Source code for SimpleGame

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

""" This module implement a simple Bomberman game.
No concrete net yet (just some try : connect all players to a server, and log all move).

.. warning::
   This script is **deprecated**, don't use it.
   Delete me ! I'm useless now...

Can also be used as a program, currently just for testing.

 * --help, -h	Exit and print this help message.
 * -v1	Increase verbosity (default).
 * -v2	Increase again ! (not very good).
 * --debug	Run with pygdb.
 * --noANSI	Disable colors and escape caracters from ANSIColors.
		 Usefull to run the program with bpython.
 * --noUTF	Disable UTF caracters for boxes printing. 
		 Uggly, but more universal !

__author__='Lilian BESSON (mailto:lilian.besson[AT]'	# Automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.
__date__='jeu. 14/02/2013 at 05h:17m:53s '	#: The date of the file, automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.

# Usual Modules #
import sys, copy, random

# Project Modules #
#:import Bomb	# : implements the simple bomb system. (actions, representation etc)
import Player	# : implements the simple player system. (actions, representation etc)
import ANSIColors	# : just some colors definition.
import Matrix	# : simple module to manipulate matrix, for the board.
import Board	# : two classes Board.Board and Board.State.
import KeyBinding	# : implements the key binding.
import ParseMessageOut	# : pretty printing of data types, for exchange on the net.
#:import ToolReadline	# : make sure that raw_input is used as it have to.
from Constants import *
from AffichPygame import *

