Environment.Evaluator module

Evaluator class to wrap and run the simulations. Lots of plotting methods, to have various visualizations.

Environment.Evaluator.USE_PICKLE = False

Should we save the figure objects to a .pickle file at the end of the simulation?

Environment.Evaluator.REPETITIONS = 1

Default nb of repetitions

Environment.Evaluator.DELTA_T_PLOT = 50

Default sampling rate for plotting

Environment.Evaluator.plot_lowerbound = True

Default is to plot the lower-bound

Environment.Evaluator.USE_BOX_PLOT = True

True to use boxplot, False to use violinplot.

Environment.Evaluator.random_shuffle = False

Use basic random events of shuffling the arms?

Environment.Evaluator.random_invert = False

Use basic random events of inverting the arms?

Environment.Evaluator.nb_break_points = 0

Default nb of random events

Environment.Evaluator.STORE_ALL_REWARDS = False

Store all rewards?

Environment.Evaluator.STORE_REWARDS_SQUARED = False

Store rewards squared?

Environment.Evaluator.MORE_ACCURATE = True

Use the count of selections instead of rewards for a more accurate mean/var reward measure.

Environment.Evaluator.FINAL_RANKS_ON_AVERAGE = True

Final ranks are printed based on average on last 1% rewards and not only the last rewards

Environment.Evaluator.USE_JOBLIB_FOR_POLICIES = False

Don’t use joblib to parallelize the simulations on various policies (we parallelize the random Monte Carlo repetitions)

class Environment.Evaluator.Evaluator(configuration, finalRanksOnAverage=True, averageOn=0.005, useJoblibForPolicies=False, moreAccurate=True)[source]

Bases: object

Evaluator class to run the simulations.

__init__(configuration, finalRanksOnAverage=True, averageOn=0.005, useJoblibForPolicies=False, moreAccurate=True)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

cfg = None

Configuration dictionnary

nbPolicies = None

Number of policies

horizon = None

Horizon (number of time steps)

repetitions = None

Number of repetitions

delta_t_plot = None

Sampling rate for plotting

random_shuffle = None

Random shuffling of arms?

random_invert = None

Random inversion of arms?

nb_break_points = None

How many random events?

plot_lowerbound = None

Should we plot the lower-bound?

moreAccurate = None

Use the count of selections instead of rewards for a more accurate mean/var reward measure.

finalRanksOnAverage = None

Final display of ranks are done on average rewards?

averageOn = None

How many last steps for final rank average rewards

useJoblibForPolicies = None

Use joblib to parallelize for loop on policies (useless)

useJoblib = None

Use joblib to parallelize for loop on repetitions (useful)

cache_rewards = None

Should we cache and precompute rewards

environment_bayesian = None

Is the environment Bayesian?

showplot = None

Show the plot (interactive display or not)

use_box_plot = None

To use box plot (or violin plot if False). Force to use boxplot if repetitions=1.

change_labels = None

Possibly empty dictionary to map ‘policyId’ to new labels (overwrite their name).

append_labels = None

Possibly empty dictionary to map ‘policyId’ to new labels (by appending the result from ‘append_labels’).

envs = None

List of environments

policies = None

List of policies

rewards = None

For each env, history of rewards, ie accumulated rewards

lastCumRewards = None

For each env, last accumulated rewards, to compute variance and histogram of whole regret R_T

minCumRewards = None

For each env, history of minimum of rewards, to compute amplitude (+- STD)

maxCumRewards = None

For each env, history of maximum of rewards, to compute amplitude (+- STD)

rewardsSquared = None

For each env, history of rewards squared

allRewards = None

For each env, full history of rewards

bestArmPulls = None

For each env, keep the history of best arm pulls

pulls = None

For each env, keep cumulative counts of all arm pulls

allPulls = None

For each env, keep cumulative counts of all arm pulls

lastPulls = None

For each env, keep cumulative counts of all arm pulls

runningTimes = None

For each env, keep the history of running times

memoryConsumption = None

For each env, keep the history of running times

numberOfCPDetections = None

For each env, store the number of change-point detections by each algorithms, to print it’s average at the end (to check if a certain Change-Point detector algorithm detects too few or too many changes).


