Source code for PyRlwrap

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

__author__='Lilian BESSON (mailto:lilian.besson[AT]'	# Automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.
__date__='ven. 15/02/2013 at 02h:03m:48s '	#: The date of the file, automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.

import os, sys, signal, readline, time

SLEEP_TIME = 0 #: put 0 to delete wait timer

# Paramaters load
[docs]def main(args): """ [OPTIONS] [command [args]] Provides a very simple clone of GNU rlwrap program : it launchs command, with args, and with a support of readline facilities to write text : * history, * search in history, * completion based on history, * Nano like keybinding (Ctrl + a : beginning of a line, Ctrl + e : end of a line, etc). Options: ======== * --debug_pyrlwrap Show rlwrap traceback in case of an exception, * --verbous_pyrlwrap Show a message when launching command, * --historyName_pyrlwrap=NAME Precise the name of the history file, the default value is .pyrlwrap.history, in the current folder, * --no_history_pyrlwrap Don't use history file save and read, * --prompt_pyrlwrap=PS Set the prompt used to PS, the default value is '>' precedded by the numero of the command, * --Prompt_pyrlwrap Force a prompt, * --colorSupport_pyrlwrap Force the prompt to be colored, * --help_pyrlwrap Show this help message. Warning: ========= This program is under GPLv3 licence, and freely distributed by the Naereen Corp. In particular, it doesn't provide **any guaranty**. For example, synchronisation of prompt message, '> ' or the custom one, is not yet perfect. If it bother you, run with --noPrompt__pyrlwrap. To any bugs, suggestions, or questions, feel free to contact us : naereen-corporation[AT] Copyrigths: =========== Naereen Corp. * mailto:naereen-corporation[AT] * """ used_options=0 liste_options=['--verbous_pyrlwrap', '--no_history_pyrlwrap', '--colorSupport_pyrlwrap', '--noPrompt_pyrlwrap'] liste_parameters=['--prompt_pyrlwrap=', '--historyName_pyrlwrap='] debug_pyrlwrap=('--debug_pyrlwrap' in args) verbous_pyrlwrap=('--verbous_pyrlwrap' in args) historyUse_pyrlwrap=not('--no_history_pyrlwrap' in args) historyName_pyrlwrap='.PyRlwrap.history' colorSupport_pyrlwrap=('--colorSupport_pyrlwrap' in args) or (os.getenv('TERM') in ['xterm', 'screen-bce']) usePrompt_pyrlwrap=('--Prompt_pyrlwrap' in args) PS1='> ' for i in args: for j in liste_parameters: if i[:len(j)] == j: if j == '--prompt_pyrlwrap=': PS1=i[len(j):] if j == '--historyName_pyrlwrap=': historyName_pyrlwrap=i[len(j):] used_options = used_options + 1 if i in liste_options: used_options = used_options + 1 green='' red='' if colorSupport_pyrlwrap: green='\033[01;32m' red='\033[01;31m' white='\033[37m' if not os.path.isfile(historyName_pyrlwrap): if verbous_pyrlwrap: print "pyrlwrap: the file %s is absent, and is going to be created in the current directory..." % historyName_pyrlwrap file = open(historyName_pyrlwrap, 'w') if verbous_pyrlwrap: file.write('## Created by pyrlwrap ##\n') file.flush() file.close() readline.clear_history() if verbous_pyrlwrap: print "pyrlwrap: is going be used to wrap text edition for the following command, with %i options :" % used_options print args[1+used_options:] if historyUse_pyrlwrap: print "pyrlwrap: is going to use %s as an history file." % historyName_pyrlwrap if historyUse_pyrlwrap: readline.read_history_file(historyName_pyrlwrap) # Begin real stuff. # Inspired from [] rfd, wfd = os.pipe() pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: try: os.close(wfd) os.dup2(rfd, 0) args.pop(used_options) os.execvp(args[0], args) except: sys.exit("pyrlwrap: %s not found" % str(args)) else: def childied(n, f): p, ec = os.waitpid(pid, 0) sys.exit(ec) signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, childied) os.close(rfd) time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME) try: nbCommand=0 while True: if historyUse_pyrlwrap: readline.write_history_file(historyName_pyrlwrap) ps1W=('%s%i%s%s%s' % (red, nbCommand, green, PS1, white)) if not(usePrompt_pyrlwrap): ps1W='' sys.stdout.flush() l = raw_input(ps1W) sys.stdout.flush() os.write(wfd, l + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() nbCommand = nbCommand + 1 time.sleep(0.3) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): if debug_pyrlwrap: raise except: pass # Redefine a __doc__ for the program / module.
__doc__=""" -- a simple readline wrapper Usage: %s .. warning:: This script works well, but it is not cleaned up, so reading the source is not nice. """ % main.__doc__ if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2 or ('--help_pyrlwrap' in sys.argv): sys.exit(__doc__) main(sys.argv)