Source code for ParseCommandArgs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

A simple module to generated parsers for the command args of all others scripts.

.. warning::
   This module use 'argparse', a new 2.7 module.
   That brokes the *retrocompatibility* with Python 2.6... Sorry !

More infos:
 For more informations about argparse, go to `the 2.7.3 doc <>`_.

__author__='Lilian BESSON (mailto:lilian.besson[AT]'	#: Automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.
__date__='ven. 15/02/2013 at 00h:12m:27s '	#: The date of the file, automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.
	import os, sys, time
	__date__ = time.strftime("%a %d/%m/%Y at %Hh:%Mm:%Ss", time.localtime(os.lstat(sys.argv[0]).st_mtime))
	del os, sys, time
except:	pass

# Usual Modules #
import argparse

#### Default values for new parsers ####

[docs]def default_epilog(version, date, author): """ This return the default epilog used to new parsers, which contains a copyright paragraph, determined by the three arguments version, date, author. """ return """\n\ <yellow>Copyrigths: ===========<reset> Version %s, (c) 01-2013 (last modif: %s). Written in Python 2.7.3 (<u><U>). The parser of command line arguments is generated with argparse and ParseCommandArgs modules. By %s, ENS de Cachan (M1 Mathematics & M1 Computer Science MPRI). For Naereen Corp., <u>mailto:naereen-corporation[AT]<U>. <u><U>.""" % (version, date, author) #: The default description, used when generate a parser by parser_default function !
default_description = "WARNING: No description had been given to ParseCommandArgs.parser_default..."
[docs]def add_default_options(parser, version=__version__, date=__date__, author=__author__): """ parser_default(parser, version, date, author) -> argparse.ArgumentParser instance. Return the parser *parser*, modified by adding default options for the project, which put the options : --version, --verbose, --noANSI and --noUTF and others basic options.""" parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help="Used to increase verbosity (can be put more than once).", action='count') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '+version) ################################################# #: Let those two lines, just to remember that others stuffs. parser.add_argument('--noANSI', help="If present, ANSI escape code from ANSIColors are *disable*.", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--ANSI', help="If present, ANSI escape code from ANSIColors are *forced* to be printed (even if the output is detected to be a pipe).", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--noUTF', help="If present, no UTF caracters will be used, and all will be ASCII. The default comportment is **TO USE** UTF8 caracters (mainly for box drawing) !", action='store_true', default=False) return parser # To make a default parser.
[docs]def parser_default(description=default_description, \ epilog="WARNING: No extra epilog had been given to ParseCommandArgs.parser_default...", \ version=__version__, date=__date__, author=__author__, \ preprocessor = str): """ parser_default(parser, version, date, author) -> argparse.ArgumentParser instance. Make a new *parser*, initialized by adding default options for the project (with add_default_options) The default description is *default_description*, The epilog will *epilog*, then default_epilog(version, date, author). preprocessor can be ANSIColors.sprint or __builtin__.str (default value) (*i.e.* a string -> string function), and it will be used as a **preprocessor** for *description* and *epilog* value. Example: >>> parser = parser_default(description='<DELETE>A description.',\ epilog='The description will no begin by the balise DELETE, thanks to sprint preprocessing.',\ preprocessor=lambda s: s.replace('<DELETE>', '')) """ #FIXME: ####### # Passing RawDescriptionHelpFormatter as formatter_class= indicates that description and epilog are already correctly formatted and should not be line-wrapped: # RawTextHelpFormatter maintains whitespace for all sorts of help text, including argument descriptions. # The other formatter class available, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, will add information about the default value of each of the arguments: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,\ description=preprocessor(description), prefix_chars='-+',\ epilog=preprocessor(epilog + default_epilog(version, date, author))) # change the function *add_default_options*, not this one. parser = add_default_options(parser, version, date, author) return parser # DONE