Create environments.


Create or initialize policies.


Compute only once the rewards, then launch the experiments with the same matrix (r_{k,t}).


Simulate all envs.

startOneEnv(envId, env)[source]

Simulate that env.


Save the content of the internal data to into a HDF5 file on the disk.

getPulls(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Extract mean pulls.

getBestArmPulls(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Extract mean best arm pulls.

getRewards(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Extract mean rewards.

getAverageWeightedSelections(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Extract weighted count of selections.


Extract max mean rewards.

getCumulatedRegret_LessAccurate(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Compute cumulative regret, based on accumulated rewards.

getCumulatedRegret_MoreAccurate(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Compute cumulative regret, based on counts of selections and not actual rewards.

getCumulatedRegret(policyId, envId=0, moreAccurate=None)[source]

Using either the more accurate or the less accurate regret count.

getLastRegrets_LessAccurate(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Extract last regrets, based on accumulated rewards.

getAllLastWeightedSelections(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Extract weighted count of selections.

getLastRegrets_MoreAccurate(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Extract last regrets, based on counts of selections and not actual rewards.

getLastRegrets(policyId, envId=0, moreAccurate=None)[source]

Using either the more accurate or the less accurate regret count.

getAverageRewards(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Extract mean rewards (not rewards but cumsum(rewards)/cumsum(1).

getRewardsSquared(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Extract rewards squared.

getSTDRegret(policyId, envId=0, meanReward=False)[source]

Extract standard deviation of rewards.


FIXME experimental!

getMaxMinReward(policyId, envId=0)[source]

Extract amplitude of rewards as maxCumRewards - minCumRewards.


Get the means and stds and list of running time of the different policies.


Get the means and stds and list of memory consumptions of the different policies.


Get the means and stds and list of numberOfCPDetections of the different policies.

printFinalRanking(envId=0, moreAccurate=None)[source]

Print the final ranking of the different policies.

_xlabel(envId, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Add xlabel to the plot, and if the environment has change-point, draw vertical lines to clearly identify the locations of the change points.

plotRegrets(envId=0, savefig=None, meanReward=False, plotSTD=False, plotMaxMin=False, semilogx=False, semilogy=False, loglog=False, normalizedRegret=False, drawUpperBound=False, moreAccurate=None)[source]

Plot the centralized cumulated regret, support more than one environments (use evaluators to give a list of other environments).

plotBestArmPulls(envId, savefig=None)[source]

Plot the frequency of pulls of the best channel.

  • Warning: does not adapt to dynamic settings!

printRunningTimes(envId=0, precision=3)[source]

Print the average+-std running time of the different policies.

plotRunningTimes(envId=0, savefig=None, base=1, unit='seconds')[source]

Plot the running times of the different policies, as a box plot for each.


Print the average+-std memory consumption of the different policies.

plotMemoryConsumption(envId=0, savefig=None, base=1024, unit='KiB')[source]

Plot the memory consumption of the different policies, as a box plot for each.


Print the average+-std number_of_cp_detections of the different policies.

plotNumberOfCPDetections(envId=0, savefig=None)[source]

Plot the number of change-point detections of the different policies, as a box plot for each.

printLastRegrets(envId=0, moreAccurate=False)[source]

Print the last regrets of the different policies.

plotLastRegrets(envId=0, normed=False, subplots=True, nbbins=15, log=False, all_on_separate_figures=False, sharex=False, sharey=False, boxplot=False, normalized_boxplot=True, savefig=None, moreAccurate=False)[source]

Plot histogram of the regrets R_T for all policies.

plotHistoryOfMeans(envId=0, horizon=None, savefig=None)[source]

