Source code for Constants

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

This module implement all constants used by the game.
 **Do not directly edit this one.**

Configure your client

 To configure the **client**, edit `this config file <../../>`_.
 His documentation can be found `here <ConfigClient.html>`_.

Configure your server

 To configure the **server**, edit `this config file <../../>`_.
 His documentation can be found `here <ConfigServer.html>`_.

About specification:
 In particular, the following constants are convention, fixed in the specification:
  * LX_CST=11	-- dimension of the board for x (horizontal),
  * LY_CST=11	-- dimension of the board for y (vertical),
  * NB_PLAYER=3	-- number of client for the game,
  * pv_Init=3	-- initial number of PV for a player (have to be the same both in client and server),
  * force_default=4	-- distance of explosion for a bomb (only fixed for the server),
  * NB_BOMB_MAX_ALLOW=1	-- max number of bomb allowed to be possessed by one player at any moment,
  * PORT_INIT=12882	-- default port for the client and the server.

About other conventions:
 * a *spot* is free (*i.e.* a player can move there) if there is **no wall** (destructible or not), **and** if there is *no bomb*. It is better because that allows players to block each other with their bomb (and, *of course*, to be blocked by their own bomb).
 * that mean a spot is free even if *a player is already in it*.
 * when the explosion of a bomb reach an other bomb, it should trigger the explosion of the new one (*that allows chain reaction*, and it's more funny).
 * a bomb should hurt a player regardless of who initially plant it.
 * the server is the *oracle* for the game : from the point of view of the client, each order coming from the server is to take *au pied de la lettre*, *i.e.* as pure truth (that means, no verification of incoming order is required, even in a *good client*).

The constants are sorted by modules.
Some tool functions are also defined here, mainly for textual mod (TUI).

NB_PLAYER	=	3	#: Number of player for the game.
LX_CST	=	11	#: Dimension of the board, over the x axis (horizontal)
LY_CST	=	11	#: Dimension of the board, over the y axis (vertical)
pv_Init	=	3	#: Have to be the same for all player

__author__='Lilian BESSON'	# Automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.
__date__='mer. 20/02/2013 at 19h:03m:07s '	#: The date of the file, automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.
	import os, sys, time
	__date__ = time.strftime("%a %d/%m/%Y at %Hh:%Mm:%Ss", time.localtime(os.lstat(sys.argv[0]).st_mtime))
	del os, sys, time
except:	pass

#:[['__version__', '__warningregistry__', '__all__', '__credits__', '__test__', '__author__', '__email__', '__revision__', '__id__', '__copyright__', '__license__', '__date__']]
#: Other meta variables. List from `pychecker --help`

# Usual Modules #
import os
import subprocess
from random import shuffle

# Project Module #
import KeyBinding	# : implements the key binding.
import ANSIColors	# : just some colors definition.

##### "Graphical" functions #####

clearScreen = ANSIColors.clearScreen	#: To erase the current screen.

#: For printing, erase the screen or not before print the map
#:  It is better *not to*, because that take a lot of unused space in your terminal emulator buffer.