#### Creating the game variable. ####

[docs]def initGame(lx=LX_CST, ly=LY_CST, nb=NB_PLAYER, server=(SERVEUR_INIT, PORT_INIT)): """ Creating all Game variables.""" # Pseudos and colors for players pseudos, colors = pseudos_colors(nb) # Start position Mi, Mj=start_position(TYPE_MAP, lx, ly, nb) # This one is always like this. nbmax=len(pseudos) if nbmax>NB_PLAYER or 0>nbmax: sys.exit(ANSIColors.sprint("\n\t/E/ <red>Nb of players (=len(players)) have to be strictly in [|1;%i|] !<white>" % NB_PLAYER)) # Example of list of player. pl=list() for i in range(nbmax): #: pl.append(Player.Player(info_server=server, pseudo=pseudos[i], color=colors[i])) pl.append(Player.PlayerServer(pseudo=pseudos[i], color=colors[i])) # Just a try about creating the players FIXME #: ANSIColors.printc("\t/n/ This player is number #%i, id=%i <blue>Tap '?' or 'help' for help<white>\n%s" % (i, pl[i].id, keyBindingList[i].get_help())) #: atexit.register(closeAll, pl=pl) #: FIXME # Convert players to state spl=list() for i in range(nbmax): spl.append(Board.State(wall=False, players=[pl[i]])) # Initialize the board board = Board.Board(Board.empty, lx, ly) print board for i, j, spot in board: #: ok. newspot = copy.copy( random.choice( [Board.dmur, Board.empty] ) ) if PROBA_UMUR > random.random(): newspot = copy.copy( Board.umur ) #: print newspot #: DELETE newspot.players = copy.copy([]) board[i,j] = copy.copy(newspot) print board for i in range(nbmax): # do not use copy.copy here : spl[i] are pointers to pl[k] pl[i].move(Mi[i],Mj[i]) board[Mi[i], Mj[i]] = spl[i] print board # Initialize the board #: board=Board.Board(Board.empty, lx, ly) #: for i in range(lx): #: for j in range(ly): #: # FIXME : it is NOT normal that I'm obliged to fix it here. (no players initially) #: if (i==2 or i==lx-3) or (j==2 or j==ly-3): #: board[i,j]=copy.copy(Board.State(wall=True, destr=True)) #: if (i==2 or i==lx-3) and (j==2 or j==ly-3): #: board[i,j]=copy.copy(Board.State(wall=True, destr=False)) #: board[i, j]=copy.copy(board[i, j]) #: board[i, j].players=copy.copy([]) #: for i in range(nbmax): #: # do not use copy.copy here : spl[i] are pointers to pl[k] #: pl[i].move(Mi[i],Mj[i]) #:#: board.mat.mat[Mi[i]][Mj[i]]=spl[i] #: board[Mi[i],Mj[i]] = spl[i] return (nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj) ###################### #### Using Pickle ####
[docs]def save_current_game(variables_to_save, info="variables_to_save"): """ Save all variables content the list *variables_to_save*, in a .pkl file. The game can be restored then, by setting all variables equals to their previous values (**of course** this only work if the .pkl file is still there).""" ANSIColors.writec("<reset><white>\n") return ParseMessageOut.try_pickling(variables_to_save, info=info) ######################## #### Principal Loop ####
[docs]def main(nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj, verb=verb, verb2=verb2, keyBindingList=keyBindingList): """ Big loop to test some behaviour. How to print bombs and bonuses in text mod ? How to move players, allow theme to drop bombs ? Make bombs explosion ? There are a lot of stuff to work arround ! Parameters: =========== * [nbmax] Is max number of players, * [lx], [ly] Are lenght of the board, * [pl] Is the list of player (represented as Player.Player instances), * [board] Is ... the board (represented as Board.Board instance !), * [Mi], [Mj] Are list of players' position to initiate the game, * [verb], [verb2] Are option for verbosity of the game, * [keyBindingList] Is a KeyBinding.KeyBinding to map key to moves. For now, just ONE key (from a to z, A to Z, or ASCII caracters e.g. ~?;/ etc...). """ # Use initialization from AffichPygame. # Initialization of the pygame window. pygame.init() # Initialization of music mixer. pygame.mixer.init() # Resolution of the screen. resX, resY = RESOLUTION_X*lx, RESOLUTION_Y*ly screen = pygame.display.set_mode((resX, resY)) pygame.display.set_caption('.: Bomberman - MPRI - 1-21 - (c) Lilian BESSON :.') # Background background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()) background = background.convert() background.fill((14, 0, 0)) #: A dark brown. global spotsSprites # Make the sprites for the spots. spotsSprites = listsprite_of_board(board) # Make the window. screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() # Initialization of the clock frequency. clock = pygame.time.Clock() ANSIColors.printc("\t/pygame/ <INFO> The screen is initializing with resolution (%i,%i) (in pixels: %i,%i).<white>" % (lx,ly, resX,resY)) # Launching the music.'datas/sound/' + MUSIC_loop) # Change how to print boxes of the board (|-+/\\ or nonANSI) if Board.UTFSupported: else: ANSIColors.writec("\a\n\t/s/ <green>Bomberman game is going to start ... <white>\n") nb_turn=1 try: # Handle exceptions while True: #: To ensure that the printing is not too quick. clock.tick(CLOCK_FREQUENCY) # Infinite loop, may quite with all players' death except one. # FIXME : try to simulate "synchronisation" step assert(len(pl) > 0) save_current_game((nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj), info="(nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj)") #: pl[0].send(ParseMessageOut.str_of_board_and_player(board, pl), True) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: return (nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj) elif event.type == KEYDOWN: ANSIColors.printc("\t/pygame/ <warning> A key have been pressed : %i => %s.