Plot the history of means, as a plot with x axis being the time, y axis the mean rewards, and K curves one for each arm.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'Environment.Evaluator', '__doc__': ' Evaluator class to run the simulations.', '__init__': <function Evaluator.__init__>, '__initEnvironments__': <function Evaluator.__initEnvironments__>, '__initPolicies__': <function Evaluator.__initPolicies__>, 'compute_cache_rewards': <function Evaluator.compute_cache_rewards>, 'startAllEnv': <function Evaluator.startAllEnv>, 'startOneEnv': <function Evaluator.startOneEnv>, 'saveondisk': <function Evaluator.saveondisk>, 'getPulls': <function Evaluator.getPulls>, 'getBestArmPulls': <function Evaluator.getBestArmPulls>, 'getRewards': <function Evaluator.getRewards>, 'getAverageWeightedSelections': <function Evaluator.getAverageWeightedSelections>, 'getMaxRewards': <function Evaluator.getMaxRewards>, 'getCumulatedRegret_LessAccurate': <function Evaluator.getCumulatedRegret_LessAccurate>, 'getCumulatedRegret_MoreAccurate': <function Evaluator.getCumulatedRegret_MoreAccurate>, 'getCumulatedRegret': <function Evaluator.getCumulatedRegret>, 'getLastRegrets_LessAccurate': <function Evaluator.getLastRegrets_LessAccurate>, 'getAllLastWeightedSelections': <function Evaluator.getAllLastWeightedSelections>, 'getLastRegrets_MoreAccurate': <function Evaluator.getLastRegrets_MoreAccurate>, 'getLastRegrets': <function Evaluator.getLastRegrets>, 'getAverageRewards': <function Evaluator.getAverageRewards>, 'getRewardsSquared': <function Evaluator.getRewardsSquared>, 'getSTDRegret': <function Evaluator.getSTDRegret>, 'getMaxMinReward': <function Evaluator.getMaxMinReward>, 'getRunningTimes': <function Evaluator.getRunningTimes>, 'getMemoryConsumption': <function Evaluator.getMemoryConsumption>, 'getNumberOfCPDetections': <function Evaluator.getNumberOfCPDetections>, 'printFinalRanking': <function Evaluator.printFinalRanking>, '_xlabel': <function Evaluator._xlabel>, 'plotRegrets': <function Evaluator.plotRegrets>, 'plotBestArmPulls': <function Evaluator.plotBestArmPulls>, 'printRunningTimes': <function Evaluator.printRunningTimes>, 'plotRunningTimes': <function Evaluator.plotRunningTimes>, 'printMemoryConsumption': <function Evaluator.printMemoryConsumption>, 'plotMemoryConsumption': <function Evaluator.plotMemoryConsumption>, 'printNumberOfCPDetections': <function Evaluator.printNumberOfCPDetections>, 'plotNumberOfCPDetections': <function Evaluator.plotNumberOfCPDetections>, 'printLastRegrets': <function Evaluator.printLastRegrets>, 'plotLastRegrets': <function Evaluator.plotLastRegrets>, 'plotHistoryOfMeans': <function Evaluator.plotHistoryOfMeans>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Evaluator' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Evaluator' objects>})
__module__ = 'Environment.Evaluator'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Environment.Evaluator.delayed_play(env, policy, horizon, random_shuffle=False, random_invert=False, nb_break_points=0, seed=None, allrewards=None, repeatId=0, useJoblib=False)[source]

Helper function for the parallelization.


Create a new Evaluator object from the HDF5 file given in argument.


Returns a shuffled version of the input 1D list. sorted() exists instead of list.sort(), but shuffled() does not exist instead of random.shuffle()…

>>> from random import seed; seed(1234)  # reproducible results
>>> mylist = [ 0.1,  0.2,  0.3,  0.4,  0.5,  0.6,  0.7,  0.8,  0.9]
>>> shuffled(mylist)
[0.9, 0.4, 0.3, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8]
>>> shuffled(mylist)
[0.4, 0.3, 0.7, 0.5, 0.8, 0.1, 0.9, 0.6, 0.2]
>>> shuffled(mylist)
[0.4, 0.6, 0.9, 0.5, 0.7, 0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0.8]
>>> shuffled(mylist)
[0.8, 0.7, 0.3, 0.1, 0.9, 0.5, 0.6, 0.2, 0.4]