## [Contenu publié ici (technique et non technique)](https://perso.crans.org/besson/publis) -- En français
Ce dépôt contient *plein* de petits projets de programmations, la plupart en HTML/CSS/Javascript, ou en GNU Bash, Python, Octave/MATLAB ou OCaml, et des fichiers de configuration.

Mes rapports de stage de recherche (2012, 2013, 2016) sont aussi publiés ici.
Allez voir [../teach/](../teach/) pour des choses liées à mes enseignements, et [../phd/](../phd/) pour ma thèse.

Il y a aussi des vieux articles de presses (2014), des comptes-rendus ou des idées de voyage (2015), et plein d'autres choses variées, et pas forcément bien rangées...

La plupart des dossiers contiennent des README.md et autres explications précisant les auteurs des projets correspondants.
[Je (Lilian Besson](../) suis l'auteur de la plupart de ces projets, mais pas tous.
Ceux dont je ne suis pas l'auteur sont normalement tous sous licence libre, et sont inclus ici pour garder une copie locale de certains projets intéressants mais qui peiuvent être supprimé


## [Technical published stuffs here (but not only)](https://perso.crans.org/besson/publis) -- In English
This repository is full of mini-projects and small scripts, written in GNU Bash, Python, Octave/MATLAB or OCaml, and also many configuration files (for softwares or other stuff).

My old research internship written report and the slides for some lectures (taught in India) are also published here.
There is also press articles, travel itineraries or ideas, and many other things.