[docs]def ColorOff(verb=False): """ Turn off the support of ANSI Colors. Can be used other somewhere else, or on other modules, AFTER importing ANSIColors module !""" try: for n in ANSIColors.colorList: exec('ANSIColors.%s=\"\"' % n) if verb: print "/deleting colors/ ANSIColors.%s deleted." % n print "/deleting colors/ ANSIColors disabling..." except: print "/deleting colors/ I failed when I tried to disable ANSIColors..."
[docs]def ColorOn(verb=False): """ Turn on the support of ANSI Colors. Can be used other somewhere else, or on other modules, AFTER importing ANSIColors module !""" try: for n in ANSIColors.colorList: exec('ANSIColors.%s=ANSIColors._%s' % (n, n)) if verb: print "/initializing colors/ ANSIColors.%s recreated." % n ANSIColors.printc("/initializing colors/ ANSIColors <green>enabling...<white>") except: print "/initializing colors/ I failed when I tried to enable ANSIColors..." ############################################### #### A function to print the player's PVs ####
force_default = 4 #: Distance of explosion. timer_default = 4 #: In seconds. For the server only. power_default = 1 #: Power of explosion. owner_default = None #: No player owner the empty default bomb. toc_default = 1 #: Number of tic with one tic() application. #: They have to not be modified by some exterior stuffs SIGNAL_WALL_BREAKE = 2 #: They have to not be modified by some exterior stuffs SIGNAL_WALL_NOT_BREAKE = 4 #: Signal returned by the destroy method over a state, if it hurts a player SIGNAL_PLAYER_HURT = 3 #: Signal returned by the destroy method over a state, if it hits a bomb SIGNAL_BOMB_HURT = 5 #: To know if an explosion is stoped by a destructible wall when it is destroyed. BREAK_ON_WALL = True # Lists of constants for building a board. lx_Max = 19 #: Max Length of the board over X axis ly_Max = 19 #: Max Length of the board over Y axis nbmax_Max = 8 #: Nb Max of player over the board
[docs]def str_of_InfoServer((HOST, PORT)): """A very small function to change a tuple (HOST, PORT). representing informations about a server, to a string. .. warning:: Delete it : useless. """ return ("%s:%i" % (HOST, PORT)) #: Lists of constants for building a player.
pseudo_Init = "anonym" #: The default pseudo is your UNIX login. try: from os import getlogin, getpid #: The default pseudo is your UNIX login, appended with the *PID* of the current process. #: This is mainly to force the introduction of *differents* pseudos for testing. pseudo_Init = getlogin() + "_" + str(getpid()) del getlogin, getpid except: pseudo_Init = "YouCanSetYourPseudoWithCommand--pseudo" color_Init = "white" #: The default color death_message_Init = "You died :(" #: FIXME find a way to receive it from the server. nb_bomb_Init = 0 #: No bomb on the board initially x_Init = 0 #: Default position for x y_Init = 0 #: Default position for y #: Signals for communications of result in Player.Player.move SIGNAL_TYPE_WRONG = 1 #: The type of i or j in Player.Player.move was not an integer SIGNAL_I_NEGATIVE = 2 #: i in Player.Player.move was not a valid integer SIGNAL_J_NEGATIVE = 3 #: j in Player.Player.move was not a valid integer pseudos_CST = ['Aurélie', 'Bobby', 'Celia', 'Dalia', 'Émilie', 'Fhu', 'Gnome', 'Harry'] #: The default pseudos pseudos_IA = ['Anne', 'Bob', 'Clark', 'Dan', 'Emma', 'Fabian', 'George', 'Hermionne', 'Ian', 'John', 'Karol', 'Laura', 'Manu', 'Natalie', 'Ophélie', 'Patrice', 'Quention', 'Raoul', 'Susane', 'Tiphaine', 'Ubuntu', 'Valentin', 'Walter', 'Xiu', 'Yoda', 'Zorro'] #: For the bots. colors_CST = ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'black', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'white'] #: The default colors # for the server : the color of the %i player is colors_CST[i]. #: For the server : choose where it is hosted. (simple values, used by server AND client for Bomberman) SERVEUR_INIT = '' PORT_INIT = 12882 #: The port of the listening connection for the server. info_server_Init = (SERVEUR_INIT, PORT_INIT) #: Default value, for testing verb = False #: To know what message have to be printed or not (better is True) verb2 = False #: To know what message have to be printed or not (better is False) PRINT_ALL_MESSAGE = 1 #: 1 to print messages TYPE_MAP = 0 #: 0, or 1 or 2. 0 is **cool** (players are initially put in the corner). NB_BOMB_MAX_ALLOW = 1 #: Max number of bombs allowed to be droped by one player. Ok that works (can be changed). keyBindingList = [] for i in range(NB_PLAYER): keyBindingList.append(KeyBinding.classic())
[docs]def start_position(type= TYPE_MAP, lx=LX_CST, ly=LY_CST, nb=NB_PLAYER): """start_position(type=TYPE_MAP, lx=LX_CST, ly=LY_CST, nb=NB_PLAYER) -> [integer,.,.], [integer,.,.,.] Starting position, returned as a couple of a list of [nb] integer. Usefull to make the map : there is currently 3 different types of starting values : * type = 0: On the corner, and on the diagonal, near to the corner. * type = 1: Near to the center. * type = 2: Again nearer to the center. The map is supposed to be just of size 11x11. """ Mi, Mj = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] if type==0: Mi, Mj = [0,lx-1,0,lx-1,1,lx-2,1,lx-2], [0,0,ly-1,ly-1,1,1,ly-2,ly-2] if type==1: Mi, Mj = [1,lx-2,1,lx-2,0,lx-1,0,lx-1], [1,1,ly-2,ly-2,0,0,ly-1,ly-1] if type==2: Mi, Mj = [3,lx-4,3,lx-4,0,lx-1,0,lx-1], [3,3,ly-4,ly-4,0,0,ly-1,ly-1] # FIXME experimental shuffle(Mi) shuffle(Mj) return Mi[:nb], Mj[:nb]
[docs]def pseudos_colors(nb=NB_PLAYER): """ 8 pseudos and different colors for **initializing the datas** only. The server **have to wait** for *real* connections to be able to know the *real* colors and pseudos of the players.""" return pseudos_CST[:nb], colors_CST[:nb] #: For ParseMessageIn and ParseMessageOut #: About pickling : to save and restart variables.
filename_pickling = 'savegame.ess' #: If true, use a pickling file to save current game state for the server USE_PICKLING = False filename_database = 'database_clients.db' #: For storing all incoming connections in #:If true, use somes tools with a database of all known clients. #:And print a warning when a new client is detected. #: #:.. warning:: #: This is still experimental and quite limited. USE_DATABASE = False ############################################################################### # Lists of constants that really change how the game runs. USE_BONUS_SYSTEM = False #: Not yet implemented. USE_MUSIC = False #: Try to know if music will be used. USE_SOUND_EFFECT = False #: Try to know if sound effects. will be used. USE_WINDOW = True #: Try to know if a graphical window will be used. USE_NOTIFY = False #: Try to know if notifications (with *notify-send*) will be used. #: Number of loop each seconds. CLOCK_FREQUENCY = 20.0 # 1.0, or 100.0 for tests. #: To use the window in Full screen. #: #: .. warning:: #: By now, fullscreen mod **is not supported**. USE_FULLSCREEN = False TIME_FADEOUT = 8 #: When the game is done, a final music is played during this period of time. TIME_EXPLOSION = 3.0 #: Time for the bombs ? PROBA_UMUR = 0.08 #: with probability PROBA_UMUR, a spot is undestructible. PROBA_BONUS = 0.05 #: with probability PROBA_BONUS, a spot contains a bonus. Unused right *now*. INFORM_CLIENTS = False #: If true, send messages to client when a new player is connecting or disconnecting. #: An other *experimental functionnality* : use differents frames for displaying the player. #: That means: one picture for all directions (up, down, left and right). #: By now, it works, but all player look the same (so it less pretty to use it) USE_DIRECTION_FOR_PLAYER = False #: To be very verbous with all **outputed** messages (*i.e.* send to the network), produced with ParseMessageOut PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT = False #: To be very verbous with all **parsed** messages, produced with ParseMessageIn PRINT_ALL_PARSEIN = False #: To check action on client side before sending them for validation. #: Still not well functional. PLAYER_CHECK_ACTION = False #END