Source code for Bonus
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
This module implement a simple bonus system for Bomberman game.
Currently, it's quite limited, and not yet used by the game.
.. warning::
By now, the *bonus system* is **not yet** ready.
List of Bonuses:
* no -- nothing,
* apple -- a poisoned apple, decrease the life of the player (and *can* kill him),
* dice -- change randomly the life of the player,
* fire -- increase the *force* of player's bomb (*i.e.* the distance of explosion),
* ice -- increase the *timer* of player's bomb,
* life[1|2|3] -- increase (by *2, by +1 or by +2) the player's life,
* sword -- increase the *power* of player's bomb (they hit more !)
This bonus use the method Bonus.affect to change the game, so some modifications can be unable to do.
__author__='Lilian BESSON (mailto:lilian.besson[AT]' # Automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.
__date__='jeudi 07 02 2013, at 23h:17m:30s' #: The date of the file, automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.
# Usual Modules #
import random
import Constants
#: For now, there is no bonus system used in the server or in the client,
#: so this constant represent the default bonus (*i.e.* no bonus).
#: Those constants are different bonus type.
#: From `here <>`_.
BONUS_APPLE='☠apple' #: a poisoned apple, decrease the life of the player (and *can* kill him),
BONUS_DICE='⚄dice' #: change randomly the life of the player,
BONUS_FIRE='♨fire' #: increase the *force* of player's bomb (*i.e.* the distance of explosion),⚡
BONUS_ICE='☃ice' #: increase the *timer* of player's bomb,
BONUS_LIFE1='⛂life1' #: increase (by *2) the player's life,
BONUS_LIFE2='☺life2' #: increase (by +1) the player's life,
BONUS_LIFE3='⛀life3' #: increase (by +2) the player's life,
BONUS_SWORD='⚔sword' #: increase the *power* of player's bomb (they hit more !)
List_available_bonuses = [ BONUS_DICE, BONUS_SWORD ] #: List of all availables bonuses.
#: The class
[docs]class Bonus:
""" A Class to define a Bomberman bonus.
* kind -- reference of the bonus (by now, integer).
This class can be used both by the client and the server,
but reasonably, have just to be used from Player and Board.
[docs] def __init__(self, kind=BONUS_NOBONUS):
""" Simple constructor of a bomb."""
self.kind = kind #: reference of the bonus (by now, integer).
[docs] def strNoUtf(self):
""" Simple conversion to string, with no UTF caracters."""
if self.kind == BONUS_NOBONUS: return " "
return "BONUS"
#: return self.kind[1].capitalize()
__str__ = strNoUtf
[docs] def strUtf(self):
""" Simple conversion to string, with UTF caracters.."""
if self.kind == BONUS_NOBONUS: return " "
return self.kind[0]
[docs] def __repr__(self):
""" Toplevel representation of [self]."""
#: return ("kind=%s" % self.kind)
return self.kind
[docs] def affect(self, player, board):
""" affect(self, player, board) -> (player, board)
When the *player* get this bonus, run this effect.
*board* is the current state of the game (the Board.Board instance),
*args* can be anything (see later)."""
if self.kind == BONUS_APPLE:
# Decrease the life of the player.
elif self.kind == BONUS_DICE:
player.pv = random.randint(1, 1 + Constants.pv_Init)
# Set the life to random, between the init life +1 and 1.
elif self.kind == BONUS_FIRE:
player.templatebomb.force += 1
# Increase the force of player's bombs.
elif self.kind == BONUS_ICE:
player.templatebomb.timer *= 2
# Make the bomb of the player stay longer on the board.
elif self.kind == BONUS_LIFE1:
player.pv = player.pv * 2
# Double the life of the player.
elif self.kind == BONUS_LIFE2:
player.pv += 1
# Increase the life of the player.
elif self.kind == BONUS_LIFE3:
player.pv += 2
# Increase the life of the player by 2.
elif self.kind == BONUS_SWORD:
player.templatebomb.power += 1
else: #: Don't do anything !
pass #: FIXME delete this.
return (player, board)