[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription
[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory  - Root of the website (in English or in French)
[DIR]BetterOCaml/2024-09-11 15:01 -  
[DIR]Bibliographie-agregation-maths-option-info/2021-03-09 13:59 -  
[DIR]Business-Card/2021-04-03 22:33 -  
[DIR]Chasse-aux-tresors-au-Musee-des-Beaux-Arts-pour-mes-26-ans.git/2019-06-02 00:12 -  
[DIR]CisterianNumbers/2021-03-08 19:35 -  
[DIR]Discord-bot-to-add-spoiler-to-any-code-snippet.git/2020-11-06 13:39 -  
[DIR]Free-dictionnaries-for-Pictionnary.git/2021-02-13 02:38 -  
[DIR]Generateur-dattestation-de-sortie-automatique.git/2020-11-05 15:04 -  
[DIR]JSCPP/2020-11-24 15:28 -  
[DIR]Lex-Talionis/2021-01-25 19:17 -  
[DIR]MariOCaml/2021-02-14 13:31 -  
[DIR]Meme-enseignements/2024-05-01 23:17 -  
[DIR]Mind_Bug_cockatrice_custom_set_Aug2023.git/2023-08-31 14:42 -  
[DIR]MiniPy/2021-03-08 22:15 -  
[DIR]NSI-SqliteOnline/2021-02-14 17:19 -  
[DIR]Naereen/2021-02-27 12:18 -  
[DIR]Perspectives-carriere-enseignement-informatique-en-2021/2021-02-26 09:59 -  
[DIR]Peut-on-coder-avec-OCaml-Python-et-C-par-SMS.git/2021-02-21 07:18 -  
[DIR]PlaneChase.git/2023-04-12 15:42 -  
[DIR]PlaneChase.lua/2023-05-01 19:08 -  
[DIR]Pokemon-via-GitHub-contre-Covid-2020-fr.github.io/2020-04-16 16:57 -  
[DIR]Un-Quiz-Magic-the-Gathering-pour-le-festival-Don-des-Dragons/2024-11-30 11:43 -  
[DIR]fontify.git/2018-11-28 15:28 -  
[DIR]git/2018-03-07 15:35 -  
[DIR]how-to-customize-title-of-jupyter-notebook.git/2018-02-26 17:06 -  
[DIR]iocamljs/2021-03-08 14:24 -  
[DIR]jyve/2021-03-09 00:37 -  
[DIR]numworks/2021-04-12 07:51 -  
[DIR]tableaunoir/2021-02-25 04:44 -  
[DIR]gedit-tools/2014-02-28 19:03 - (Old) Collection of open-source tools and scripts for the GNOME Gedit editor, open-source on Bitbucket
[DIR]muttrc/2015-12-02 23:41 - (Old) Configuration files for the Irssi command line email client
[DIR]irssi/2015-12-02 23:32 - (Old) Configuration files for the Irssi command line IRC client
[DIR]MOcamlPlot/2015-12-02 23:21 - (Old) OCaml v3.12 projects to plot 2D functions in a terminal, with colors. Will probably not work anymore...
[DIR]ST3/2017-06-17 13:52 - Config files for Sublime Text 3 : snippets, build scripts, macros, preferences files etc.
[DIR]Makefiles-support-for-VSCode.git/2017-10-11 14:54 - Config files for Visual Studio Code : snippets, build scripts, macros, preferences files etc.
[DIR]VSCode/2018-01-26 12:43 - Config files for Visual Studio Code : snippets, build scripts, macros, preferences files etc.
[DIR]bandits/2015-11-12 19:04 - Jill-Jênn Vie's implementation of the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm for the Multi-Armed Bandit problem
[DIR]mec-cs101-integrals/2016-06-18 21:34 - Solution to a programming project on Numerical Integration, given at Mahindra Ecole Centrale in 2015 for the CS101 course
[DIR]mec-cs101-matrices/2016-06-18 21:45 - Solution to a programming project on Linear Algebra and Matrices, given at Mahindra Ecole Centrale in 2015 for the CS101 course
[DIR]naereen.github.io/2023-11-04 18:08 - naereen.github.io, open-source on GitHub
[DIR]ansi-colors/2014-12-17 10:05 - DEPRECATED Python2 module to use ANSI Colors in a command line application (use ansicolortags.py instead ↓)
[DIR]ansicolortags.py/2016-07-02 11:12 - NEW Python v2 and v3 module to use ANSI Colors in a command line application, see the docs
