IA_Bomberman Module

This program is an experimental BOT for our Bomberman multiplayer game.

Textual example

This show how the textual mode looks like during the game with one server and 3 bots. The server is in the left top corner. In this example, the server have been interrupted with Ctrl+C.

Graphical example

This show how the graphical mode looks like during the game with one server and 3 bots. The server is in the left top corner.

Why ?


This program is not designed to kiss Kasparov ass... :)
It is design to be able to play alone, with IA for opponents.
  • That means, you can launch a few on your computer and then launch you client (and play with it),
  • Or, a server can launch in on his side, to reduce the required number of players, or simply make an automatic opponent (like the “play against the computer” options of multiplayer games).

How to launch it

Exactly like the client (see the BombermanClient module).
For instance, to get the description :
$ ./IA_Bomberman.py –help

On option is available : the frequency of the bot. The frequency of the server is limited, but you can change the number of action send each seconds by the bot. For example, a reasonable value is 10 :

$ ./IA_Bomberman.py –frequency 10
And, like for the client, you can change the port and the address of the server to play with :
$ ./IA_Bomberman.py –frequency 10 –server –port 12882


For now, it is quite limited : the bot plays randomly !

No complex analysis of the board is done, neither that complex heuristic to attack others players or breaking free walls.

See also

But this is in study !

IA_Bomberman.run_bot(board, pl, clock, player, num_thread=0) → Exception raised.[source]

An experiment function (designed to be threaded), to make a non-interactive Bomberman Player. The goal is to have an automatic player.

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