterSetScanning(self): b = makeCharBuffer("+++-+++++1234") self.assertEquals("+++", b.scanCharacterSet(Set("+"))) self.assertEquals("", b.scanCharacterSet(Set("+"))) self.assertEquals("-", b.scanCharacterSet(Set("-"))) self.assertEquals("+", b.scanCharacterSet(Set("+"), 1)) def testPredicateScanning(self): b = makeCharBuffer("+++-+++++1234") self.assertEquals("+++", b.scanPredicate(lambda ch: ch == '+')) def testUngetch(self): b = self.bufferFromString("ong") b.ungetch('y') self.assertEquals('y', b.getch()) self.assertEquals('o', b.getch()) b.ungetch('u') self.assertEquals('u', b.getch()) self.assertEquals('n', b.getch()) self.assertEquals('g', b.getch()) self.assertEquals('', b.getch()) def testRepeatedGetchOnEmptyStreamIsOk(self): b = self.bufferFromString("") self.assertEquals('', b.getch()) self.assertEquals('', b.getch()) def testCappedBuffer(self): b = CappedBuffer(self.bufferFromString("supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"), 5) self.assertEquals("s", b.getch()) self.assertEquals("u", b.getch()) self.assertEquals("p", b.getch()) self.assertEquals("e", b.getch()) self.assertEquals("r", b.getch()) self.assertEquals('', b.getch()) self.assertEquals('', b.getch()) b.ungetch('r') self.assertEquals("r", b.getch()) self.assertEquals('' ,b.getch()) def testWhitespaceScanning(self): b = self.bufferFromString(" 42\n43") self.assertEquals(" ", handleWhitespace(b)) self.assertEquals("", handleWhitespace(b)) self.assertEquals("4", b.getch()) def testDecimalDigitScanning(self): b = self.bufferFromString("42 43!44") self.assertEquals(42, handleDecimalInt(b)) self.assertEquals(" ", handleWhitespace(b)) self.assertEquals(43, handleDecimalInt(b)) b2 = self.bufferFromString("-1-2+3-4"); self.assertEquals(-1, handleDecimalInt(b2)) self.assertEquals(-2, handleDecimalInt(b2)) self.assertEquals(3, handleDecimalInt(b2)) self.assertEquals(-4, handleDecimalInt(b2)) self.assertRaises(FormatError, handleDecimalInt, b2) def testCharacter(self): b = self.bufferFromString("hi!") self.assertEquals("h", handleChar(b)) self.assertEquals("i", handleChar(b)) self.assertEquals("!", handleChar(b)) self.assertRaises(FormatError, handleChar, b) def testString(self): b = self.bufferFromString("-42 + 1 equals -41") self.assertEquals("-42", handleString(b)) handleWhitespace(b) self.assertEquals("+", handleString(b)) handleWhitespace(b) self.assertEquals("1", handleString(b)) handleWhitespace(b) self.assertEquals("equals", handleString(b)) handleWhitespace(b) self.assertEquals("-41", handleString(b)) def testIntegerScanning(self): self.assertEquals((42, 43), sscanf(" 42\n 43 ", "%d %d")) self.assertEquals((8,), sscanf("10", "%o")) self.assertEquals((8,), sscanf("010", "%o")) self.assertEquals((15,), sscanf("F", "%x")) self.assertEquals((15,), sscanf("f", "%x")) self.assertEquals((15,), sscanf("0xF", "%x")) self.assertEquals((15,), sscanf("0XF", "%x")) self.assertEquals((15,), sscanf("0Xf", "%x")) self.assertEquals((-1, -2, 3, -4), sscanf("-1-2+3-4", "%d%d%d%d")) def testWordScanning(self): self.assertEquals(("hello", "world"), sscanf(" hello world", "%s %s")) def testSuppression(self): self.assertEquals((), sscanf(" hello world", "%*s %*s")) self.assertEquals(("happy",), sscanf("hello happy world", "%*s %s %*s")) self.assertEquals((), sscanf("h", "%*c")) def testWidth(self): self.assertEquals(("00010",), sscanf("00010101010111", "%5c")) self.assertEquals(("xy",), sscanf("xyz", "%2s")) self.assertEquals(("xy",), sscanf(" xyz", "%2s")) self.assertEquals((" ",), sscanf(" xyz", "%2c")) def testFscanf(self): import StringIO b = StringIO.StringIO("hello world") self.assertEquals(("hello", " ", "world"), fscanf(b, "%s%c%s")) ## Check that calling fscanf() twice doesn't ## drop the last character b2 = StringIO.StringIO("hello world") self.assertEquals(("hello",), fscanf(b2, "%s")) self.assertEquals((" ",), fscanf(b2, "%c")) self.assertEquals(("world",), fscanf(b2, "%s")) def testSkipLeadingSpaceOnScanning(self): """Ralph Heinkel reported a bug where floats weren't being parsed properly if there were leading whitespace for %f. This case checks that""" self.assertEquals((42.0,), sscanf(" 42.0", "%f")) def testFloats(self): self.assertEquals((3.14, 10., .001, 1e100, 3.14e-10, 0e0,), sscanf("""3.14 10. .001 1e100 3.14e-10 0e0""", "%f %f %f %f %f %f")) def testMoreSimpleScanningExamples(self): self.assertEquals((192,168,1,1), sscanf("", "%d.%d.%d.%d")) self.assertEquals(("a", "b", "c"), sscanf(" ab c ", "%1s%1s%s")) self.assertEquals(("hello", " ", "world"), sscanf("hello world", "%s%c%s")) self.assertRaises(IncompleteCaptureError, sscanf, "", "%d %d %d %d") self.assertEquals(("danny",), sscanf("hi danny", "hi %s")) self.assertEquals(("danny",), sscanf(" hi danny", " hi %s")) self.assertEquals(("a", "b", 3), sscanf("ab3", "%c%c%d")) ## this case is weird, but it happens in C too! self.assertRaises(IncompleteCaptureError, sscanf, " hi danny", "hi %s") ## The example that's used in ## 'http://docs.python.org/lib/node109.html' self.assertEquals(("/usr/bin/sendmail", 0, 4), sscanf("/usr/bin/sendmail - 0 errors, 4 warnings", "%s - %d errors, %d warnings")) def testErroneousFormats(self): self.assertRaises(FormatError, compile, "%") self.assertRaises(FormatError, compile, "% ") self.assertRaises(FormatError, compile, "%*") self.assertRaises(FormatError, compile, "%*z") self.assertRaises(FormatError, compile, "% d") self.assertRaises(FormatError, compile, "%* d") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()