[DIR]Bomberman/2014-02-28 19:03 - A open-source multi-player Bomberman game in Python2, for Linux only, with an optimal and open-source network protocol
[DIR]Nginx-Fancyindex-Theme/2018-02-09 15:18 - A open-source, clean and pretty theme for the FancyIndex module for the nginx webserver
[DIR]generate-word-cloud.py/2016-08-12 00:12 - A Python v2 or v3 script to produce a nice-looking Cloud of Words from one or more text files, open-source on GitHub
[DIR]f6_sphinx_theme/2016-06-29 09:13 - A clean and white theme for Sphinx doc, open-source on GitHub
[DIR]2048-agreg/2016-01-04 14:04 - A modified version of the famous 2048 game, for mathematical geeks (in French)
[DIR]munstrap/2017-05-19 23:36 - A nice-looking and responsive theme for the Munin system monitoring tool, translated in French, open-source on Bitbucket
[DIR]git-stats/2016-06-29 09:13 - A small GNU Bash script to get statistics about a git repository, open-source on GitHub
[DIR]Zenity/2016-04-26 21:46 - An open-source library for OCaml v3.12 and v4+ to use the zenity debian tool in a fully typed and clean manner
[DIR]puzzle/2016-04-26 08:36 - An OCaml v3.12 or v4+ game of TetraVex, for Linux or Windows, open-source on Bitbucket
[DIR]StrapDown.js/2020-02-02 16:29 - An awesome piece of javascript to quickly publish nice documents, written in Markdown. Cf. github.com/Naereen/StrapDown.js
[DIR]ama/2016-06-29 09:19 - Ask me anything in English ! On GitHub / On Bitbucket
[DIR]ama.fr/2016-06-29 09:19 - Ask me anything in French! Demandez-moi n'importe quoi ! On GitHub / On Bitbucket
[DIR]slides/2021-03-12 18:58 - Common repository for remark.js slideshows, open-source on GitHub. Readables on naereen.github.io/slides
[DIR]Tutoriel-notebooks-Jupyter-a-Didapro-8-Lille-fevrier-2020/2020-02-05 14:43 - Common repository for Jupyter notebooks, open-source on GitHub. Readables on nbviewer.jupyter.org
[DIR]notebooks/2022-03-25 12:27 - Common repository for Jupyter notebooks, open-source on GitHub. Readables on nbviewer.jupyter.org
[DIR]Chasse-aux-tr-sors-au-Louvre-pour-mes-25-ans.git/2019-06-02 00:12 - Copie locale de mon dépôt GitHub Chasse-aux-tr-sors-au-Louvre-pour-mes-25-ans.
[DIR]chasse-aux-tresors-au-louvre/2019-06-02 00:12 - Copie locale de mon dépôt GitHub Chasse-aux-tr-sors-au-Louvre-pour-mes-25-ans.
[DIR]Ecosse_2018_en_alexandrins/2018-08-28 17:36 - Copie locale de mon dépôt GitHub Ecosse_2018_en_alexandrins.
[DIR]FreeSMS.py/2018-01-28 12:36 - Copie locale de mon dépôt GitHub FreeSMS.py.
[DIR]ParcourSup.py/2018-10-09 10:02 - Copie locale de mon dépôt GitHub ParcourSup.py.
[DIR]jsTuring_fr/2016-11-07 21:02 - Copie locale de mon dépôt GitHub jsTuring_fr.
[DIR]kaamelott-soundboard-desktop-app.git/2017-12-07 16:21 - Copie locale de mon dépôt GitHub kaamelott-soundboard-desktop-app.
[DIR]kaamelott-soundboard/2017-06-06 12:39 - Copie locale du site kaamelott-soundboard.
[DIR]ColorML/2015-12-02 23:20 - Experiments to use colors in a OCaml v3.12 command line program
[DIR]GMusicBrowser-FullScreen-WebApp.git/2020-04-24 22:04 - Local copy of my GitHub repository GMusicBrowser-FullScreen-WebApp.
[DIR]Jupyter-NBConvert-Ocaml.git/2018-11-27 14:45 - Local copy of my GitHub repository Jupyter-NBConvert-Ocaml.
[DIR]Jupyter-Notebook-Atom-Scheme.git/2018-02-02 14:46 - Local copy of my GitHub repository Jupyter-Notebook-Atom-Scheme.
[DIR]Kullback-Leibler-divergences-and-kl-UCB-indexes.git/2018-05-10 18:30 - Local copy of my GitHub repository Kullback-Leibler-divergences-and-kl-UCB-indexes.