<white>" % (event.key, KeyBinding.print_keynum_as_str(event.key))) if event.key == K_ESCAPE: return (nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj) if event.key == K_RIGHT: ANSIColors.printc("\t/pygame/ <INFO> Moving right.<white>") if event.key == K_LEFT: ANSIColors.printc("\t/pygame/ <INFO> Moving left.<white>") if event.key == K_UP: ANSIColors.printc("\t/pygame/ <INFO> Moving up.<white>") if event.key == K_DOWN: ANSIColors.printc("\t/pygame/ <INFO> Moving down.<white>") if event.key == K_SPACE: ANSIColors.printc("\t/pygame/ <INFO> Dropping bomb.<white>") for k in range(nbmax): player=pl[k] # Loop over player. k is an index of a player. print_clear(board) # PYGAME stuff. spotsSprites = listsprite_of_board(board) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() spotsSprites.update() spotsSprites.draw(screen) # Print. pygame.display.flip() # Clear the screen, and print the [board] (using Board.Board.__str__) for itmp in range(board.lx): for jtmp in range( if board.mat[itmp,jtmp].explosion: board.mat[itmp,jtmp].explosion=False # The explosion is just print once if verb2: tmp="\t/P/ " for kk in range(nbmax): tmp+=("PV[%s]=%i;" % (pl[kk], pl[kk].pv)) ANSIColors.printc("<white>%s<white>" % tmp) # If verb2, print all players' PV # Store old positions #: Mi_old=Mi #: Mj_old=Mj i=Mi[k] j=Mj[k] # get moves #: sys.stdout.flush() try: inp='K_'+raw_input("[Turn %i] Move for player #%i (this player is :[%s]) located in (%i,%i) =? " % (nb_turn, k, player, i, j)) len(inp) except KeyboardInterrupt: ANSIColors.printc("\a\n\t/raw_input/ <red>FAIL !<white> Maybe you hit ^C or ^D ?\n") raise KeyboardInterrupt #: sys.stdout.flush() if inp in ["="]: #: Save the game *rigth* now. save_current_game((nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj), info="(nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj)") if inp in ["!", "$", "stop"]: raise KeyboardInterrupt if inp=="": continue # Do nothing. if keyBindingList[k].ok(inp, 'help'): ANSIColors.printc("\t/h/ <blue>Tap '?' or 'help' for help<white>\n%s" % keyBindingList[k].get_help()) continue move_to_send="" bool_action=False #: Analyse moves, validate them, update the new position #: but this new position (i,j) will be checked later. if keyBindingList[k].ok(inp, 'up'): if i>0: move_to_send+="UP" if verb2: ANSIColors.printc("\t/u/ <blue>Player #%i <white>[%s]<white> wants to go <green>up<white>." % (k, player)) i=max(0,i-1) if keyBindingList[k].ok(inp, 'down'): if i<lx: move_to_send+="DOWN" if verb2: ANSIColors.printc("\t/d/ <blue>Player #%i <white>[%s]<white> wants to go <green>down<white>." % (k, player)) i=min(lx-1,i+1) if keyBindingList[k].ok(inp, 'left'): if j>0: move_to_send+="LEFT" if verb2: ANSIColors.printc("\t/l/ <blue>Player #%i <white>[%s]<white> wants to go <green>left<white>." % (k, player)) j=max(0,j-1) if keyBindingList[k].ok(inp, 'right'): if j<ly: move_to_send+="RIGHT" if verb2: ANSIColors.printc("\t/r/ <blue>Player #%i <white>[%s]<white> wants to go <green>right<white>." % (k, player)) j=min(ly-1,j+1) if keyBindingList[k].ok(inp, 'bomb'): if board[i,j].bomb: ANSIColors.printc("\t/!/ <u><red>This is not allowed<U><black>, you cannot drop a second bomb <u>here<U>.<white>") elif player.nb_bomb >= NB_BOMB_MAX_ALLOW: ANSIColors.printc("\t/!/ <u><red>This is not allowed<U><black>, you cannot drop a new bomb on the board (max allow : %i).<white>" % NB_BOMB_MAX_ALLOW) else: move_to_send+="BOMB" board[i,j].bomb=player.drop() # a new bomb bool_action=True # If the new place is new, and is not a wall, move the player to it if verb2 and (move_to_send != "BOMB") and bool_action: ANSIColors.printc("\t/w/ <green>Player #%i<white> wants to move from (%i,%i) to (%i,%i)." % (k, Mi[k], Mj[k], i, j)) if (move_to_send != "BOMB"): if (not board[i,j].wall) and ((i != Mi[k]) or (j != Mj[k])): # player=board[Mi[k], Mj[k]].players.pop() # FIXME board[Mi[k], Mj[k]].players.remove(player) if verb: print "\t/o/ Old spot : (%i, %i) => %s" % (Mi[k], Mj[k], repr(board[Mi[k], Mj[k]])) board[i,j].players.append(player) # here the move is really stores if verb2: ANSIColors.printc("\t/w/ <green>Player #%i<white> well moved from (%i,%i) to (%i,%i)." % (k, Mi[k], Mj[k], i, j)) Mi[k]=i Mj[k]=j # Try to store positions internally in the players player.move(i,j) bool_action=True if verb: print "\t/n/ New spot : (%i, %i) => %s" % (i, j, repr(board[i, j])) elif board[i,j].wall: if verb2: ANSIColors.printc("\t/!/ <green>Player #%i<white> can not move from (%i,%i) to (%i,%i) because there is a wall in the wanted spot." % (k, Mi[k], Mj[k], i, j)) elif i==Mi[k] and j==Mj[k]: if verb2: ANSIColors.printc("\t/!/ <green>Player #%i<white> can not move from (%i,%i) to (%i,%i) because there is the natural limitation of the board." % (k, Mi[k], Mj[k], i, j)) else: if verb2: ANSIColors.printc("\t/!