Source code for ParseMessageOut

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

This module implement a simple wrapper for output messages (send by clients or server).
It respect the semantics about the communications (this document is available here `specification_slides <../../specification_slides.pdf>`_).

Basically, it a collection of mini pretty-printer.

It also provides the function *try_pickling*, to save datas from binary files (load them with ParseMessageIn.try_unpickling).

__author__='Lilian BESSON (mailto:lilian.besson[AT]'	# Automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.
__date__='mar. 19/02/2013 at 01h:03m:24s '	#: The date of the file, automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.

#: This can be erased by the module Constants to modify the global verbosity of this module

# Usual Modules #
#import pprint	#: Use pprint to print the data which are pickling with pickle.
	import cPickle as pickle
	import pickle

# Project Modules #
import ANSIColors	# : just some colors definition.
from Constants import *	# : all the constants

# About Pickling
[docs]def try_pickling(data, info="(no info about the pickling was given)", verb=True, fn=filename_pickling): """ Save the datas *data* to the file *fn*. This file will be **erase** if present, so be cautious. The file *fn* can then be load with ParseMessageOut.try_pickling. The goal of *info* is to say what variables are picked (see the examples below). If *verb* is here, this function print a log saying from which file datas are being read. This function doesn't handle exception, so be prudent with it. Example: >>> from ParseMessageIn import try_unpickling >>> a, b, c = 0, 2.0, u"ok !" # Make a tuple. >>> try_pickling((a,b,c)) # Save the tuple, in the default file (.datas_saved_by_picked_python.pkl). >>> aa, bb, cc = try_unpickling(info="aa, bb, cc") # Load the tuple from the default file, and save it to (aa, bb, cc). Warning: .. warning:: All datas cannot be picked and upicked. Fore more details, see directly the documentation of the **pickle** module. """ if verb: ANSIColors.printc('\t/pickle/ <blue>Saving<white> datas %s, to <u>%s<U>...' % (info, fn)) try: output = open(fn, 'wb') # Pickle dictionary using protocol -1. pickle.dump(data, output, -1) output.close() except Exception as e: if verb: ANSIColors.printc('\t/pickle/ <red>failed<white> when saving to <u>%s<U>\n\t/pickle/ Cause : %s.' % (fn, e)) raise e return False if verb: ANSIColors.printc('\t/pickle/ <green>succed<white> when saving to <u>%s<U>.' % fn) return True
[docs]def str_of_state(state): """ str_of_state(state) -> '0', '1', or '2'. The simpliest conversion from a state (Board.State) to a string. Returned values: * '0' for an empty spot. * '1' for a destructible wall. * '2' for a undestructible wall.""" if state.wall: if state.destr: return '1' else: return '2' else: return '0'
[docs]def str_of_players(board, pl): """ str_of_players(board, pl) -> ";p.pseudo ,p.x,p.y" sequence Simply return a string representing the list of Player.Player associated with their position. All found players *have to be* in the list [pl]. .. warning:: Take care of the **space** between pseudo and the first *;*. """ ANSIColors.printc("<warning> <neg><magenta> Generating the string to seng my list of players....<reset><white> ......") res = "" res_list = ["0"] * len(pl) for i, j, spot in board: #: ok. if spot.players: for p in spot.players: if p in pl: #: res += ";%s,%i,%i" % (p.pseudo, p.x, p.y) res_list[ ] = ";%s,%i,%i" % (p.pseudo, p.x, p.y) ANSIColors.printc("<warning> <magenta> I have the player <white>[%s], with id=<u>%i<U>, and he/she will be sent as : <neg>%s<Neg>. " % (p,, res_list[ ] ) ) for s in res_list: res += s # Now, we are sure that we are sending the players in a good order. # # And this is maybe simpler ! #: # Ok, this is like in our formal semantics. #: for p in pl: #: res += ";%s,%i,%i" % (p.pseudo, p.x, p.y) if PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT: ANSIColors.printc("<magenta>/PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT/ <u>str_of_players<U>: returns <neg>'%s'<Neg>.<white>" % res) return res