[DIR]KullbackLeibler.jl/2018-05-10 18:27 - Local copy of my GitHub repository KullbackLeibler.jl.
[DIR]LaTeX-article-with-Pokemon-numbering.git/2018-01-12 19:48 - Local copy of my GitHub repository LaTeX-article-with-Pokemon-numbering.
[DIR]Lempel-Ziv_Complexity.git/2017-05-17 20:34 - Local copy of my GitHub repository Lempel-Ziv_Complexity.
[DIR]LempelZiv.jl/2017-10-17 16:49 - Local copy of my GitHub repository LempelZiv.jl.
[DIR]My-Own-HandWriting-Font.git/2018-03-20 13:55 - Local copy of my GitHub repository My-Own-HandWriting-Font.
[DIR]Tiny-Prolog-in-OCaml.git/2018-03-29 19:09 - Local copy of my GitHub repository Tiny-Prolog-in-OCaml.
[DIR]badges.git/2019-10-31 18:48 - Local copy of my GitHub repository badges.
[DIR]battlegame.git/2018-06-03 23:35 - Local copy of my GitHub repository battlegame.git.
[DIR]dot2tex.git/2017-10-06 15:59 - Local copy of my GitHub repository dot2tex.
[DIR]fix-iocaml-notebook-exports-to-pdf.git/2017-09-08 09:53 - Local copy of my GitHub repository fix-iocaml-notebook-exports-to-pdf.
[DIR]gym-nes-mario-bros.git/2018-03-22 17:23 - Local copy of my GitHub repository gym-nes-mario-bros.
[DIR]mathjax-bookmarklet.git/2018-02-20 16:47 - Local copy of my GitHub repository mathjax-bookmarklet.
[DIR]uLogMe.git/2018-10-17 11:38 - Local copy of my GitHub repository uLogMe.
[DIR]world-tour-timeline.git/2017-07-26 13:12 - Local copy of my GitHub repository world-tour-timeline.
[DIR]2048/2015-12-27 00:32 - Local copy of the famous 2048 game
[DIR]wiki.scipy.org/2015-10-29 17:59 - Local copy of the previously missing page « NumPy for MATLAB Users » from wiki.scipy.org, now at docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-dev/user/numpy-for-matlab-users.html
[DIR]PDE_09_2014/2017-10-16 00:54 - Mathematical and numerical solution to a real-world Partial Dynamic Equation - in MATLAB/Octave
[DIR]PDE_02_2015/2015-12-02 23:15 - Mathematical and numerical solution to a real-world Partial Dynamic Equation - same code, in pure Python 2
[DIR]articles/2019-12-06 16:19 - Mes articles de recherches rédigés pendant ma thèse de doctorat (en cours, 2016/2019).
[DIR]conky/2016-09-05 10:07 - My configuration files for the GNU Conky desktop tool
[DIR]nautilus-terminal/2017-05-19 23:39 - Nautilus-Terminal, a plugin for GNU Nautilus to embed a terminal in your file explorer, open-source on Bitbucket
[DIR]mva-2016/2021-04-11 13:00 - Rapports de recherches, corrections de TP et TD, et autres documents rédigés pour mes cours et projets pour mon Master 2, en 2015/16, le Master MVA de l'ENS Paris-Saclay (France).
[DIR]kaggle/2014-02-28 19:07 - Scripts, documentation, examples, images and results for a Kaggle challenge on Machine Learning applied to the Titanic passengers database, open-source on Bitbucket
[DIR]bin/2024-06-02 22:28 - Scripts, programmes et binaires. Copie de mon dépôt Bitbucket bin.
[DIR]seminaire_crans/2017-07-27 00:44 - Slides pour mon séminaire CRANS sur les outils de documentation, donné en février 2013
[DIR]snippets/2016-07-23 11:14 - Small snippets of code, from Bitbucket snippets
[DIR]firefox/2021-02-21 03:32 - Some user scripts and user styles for the Mozilla Firefox browser
[DIR]hackathon/2015-04-01 13:53 - Some assignments for programming hackathons, given in 2015 at Mahindra Ecole Centrale for the CS101 course
[DIR]xpadder/2016-07-01 09:59 - Some configuration files for my use of the XPadder tool on Windows (map a gamepad to keyboard buttons)
[DIR]python/2016-06-29 09:20 - Some configuration files for my use of the Python programming language