/ <green>Player #%i<white> can not move from (%i,%i) to (%i,%i)." % (k, Mi[k], Mj[k], i, j)) if move_to_send and bool_action: #:#:# move_to_send=("MOVE(id=%i;%s)" % (player.pseudo, player.color))+move_to_send+")" move_to_send=ParseMessageOut.str_of_move(move_to_send) #: ANSIColors.printc("\t/#/ <green>Player #%i<white> try to send a message [%s] to the server %s. He is known as %s." % (k, move_to_send, str(player.info_server), str(player.info_connection))) #: try: #FIXME a test to send all moves sequences to the server #: player.send(move_to_send, verb or verb2) #: except: #: print "\t/F/ Failure : %s send %s. Verbosity=%s" % (str(player), move_to_send, str(verb or verb2)) board.tic(1, True) # Handle all bombs ANSIColors.printc("\t/t/ <blue>New turn !<white>") nb_turn+=1 # Handling of all uncaugth exception except: raise #: except Exception as e: #: save_current_game((nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj), info="(nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj)") #: closeAll(pl) #: ANSIColors.printc("\n\t/!/ <red>Game closed !<black> nicely close all players : TODO<white> %s" % e) #: raise e ############### ##### End #####
if __name__ == '__main__': #: import argparse #: No longer used here. FIXED. import ParseCommandArgs #: Generate the parser, with another module. #: This variable is the preprocessor, given to description and epilog by ParseCommandArgs, #: * erase: to print with no colors. #: * sprint: to print with colors. preprocessor = ANSIColors.sprint if ANSIColors.ANSISupported else ANSIColors.erase #:preprocessor = __builtin__.str, if you wanna to *see* the balises. #: Generate the parser, with another module. parser = ParseCommandArgs.parser_default(\ description='<green>SimpleGame <red>module<reset> and <blue>script<reset>.',\ epilog="""\n\ <yellow>About: ======<reset> A lot of tests.""", \ version=__version__, date=__date__, author=__author__, \ preprocessor=preprocessor) #: Description for the part with '--file' and '--generate' options. group = parser.add_argument_group('A SimpleGame test', preprocessor("""\ <b>**THIS** <u>is a test<U>. So, use it for tests ... <reset> """)) #: Remember that action can be used to many things. group.add_argument("-s","--server", help="The address of the server (eg '', or '').") #:, required=True) group.add_argument("-p","--port", type=int, help="The port on which the connection to the server will be established (eg 9312, or 12882).\n\t This port *have* to be an open port on your machine **and** have to be the listened port of the server !") #:, required=True) # A group for handling save restore group = parser.add_argument_group('Saving and restoring previous sessions :', preprocessor("""\ <b>This program <u>save his state<U> (the board, list of players etc) during the session<reset>, so if there is a problem, the last valid state of the game will be keeped. And this program can of course restore such a state, to restart from where it was ! """)) group.add_argument('-l', '--load', help=preprocessor(""" If present, the server will try to restart a previously close session."""), action="store_true") group.add_argument('-f', '--file', help=preprocessor(""" Try to load the savegame from the file FILE if possible, launch a <red>new one<reset> if not.""")) #: The parser is done, #: Use it to extract the args from the command line. args = parser.parse_args() #: Use those args. ################## verb=(args.verbose >= 1) or verb #: Default = True verb2=(args.verbose >= 2) and verb2 #: Default = False # Print with ANSI escape code for colors if possible ANSIColors.ANSISupported=(not(args.noANSI) and ANSIColors.ANSISupported) or args.ANSI # Disable all escape codes for color to be generated if not(ANSIColors.ANSISupported): ColorOff() else: ColorOn() ANSIColors.printc("\t/!/ ANSI escape code for colors supports = <green>%s<white>." % ANSIColors.ANSISupported) # Print with non ASCII caracters for boxes if possible Board.UTFSupported=not(args.noUTF) and Board.UTFSupported ANSIColors.printc("\t/!/ UTF escape code for boxes supports = <green>%s<white>." % Board.UTFSupported) # Set the server and the port server = args.server if args.server else SERVEUR_INIT port = int(args.port) if args.port else PORT_INIT ########################################## #: If a save game is available, load it ! #: try: if args.load: ANSIColors.printc("\t/load/ <yellow>Trying to load<reset><white> \tthe game from a save file<reset><white>...") from ParseMessageIn import try_unpickling #: import Constants if args.file: nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj=try_unpickling("(nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj)", fn=args.file) else: # use the default value ! nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj=try_unpickling("(nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj)") for i in range(lx): for j in range(ly): board[i,j] = copy.copy(board[i,j]) board[i,j].players = copy.copy(board[i,j].players) ANSIColors.printc("\t/load/ <green>Succeed to load<reset><white> \tthe game from a save file<reset><white>...") #: except Exception as e: else: e = "<yellow>-l neither --load found if the argument.<reset>" #: Otherwise create a new game. ANSIColors.printc("\t/load/ <u><red>Failed to load<reset><white> \tthe game from a save file...\n\t/load/ Cause : %s" % e) ANSIColors.printc("\t/init/ <yellow>The game will run on the server : (%s:%i)<reset><white>" % (server, port)) nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj = initGame( server=(server, port)) # The game is initialized ############################################### main(nbmax, lx, ly, pl, board, Mi, Mj, verb=verb, verb2=verb2) #END