Source code for Bomb
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
This module implement a simple bomb system for Bomberman game.
There is two classes for Bombs :
* BombNoOwner -- one without any information about the player which own it,
* Bomb -- an other with an additionnal attribute *owner*.
__author__='Lilian BESSON (mailto:lilian.besson[AT]' # Automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.
__date__='mer. 13/02/2013 at 04h:00m:20s ' #: The date of the file, automatically update with, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script.
# Project Modules #
import ANSIColors # : just some colors definition.
from Constants import *
[docs]class BombNoOwner:
""" A Class to define a Bomberman bomb.
This bomb have no information about his owner, because it's aimed to be store in the Player.Player class.
* force -- the dimension of explosion.
* timer -- the timer of the bomb.
* power -- the power of the bomb (number of inguries infliged by the bomb).
This class can be used both by the client and the server.
[docs] def __init__(self, force=force_default, timer=timer_default, power=power_default, verb=False):
""" Simple constructor of a bomb."""
if verb:
ANSIColors.printc("\t/B/ <blue>One new <neg>anonym<Neg> bomb<white> : with force=%i, timer=%i, power=%i." % (force, timer, power))
self.force = force #: the dimension of explosion.
self.timer = timer #: the timer of the bomb.
self.power = power #: The power of the bomb
[docs] def __repr__(self):
""" Toplevel representation of [self]."""
return ("force=%i; timer=%i; power=%i" % (self.force, self.timer, self.power))
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
[docs] def tic(self, toc=toc_default):
""" Just decrease the timer of the bomb, [toc] is the time spent during ticking.
self.timer<=0 is returned.
Allow the following shortcut :
>>> if board[i,j].bomb.tic:
>>> print 'My bomb at place (%i,%i) is exploding !!' % (i,j)
>>> game.make_explosion(board[i,j].bomb) # a toy example.
>>> else:
>>> print 'Hourra, the bomb at place (%i,%i) is not exploding !!' % (i,j) """
self.timer -= toc
return self.timer<=0
#### Add the owner of the bomb ####
[docs]class Bomb(BombNoOwner):
""" A Class to define a Bomberman bomb.
It is just a BombNoOwner with an extra *owner* attribute.
* owner -- the indicator of the player which droped the bomb.
* force -- the dimension of explosion.
* timer -- the timer of the bomb.
* power -- the power of the bomb (number of inguries infliged by the bomb).
This class can be used both by the client and the server.
[docs] def __init__(self, owner, force=force_default, timer=timer_default, power=power_default, verb=True):
""" Simple constructor of a bomb.
The [owner] have to be given, the others paramaters can be omitted.
[owner] is used to be a Player.Player instance, but formally coulb be anything."""
if verb:
ANSIColors.printc("\t/B/ <blue>One new bomb<white> : dropped by %s, with force=%i, timer=%i, power=%i." % (owner, force, timer, power))
self.owner = owner #: the indicator of the player which droped the bomb.
self.force = force #: the dimension of explosion.
self.timer = timer #: the timer of the bomb.
self.power = power #: The power of the bomb
[docs] def __str__(self):
""" Simple conversion to string."""
return ("O:%s;T:%i" % (self.owner, self.timer))
[docs]def add_owner(bomb, owner):
"""add_owner(bomb, owner) -> Bomb.Bomb instance
Transform a Bomb.BombNoOwner instance to a Bomb.Bomb instance,
by adding to it the *owner*.
return Bomb(owner, force=bomb.force, timer=bomb.timer, power=bomb.power)