[DIR]latex/2024-02-04 22:44 - Some files and scripts to write LaTeX documents efficiently
[DIR]gedit-coloration/2015-12-02 23:29 - Some old modifications on the GTK SourceView configuration files
[DIR]selfspy-vis/2016-06-29 09:13 - Tool to visualize a selfspy database, open-source on GitHub
[   ]A_note_on_the_Ei_function.pdf2018-03-08 18:02 187K 
[TXT]HEADER.md2021-03-08 22:25 1.5K 
[   ]Lettre au Routard - Lilian Besson - Islande - Aout 2015.pdf2015-08-28 18:35 173K 
[   ]byobu.zip2024-02-24 17:19 9.2K 
[IMG]ceremonie_de_remise.jpg2014-11-01 07:17 48K 
[TXT]checks.html2021-03-08 22:32 8.5K
[TXT]heart.css2015-04-04 18:48 3.3K 
[   ]mpri-bomberman.zip2015-03-04 22:15 5.8M 
[   ]newpc.pdf2014-11-02 14:26 56K 
[TXT]notafraid.css2015-11-14 01:04 3.3K 
[   ]procrastinate.pdf2014-11-18 13:27 42K 
[   ]redshift.conf2021-03-26 21:09 1.9K 
[   ]tmux-conf.zip2017-03-01 11:05 3.5M 
[   ]muttrc.zip2014-03-05 11:50 22K(Old) Configuration files for the Irssi command line email client
[   ]MOcamlPlot.zip2014-11-22 07:18 860K(Old) OCaml v3.12 projects to plot 2D functions in a terminal, with colors. Will probably not work anymore...
[   ]gedit.zip2015-12-02 23:30 504K(Old) Some configuration files for the GNOME Gedit editor
[   ]ST3.zip2015-10-14 13:13 96KConfig files for Sublime Text 3 : snippets, build scripts, macros, preferences files etc.
[   ]ansi-colors.zip2014-03-04 11:41 1.1MDEPRECATED Python2 module to use ANSI Colors in a command line application (use ansicolortags.py instead ↓)
[   ]ansicolortags.pdf2016-06-07 09:43 813KNEW Python v2 and v3 module to use ANSI Colors in a command line application, see the docs
[   ]ansicolortags.tar.xz2016-06-08 00:07 5.7MNEW Python v2 and v3 module to use ANSI Colors in a command line application, see the docs
[   ]Bomberman.zip2014-03-04 11:38 5.5MA open-source multi-player Bomberman game in Python2, for Linux only, with an optimal and open-source network protocol
[   ]article_La-Sauce_A_Propos_de_Questionable_Content.fr.pdf2013-11-29 16:10 47KA French one-page article about Questionable Content (2013)
[   ]webcomics.pdf2013-11-29 16:10 47KA French one-page article about web comics (2013)
[TXT]heart.html2021-03-08 22:30 938 A love web-message
[   ]munstrap.zip2014-11-26 15:26 2.5MA nice-looking and responsive theme for the Munin system monitoring tool, translated in French, open-source on Bitbucket
[TXT]29_10_2014__LeMonde.en.html2021-03-08 22:30 5.9KAfter China and India, the École Centrale of Paris expands in Marocco
[   ]29_10_2014__LeMonde.en.pdf2014-11-01 08:41 74KAfter China and India, the École Centrale of Paris expands in Marocco (PDF)
[   ]Zenity.zip2016-04-26 21:48 186KAn open-source library for OCaml v3.12 and v4+ to use the zenity debian tool in a fully typed and clean manner
[   ]puzzle.zip2014-11-26 10:38 1.1MAn OCaml v3.12 or v4+ game of TetraVex, for Linux or Windows, open-source on Bitbucket
[   ]StrapDown.js.zip2016-05-03 00:39 2.7MAn awesome piece of javascript to quickly publish nice documents, written in Markdown. Cf. github.com/Naereen/StrapDown.js
[TXT]20_10_2014__Figaro.fr.html2021-03-08 22:30 9.7KAnand Mahindra : « La France a un potentiel énorme »
[   ]20_10_2014__Figaro.fr.pdf2014-11-01 08:41 74KAnand Mahindra : « La France a un potentiel énorme » (PDF)
[TXT]20_10_2014__Figaro.en.html2021-03-08 22:30 9.0KAnand Mahindra: « France has a huge potential »
[   ]20_10_2014__Figaro.en.pdf2014-11-01 08:41 72KAnand Mahindra: « France has a huge potential » (PDF)