[docs]def str_of_newplayer(player): """ str_of_newplayer(player) -> "NEW_PLAYER(player.pseudo)" Sent message by a new player when he try to connect to the server. Contains the pseudo of the player. Can be unpack with ParseMessageIn.newplayer_of_str. """ res = "NEW_PLAYER(%s)" % (player.pseudo) if PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT: ANSIColors.printc("<magenta>/PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT/ <u>str_of_newplayer<U>: returns <neg>'%s'<Neg>.<white>" % res) return res
[docs]def str_of_newcolor(player): """ str_of_newcolor(player) -> "color=player.color" Sent message by a new player to annouce his color. Currently, not used by the server. Can be unpack with ParseMessageIn.newplayer_of_str. """ res = "color=%s" % (player.color) if PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT: ANSIColors.printc("<magenta>/PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT/ <u>str_of_newcolor<U>: returns <neg>'%s'<Neg>.<white>" % res) return res
[docs]def str_of_move(move_to_send): """ Return a string representing an action (a move or dropping a bomb). The *move_to_send* string is one of 'BOMB', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'UP', 'DOWN'. From the client to the server. Returned value : * PLANT_BOMB. * MOVE_LEFT. * MOVE_RIGHT. * MOVE_UP. * MOVE_DOWN. """ if move_to_send=="BOMB": res = "PLANT_BOMB\n" else: res = "MOVE_%s\n" % move_to_send if PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT: ANSIColors.printc("<magenta>/PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT/ <u>str_of_move<U>: returns <neg>'%s'<Neg>.<white>" % res) return res
[docs]def str_of_board_and_player(board, pl): """ Convert a game state (composed of a board [board], instance of Board.Board; and a list of players [pl], of Player.Player.). Of course, positions of players in [pl] have to be concording with states (State.State) of the board. FIXME: if lx and ly are not sent, they are constants. not very awesome isn't it ? """ res = "GAME_START(" for i, j, spot in board: #: ok. res += "%s" % spot.to_send() #: 1,2, or 3 if (i<board.lx-1)or(j< res += "," print res res += board.str_of_players(pl) #: res += ")\n" res += ")" # FIXME? if PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT: ANSIColors.printc("<magenta>/PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT/ <u>str_of_board_and_player<U>: returns <neg>'%s'<Neg>.<white>" % res) return res
[docs]def str_of_gameover(player): """ str_of_gameover(player) -> "GAME_OVER(" Sent message by the server to announce the winner of the game, by refering to his [id]. For the player who have the same id is the *winner*, and the other *lost*. Can be unpack with ParseMessageIn.gameover_of_str. """ res = "GAME_OVER(%i)" % ( if PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT: ANSIColors.printc("<magenta>/PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT/ <u>str_of_gameover<U>: returns <neg>'%s'<Neg>.<white>" % res) return res
[docs]def str_of_posplantbomb(i, j): """ str_of_posplantbomb(i, j) -> "PLANT_BOMB(i,j)" Sent message by the server to announce that a bomb have been planted in the spot (i,j). Can be unpack with ParseMessageIn.posplantbomb_of_str. """ res = "PLANT_BOMB(%i,%i)" % (i,j) if PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT: ANSIColors.printc("<magenta>/PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT/ <u>str_of_posplantbomb<U>: returns <neg>'%s'<Neg>.<white>" % res) return res
[docs]def str_of_blowbomb(i, j, radius): """ str_of_blowbomb(i, j, radius) -> "BLOW_BOMB(i,j,radius)" Sent message by the server to announce that a bomb have blowed up in the spot (i,j), with the radius [radius]. Can be unpack with ParseMessageIn.blowbomb_of_str. """ res = "BLOW_BOMB(%i,%i,%i)" % (i, j, radius) if PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT: ANSIColors.printc("<magenta>/PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT/ <u>str_of_blowbomb<U>: returns <neg>'%s'<Neg>.<white>" % res) return res
[docs]def str_of_moveplayer(player): """ str_of_moveplayer(player) -> "MOVE_PLAYER(,player.x,player.y)" Sent message by the server to announce that a player have moved. Can be unpack with ParseMessageIn.moveplayer_of_str. """ res = "MOVE_PLAYER(%i,%i,%i)" % (, player.x, player.y) if PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT: ANSIColors.printc("<magenta>/PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT/ <u>str_of_moveplayer<U>: returns <neg>'%s'<Neg>.<white>" % res) return res #END