#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ A configuration file for the **server**. You can edit it to fit your favorite configuration. List of all parameters ====================== """ # Automatically update with update__date__.sh, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script. __author__='Lilian BESSON' __email__='lilian.besson[AT]normale.fr' __license__='GPLv3' __version__='1.1a' #: Version of this module #: The date of the file, automatically update with update__date__.sh, a Naereen Corp. (c) bash script. __date__='mer. 20/02/2013 at 19h:04m:31s ' ############################################################################### #: The name of the profile. profile_name = "Server, version of %s." % __date__ #:Number of loop each seconds. #: #:.. warning:: #: If too slow the game is not playable. #: If too quick, *PyGame* might complain about it. CLOCK_FREQUENCY = 40.0 #: If notifications (with *notify-send*) will be used. USE_NOTIFY = True #:The default server. #: #:.. warning:: #: This one is on *local* mode. #: #:.. seealso:: #: You might set a *real* server, like *bomberman.crans.org*. #: *Of course*, this also work perfectly : the game was designed for a *network programming lesson* :). SERVEUR_INIT = '' # '' #: The port of the listening connection for the server. PORT_INIT = 12882 #:If true, use a pickling file to save current game state for the server #: #:.. warning:: #: This is still experimental and quite limited. #:USE_PICKLING = False #: To be very verbous with all **outputed** messages (*i.e.* send to the network), produced with ParseMessageOut #:PRINT_ALL_PARSEOUT = True #: To be very verbous with all **parsed** messages, produced with ParseMessageIn #:PRINT_ALL_PARSEIN = True #: Max number of bombs allowed to be droped by one player. #: Can be changed if you want to try with this. #: **To fit our protocole**, and to have the same behaviour that other server, #: the default value is **1**. NB_BOMB_MAX_ALLOW = 1 ###############################################################################