[TXT]spinner.html2021-03-08 22:30 15KAnimations CSS3 ~ en chantier
[TXT]29_10_2014__LeMonde.fr.html2021-03-08 22:30 6.5KAprès la Chine et l'Inde, l'École Centrale s'implante au Maroc
[   ]29_10_2014__LeMonde.fr.pdf2014-11-01 08:41 76KAprès la Chine et l'Inde, l'École Centrale s'implante au Maroc (PDF)
[   ]codeL3Maths12.zip2015-12-04 23:17 438KC and CUDA code for my research internship in 2012: « Implementation of the VFFC and other numerical schemes to solve the Euler compressible fluid dynamics equations, in 1D 2D and 3D » (on CPU with C and on GPU with NVidia Cuda)
[   ]code_stage.zip2015-12-04 23:17 438KC and CUDA code for my research internship in 2012: « Implementation of the VFFC and other numerical schemes to solve the Euler compressible fluid dynamics equations, in 1D 2D and 3D » (on CPU with C and on GPU with NVidia Cuda)
[   ]slidesL3Maths12.pdf2013-09-10 01:05 926KCommon repository for remark.js slideshows, open-source on GitHub. Readables on naereen.github.io/slides
[   ]slidesM2MVA16.pdf2016-09-16 12:45 1.0MCommon repository for remark.js slideshows, open-source on GitHub. Readables on naereen.github.io/slides
[   ]slides_CS101_part3.pdf2015-04-01 13:52 787KCommon repository for remark.js slideshows, open-source on GitHub. Readables on naereen.github.io/slides
[   ]slides_CS101_part5_1.pdf2015-04-08 11:47 498KCommon repository for remark.js slideshows, open-source on GitHub. Readables on naereen.github.io/slides
[   ]slides_CS101_part5_2.pdf2015-04-12 20:02 788KCommon repository for remark.js slideshows, open-source on GitHub. Readables on naereen.github.io/slides
[   ]byobu-conf.zip2017-03-01 11:05 8.6KConfiguration files for the Byobu terminal multiplexer
[TXT]tutoriel_gedit_couleur_embedded_terminal.html2021-03-08 22:30 3.8KDes couleurs dans le terminal embarqué dans gedit
[   ]ColorML.zip2014-11-22 07:06 20KExperiments to use colors in a OCaml v3.12 command line program
[   ]ColorML_v2.zip2014-11-22 07:06 20KExperiments to use colors in a OCaml v3.12 command line program
[TXT]Guide_to_setup_my_new_laptop.html2021-03-08 22:30 7.9KGuide to set-up a new laptop
[TXT]Itineraire_et_idee__Aurangabad.fr.html2021-03-08 22:30 2.4KItinéraire et idée de voyage : Aurangabad
[   ]Itineraire_et_idee__Aurangabad.fr.pdf2015-05-09 09:39 40KItinéraire et idée de voyage : Aurangabad (PDF)
[TXT]Itineraire_et_idee__Delhi_Jaipur_Agra.fr.html2021-03-08 22:30 2.9KItinéraire et idée de voyage : North India
[   ]Itineraire_et_idee__Delhi_Jaipur_Agra.fr.pdf2015-05-09 09:39 43KItinéraire et idée de voyage : North India (PDF)
[TXT]10_10_2014__Liberation.en.html2021-03-08 22:30 13KMEC - École Centrale of Paris
[   ]10_10_2014__Liberation.en.pdf2014-11-01 08:40 62KMEC - École Centrale of Paris (PDF)
[TXT]10_10_2014__Liberation.fr.html2021-03-08 22:30 14KMEC et École Centrale of Paris
[   ]10_10_2014__Liberation.fr.pdf2014-11-01 08:41 63KMEC et École Centrale of Paris (PDF)
[TXT]notafraid.html2021-03-08 22:30 938 Not Afraid
[TXT]newpc.html2021-03-08 22:35 5.3KNouvel ordinateur
[TXT]iframe.html2021-03-08 22:30 750 Page d'expérimentation pour iFrame
[TXT]pyrio.html2021-03-08 22:30 3.6KPython game project: "Pyrio Bros."
[   ]rapportL3Maths12.pdf2013-09-10 01:05 1.1MReport and slides for my research internship in 2012
[   ]rapport_stage.pdf2013-09-10 01:05 1.1MReport and slides for my research internship in 2012
