First, be sure to be in the main folder, or to have installed SMPyBandits
, and import MAB
from Environment
!pip install SMPyBandits watermark
import sys
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -v -m -a "Lilian Besson"
from SMPyBandits.Environment.MAB import PieceWiseStationaryMAB, MAB
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 120
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 5.6)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(context="talk", style="whitegrid", palette="hls", font="sans-serif", font_scale=0.9)
from SMPyBandits.Environment.plotsettings import nrows_ncols
def palette(nb):
return sns.hls_palette(nb + 1)[:nb]
def makemarkers(nb):
allmarkers = ['o', 'D', '^', '<', 'v', 'p', 's', '*', 'h', '>']
longlist = allmarkers * (1 + int(nb / float(len(allmarkers)))) # Cycle the good number of time
return longlist[:nb] # Truncate
from SMPyBandits.configuration_nonstationary import *
envs = configuration['environment']
env1 = envs[0]
env2 = envs[1]
pb1 = PieceWiseStationaryMAB(env1)
pb2 = PieceWiseStationaryMAB(env2)
horizon = 5000
fig = pb1.plotHistoryOfMeans(horizon=horizon)
Now in a function, we use this data:
def plotHistoryOfMeans_with_restart(restart_points, labels, pb, problemId=1, horizon=horizon):
nbAlgorithms = len(labels)
nbArms = pb.nbArms
means_of_all_arms = pb.get_allMeans(horizon=horizon)
colors1 = sns.hls_palette(nbArms + 1)[:nbArms]
markers1 = makemarkers(nbArms)
linestyles1 = ['--', '-.', ':'] * nbArms
linestyles1 = linestyles1[:nbArms]
linewidths1 = [5, 3] * nbArms
linewidths1 = linewidths1[:nbArms]
colors2 = sns.husl_palette(nbAlgorithms + 1)[:nbAlgorithms]
markers2 = makemarkers(nbAlgorithms)
nrows, ncols = nrows_ncols(nbAlgorithms)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True)
fig.suptitle("Locations of change-points detected by different algorithms (problem {})".format(problemId))
# start for each algorithm
for policyId, ax in enumerate(axes.flat[:nbAlgorithms]):
# for policyId, label in enumerate(labels):
label = labels[policyId]
data = restart_points[label]
regret = data["regret"]
for armId in range(nbArms):
meanOfThisArm = means_of_all_arms[armId, :]
# marker=markers[armId], markevery=(armId / 50., 0.1),
label='Arm #{}'.format(armId),
plt.ylim(0, 1)
ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
# for tau in pb.changePoints:
# if tau > 0 and tau < horizon:
# plt.vlines(tau, ymin, ymax, linestyles='dotted', alpha=0.7)
#ax.set_xlabel(r"Time steps $t = 1...T$, horizon $T = {}$".format(horizon))
#ax.set_ylabel(r"Successive means of the $K = {}$ arms".format(nbArms))
ax.set_title("{} (regret $= {}$)".format(label, regret))
#ax.set_title("Location of change-points detected by algorithm {} (regret = {})".format(label, regret))
Xs, Ys = [], []
for armId in range(nbArms):
means = means_of_all_arms[armId]
restarts = data[armId]
times = [ time for time, nbsample in restarts ]
Xs = times
Ys = [ means[time] for time in times ]
if Xs:
ax.plot(Xs, Ys,
marker=markers2[policyId], markersize=15,
#plt.tight_layout(rect=[0.04, 0.04, 0.75, 0.92])
#plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), numpoints=1, fancybox=True, framealpha=0.8)
return fig, axes
labels_1 = [
"GLR-klUCB Local",
"GLR-klUCB Global",
Then we have a dictionary mapping a label to the data of interest. This is a dictionary mapping arm to list of couple (time, nb of samples since last restart).
restart_points_1 = {
"M-klUCB": {
0: [(3080, 828)],
1: [],
2: [(2055, 1811)],
"regret": 280,
"CUSUM-klUCB": {
0: [(3027, 825), (3505, 466), (4914, 1304)],
1: [(2512, 249), (4383, 123)],
2: [(2011, 1861), ],
"regret": 150,
"GLR-klUCB Local": {
0: [(3032, 840)],
1: [],
2: [(2014, 1970)],
"regret": 63,
"GLR-klUCB Global": {
0: [(3031, 827)],
1: [],
2: [(2009, 1972)],
"regret": 71,
Let's try!
plotHistoryOfMeans_with_restart(restart_points_1, labels_1, pb1, problemId=1, horizon=horizon)
labels_2 = labels_1
restart_points_2 = {
"M-klUCB": {
0: [],
1: [],
2: [],
"regret": 570,
"CUSUM-klUCB": {
0: [(2305, 185), (2591, 272), (3387, 770)],
1: [(3677, 169)],
2: [(1055, 963), (2051, 922)],
"regret": 150,
"GLR-klUCB Local": {
0: [(2367, 1006), (4203, 1873)],
1: [],
2: [(1070, 1030)],
"regret": 115,
"GLR-klUCB Global": {
0: [(2705, 1038)],
1: [],
2: [(1111, 1060)],
"regret": 125,
plotHistoryOfMeans_with_restart(restart_points_2, labels_2, pb2, problemId=2, horizon=horizon)