[   ]rapportM1Info13.pdf2013-10-03 21:14 813KReport for my research internship in 2013, in the PPLV team at UCL (London, UK): « Towards modularity for planning and robot programs verification »
[   ]rapportM1Maths13.pdf2013-09-03 18:11 890KReport for my research internship in 2013, in the PPLV team at UCL (London, UK): « Towards modularity for planning and robot programs verification »
[   ]rapportM2MVA16.pdf2016-09-16 12:49 1.8MReport for my research internship in 2016, in the BIG/LIB team at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) : « A theoretical study of steerable homogeneous operators, and applications »
[   ]kaggle.zip2014-11-22 07:38 13MScripts, documentation, examples, images and results for a Kaggle challenge on Machine Learning applied to the Titanic passengers database, open-source on Bitbucket
[TXT]hackathon.html2021-03-08 22:30 18KSome assignments for programming hackathons, given in 2015 at Mahindra Ecole Centrale for the CS101 course
[   ]hackathon.pdf2015-03-14 04:49 204KSome assignments for programming hackathons, given in 2015 at Mahindra Ecole Centrale for the CS101 course
[TXT]README.html2021-03-08 22:30 1.6KSome details about this page
[TXT]README.md2014-12-14 13:51 1.3KSome details about this page
[IMG]word_cloud_from_75_README_md.png2016-06-29 21:24 208KSome details about this page
[   ]latex.zip2014-03-04 11:42 21KSome files and scripts to write LaTeX documents efficiently
[TXT]word2latex.html2021-03-08 22:30 2.3KSome files and scripts to write LaTeX documents efficiently
[   ]word2latex.pdf2014-09-02 14:35 45KSome files and scripts to write LaTeX documents efficiently
[TXT]stackedit.io.html2021-03-08 22:30 11KTest de StackEdit.io
[TXT]astuce_gedit_modificateur.html2021-03-08 22:30 2.1KUtiliser une "modeline" avec gedit
[TXT]WebNotifyAPIDemo.html2021-03-08 22:30 4.6KWeb Notifications API Demo by Aurelio De Rosa
[TXT]Xenoblade_Chronicles_quests.html2021-03-08 22:30 1.3KXenoblade Chronicles - Quests TODO
[TXT]rotatedemo.html2021-03-08 22:30 1.4KjQuery Rotate
[TXT]repogit.html2021-03-08 22:30 4.9Klbesson's git repositories
[TXT]dicoAF.html2021-03-08 22:30 26Ktraduction math anglais francais
[TXT]dicoFA.html2021-03-08 22:30 26Ktraduction math francais anglais
# bitbucket.org/lbesson/publis

## En français
Ce dépôt contient des petits projets, la plupart en Bash (*GNU Bash v4.2+*), certains en Python, et des fichiers de configuration.

#### Plus d'informations
La page [publis.html](http://besson.qc.to/publis.html) présente une rapide description de certains projets.
J'essaie de la garder à jour le mieux que je peux.

#### Licence ?
Comme le reste de mes dépôts, tout est distribué sous les termes de la [Licence GPLv3](http://besson.qc.to/LICENSE.html) (document en anglais).

#### Copyleft ?
Sauf contre-indications, tous les documents stockés dans ce dépôt sont (C) Lilian BESSON, 2011-2014.


## In English
This repository is full of small programs and scripts, mostly written in Bash (*GNU Bash, v4.2+*), some in Python.

#### More details
The page [publis.html](http://besson.qc.to/publis.html) presents a rapid overview of some of these projects.

I aslo try to embed a small description of its purpose in every program,
and sometimes there is even details on which option you can give to the script !

#### Licence ?
As every other repository, everything in publicly released under the term of the [GPLv3 Licence](http://besson.qc.to/LICENSE.html).

#### Copyleft ?
Without other indications, every documents stored here are (C) Lilian BESSON, 2011-2014.